Saturday, November 24, 2018


You both like vegetarian.
You: Hello. I'd like to argue something. Or why are you here?
Stranger: I like a good argument haha
You: Great
You: Why are you vegetarian?
Stranger: Because I don't want to eat as many animals as I can avoid in my life. I've butchered animals and I don't like it. If I don't have a heart to do it, then why have someone else do it? It's also better for the Earth.
Stranger: Monocropping is bad enough without doing it to raise cows, pigs, and chickens.
Stranger: How are you, by the way?
You: I'm good
Stranger: Awesome, was my answer sufficient to satiate you?
Stranger: You said argue, so what point do you want me to learn?
You: I need a 10 min break
You: sorry, please wait
Stranger: That's fine
Stranger: I'm just watching Joe Rogan anyways Haha
Stranger: So what did you want to argue? We could just talk about it like two people, we don't need to be throwing other people's opinions or sources around
You: Ok, so I came back
You: and there's this idiot trying to argue against veganism
You: but now he just stopped
Stranger: Ah okay
You: and his reply is mere apathy
You: =)
Stranger: Interesting
Stranger: Yeah every belief system or anything in life has extremists
You: He's the middle though
You: I mean
You: He starts shooting in the dark
You: And then once he hears my argument
You: He's like, "I really don't care."
Stranger: What are your ideas?
You: lol
You: about veganism?
Stranger: Or vegetarianism. You tried talking about it earlier
Stranger: Or what are your opinions
You: suffering
You: unnecessary suffering
You: of certain animals
You: like dairy cows and chickens
Stranger: Okay, why?
You: why what?
Stranger: You aren't formulating an argument or making any sense.
You: I usually argue for veganism based on certain animal's living conditions in the US.
You: i.e., suffering, not slaughter
Stranger: The only thing that's acceptable to me is regulated necessary hunting for food.
Stranger: I'm not a big supporter of animal farming.
You: ya
You: Yesterday some dude was trying to argue against veganism
You: he stated that crop and animal factory farming was equally bad
Stranger: It can't be equal though.
Stranger: That's stupid.
You: regardless
You: so I brought up the fact that for every lb of beef it takes 12 lb of crops
You: so quantitatively
You: by simple math
You: he supports veganism
You: ...he didn't get it
Stranger: A large percent of our crops go to raising animals.
Stranger: Yeah he doesn't sound very smart.
You: meh, he could've been young
Stranger: Yeah. Possibly
Stranger: I learned a lot about it in my AP environmental science class and reading about it in my free time
Stranger: Simply learning about trophic levels should be sufficient evidence for that.
You: I don't know
You: That's been a typical side remark
You: You didn't do any research!
Stranger: Lol
You: ...on some irrelevant point
You: Anyway
You: Have you found a good tasting protein mix?
You: I'm trying to find a good vanilla one
Stranger: Me? I don't take very much. My body does well with the protein I get. I take peanut butter powder but that's it
Stranger: I do armwrestling and calisthenics, so yeah. Most vanilla stuff is either soy or pea protein. Soy powder isn't my favorite
You: Ok
Stranger: Hemp is pretty nice if you can deal with the fiber haha
Stranger: Protein powders are usually expensive anyways, I like homemade seitan, it's pretty easy to make
You: Well, I like to make shakes
Stranger: Try mixing chia and flax with some hemp
You: baller
Stranger: Lol it's just good food to ingest
Stranger: I like pb powder because it's really smoothe and you can consume a lot of protein that way. Whey always tasted gross to me
Stranger: *smooth
You: I don't know anything about you really
Stranger: Yeah I'm a man. A biochemistry student
You: coolio
Stranger: Ya, some women taste like urine and malic acid. It happens
Stranger: I'm not sure if that's vegan though haha
You: hmmm
You: perhaps with non-formal situations I will bring up this joke
Stranger: Sounds like a plan
Stranger: Are you still a student?
You: sadly
Stranger: My apologies, I'm from the US btw, school sucks
You: Wisconsin
Stranger: West Virginia here
You: Groovy.
Stranger: I've never been to Wisconsin, do you like it there?
You: It's just a place
Stranger: Everywhere is unique though.
Stranger: Are you okay? You act really weird every now and then. I don't know you personally though.
You: I hope you don't mind. I have two chats open.
You: You and another.
Stranger: Tell the guy I said hi
Stranger: 😂
Stranger: Yeah you aren't really asking anything about me or starting conversations, or giving anything insightful. It's a bit dull, for future reference. I didn't
You: Honestly, I didn't get much sleep yesterday
You: I'm dull, ya
You: Do you have quora?
Stranger: Yeah I have quora
You: what is it?
Stranger: I mean, I know how to share it on Facebook and stuff, but my email is 
You: sharing emails never works
You: I've tried it
Stranger: Interesting last name. Are you near Sheboygan😂
You: That's where I grew up
You: 3.5 hours away now
Stranger: Awesome
Stranger: I looked at your profile and followed you by the way, you seem pretty smart, I wasn't trying to be mean earlier or anything. I just had trouble reading you. Are you a little introverted?
You: I wouldn't say so ~ ambivert
Stranger: Yeah I'm probably about the same
Stranger: Most people that are honest would say so
You: I think most people pigeonhole themselves
Stranger: Yeah I can see that
Stranger: I wasn't meaning to classify you as simply introverted earlier, just speaking about different characteristics I was picking up. People are complicated creatures with a spectrum of different personality characteristics. It would be dumb to categorize people like that.
You: I don't read too much into things, don't worry
Stranger: Who would you say is your favorite philosopher?
You: Today?
You: Peter Singer
Stranger: He's done some great work
Stranger: It's nice to see somebody like him and his views on bioethics.
You: I agree.
Stranger: I have some laboratory classes in biology, and I don't particularly care much for a lot of what's going on. Especially with how some people treat the lab animals
Stranger: Hey, we can chat some time if you'd like, I have some meditation to do before I sleep, it will take about 2 hours probably
You: where?
Stranger: Do you have any preferred social media?
Stranger: I have most lol
Stranger: I know quora links with some
You: facebook

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