Monday, October 24, 2016

deep stuff

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger's college:
You: know anything deep to talk about?
You: can't really get to that stuff
Stranger: Hmm
You: in a normal conversation
You: you know, "deep" stuff
Stranger: "deep" in what meaning?
Stranger: Like, a stoner saying "woah thats deep man?"
Stranger: In otherwords, I don't know
You: I want to check with an expert source
You: urban dictionary
Stranger: Check what?
Stranger: Deep?
You: concept, abstraction, or theory
Stranger: ?
Stranger: Lost me
You: ya, I lost myself with that definition too!
Stranger: Lol
Stranger: So, what did you mean?
You: Well, I keep reading the definitions on Urban Dictionary
Stranger: Oh no
You: and they're not what I mean
Stranger: Lol
Stranger: So, Urban Dictionary will tell me what you don't mean?
You: Well, I could give examples...but I want you to think up a topic instead of me restricting our discussion to what I know
You: lots of depth, complex.
You: "This book I'm reading is deep."
Stranger: I am willing to discuss whatever you want.
Stranger: Okay
Stranger: Feel free to limit conversation all you wish.
You: lol
You: all right, I'll throw out some choices
Stranger: Okay
You: ethics (how are we Good people? relative to everyone else...relative to most people being just "everyday" good people)
You: future utopian society (what will things be like...probably...maybe)
You: more ethics type stuff, connected to the same topic (Good), but about other things
You: hmmmm, I know there's more deep stuff
Stranger: Lol
Stranger: Hmm
Stranger: First, what is your name?
You: Adam
Stranger: Okay, I am Myles.
You: nice to meet you
Stranger: And you.
Stranger: Hmm
Stranger: Back to picking....
Stranger: Utopian society I think
You: ok, good choice
You: before we go into it tho, do you know
You: what a stream of consciousness is in terms of writing?
Stranger: I do not.
You: free writing
You: that's what it is
Stranger: Okay
You: feel free to do that
You: I will not mind...I'll actually like that more
Stranger: Okay
Stranger: I can try
You: anyway, what do you think people will do with their free time
You: to ad infinitum
You: technology very advanced
Stranger: Any free time they have decided is unneeded.
Stranger: Hibernation pods to go into statis until something is going on.
You: what?
Stranger: Everything they might need to do in their free time is automated.
Stranger: So, they aren't needed.
You: what do you mean automated?
Stranger: Robots or something similar are taking care of everything.
Stranger: Cleaning the house, doing the cooking, etc.
You: couldn't they create any experience they want though?
Stranger: And they do in the pods.
Stranger: While they sleep/dream.
Stranger: They create any experience they wish.
You: ah
Stranger: Even more freedom than what the technology gives them.
You: there's a Bruce Willis movie about something similar
Stranger: Oh really?
Stranger: As if I knew that XD
You: ya, let me find it...
You: Surrogates (2009)
Stranger: Okay, I will check that out
You: I haven't seen it
Stranger: Darn, only on Netflix DVD.
You: hm? there's always this old of movie available to stream from somewhere online
Stranger: Yea, just not digging right now.
You: I see
Stranger: So, what are your thoughts?
You: I feel like tech would be so advanced to the point where actual physical experiences could be recreated
You: to the human intellect flawlessly
You: so any fictional character (such as a lead character in a movie)
You: could be stepped into
Stranger: Huh
You: but, for people with depression...I think there would be a higher chance of suicide
Stranger: Probably
You: then again, you see Hot Tub Time Machine II?
Stranger: I have not.
You: the youngest character tries to commit suicide, but there's like some hinky forcefield that catches him unexpectedly
Stranger: Huh
You: why do you think they're might probably be more depression suicides?
Stranger: Because of the contrast between how they seen their lives and how life really is.
You: Life would be almost anything they would want it to be though.
Stranger: It has been nice talking, but I got to go.
You: adios
You have disconnected.

Friday, October 21, 2016


You: I just want people to find a cause
You: something to stand for
Stranger: i see
You: just not for themselves
You: there is so much we can do to improve the world
Stranger: thats true
Stranger: im just not so sure
Stranger: we have the obligation to do so
You: well, there I'm getting specific
Stranger: idk my view on things is that its always nice to help those in need but people shouldn't be forced into helping
You: you are correct, I will agree that we do not have a moral obligation for any cause
You: (but honestly, I don't care. Standing for anything is OK!)
Stranger: ahhahaha
You: ya, no pressure
You: I suppose your feedback that I'm getting is to how I can make such questions for any cause
Stranger: hmm
You: I mean, I can't even get those close to me to stand for something!
Stranger: haahahah
Stranger: are u that frustrated about the society's apathy
Stranger: coz in general people just dont care about anything but themselves
Stranger: i dont think theres much we can do about that
You: it's hard being alone...
Stranger: aw
You: online I'm not, but that's not the kind of alone I mean
Stranger: so u feel lonely
Stranger: me too actually
Stranger: not sure if its the same kind of loneliness though
You: not really "lonely" just alone
Stranger: oh
Stranger: i see
Stranger: how so
Stranger: u feel like youre the only one who gives a damn
Stranger: ?

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

accepting mediocrity

You: what are you thinking about?
Stranger: i was just thinking about how close can people get
Stranger: accept someone the way one's accepts himself
Stranger: and you?
You: that I did not study section 2.5 good enough yet
Stranger: what are you studying?
You: differential equations
You: I suppose I don't accept most people for who they are
You: not even me

Saturday, October 15, 2016

direct actions, squats, rallies, election campaigns "practical stuff"

You both like activism.
Stranger: you do activism?
You: I suppose
You: Do you?
Stranger: not much atm, i used to
You: which?
Stranger: uh, well, mainly climate stuff, anti-capitalist, feminism...
Stranger: what do you do?
You: lessen extreme poverty
You: I'm a feminist though in a light sense of the term
Stranger: ah, right :)
You: I may be anti-capitalist
You: Thomas Pogge
Stranger: it's a pretty broad term
You: haven't read too much about what he's saying these days though
You: true that
You: although, climate change...I haven't done anything for that
Stranger: what exactly do you mean by lessen extreme poverty, like, rallys, soup kitchens?
You: I live in the US. There is very little extreme poverty--none that I can touch anyway.
You: (here)
You: Just a sec...
You: So, like I was saying, poverty can be divided into two main camps:
You: extreme (e.g., non-US) and relative (e.g., US)
Stranger: so you mainly do things abroad, or?
You: no, that's too costly
You: I give to foreign things, Kiva (miro-loans) or GiveDirectly
You: if you look up Effective Altruism
You: you'll get where I'm coming from
Stranger: right
Stranger: it all sounds super academic compared to what I did
Stranger: I did more direct actions, squats, rallies, election campaigns
Stranger: you know, all the practical stuff :)
You: GiveDirectly is actually more practical
You: the term you mean is "visible"

He knows her slightly more than usual

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger's college:
Stranger: hi
You: hi
You: something my friend said when he was about 19 at a social gathering:
You: He had been rooting (Aussie slang for fucking) this young lady for a couple of months on and off and at this event he happened upon said young lady and her mother who he knew too. The mother wasn't sure if he knew her daughter.

She said, have you met my daughter and he said, "I believe that's a face I have cum across before"
Stranger: lol
You: =)
You: Completely truthful and quite naughty but the mother had no idea he meant it literally
Stranger: what do you do for a living?
You: I'm a student
Stranger: comedian?
Stranger: you should be a comedian
You: I'm not Australian--I copied that from a question and answer website ;)
Stranger: haha nice, which one?
You: Quora: What's the most truthful statement you said that was quite inappropriate?
Stranger: oh quora
Stranger: it's good
You: fuck ya it's good
You: questions define and give meaning to our lives
You: answers are the spice of it all (spice of life if you will)
Stranger: hmm quite the philosopher
You: ha, to non-philosophers philosophy appears contained
You: not related to everyday interaction and existance
You: but I'm not here to convince you ;)
You: well, I should go. You know, waste more time on living a meaningful life :....J