Wednesday, November 28, 2018


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like philosophy.
Stranger: Hi
You: Hey
Stranger: Iam from india
You: US
Stranger: Ok
Stranger: Iam kuckoo 23
You: 24
Stranger: So what you think about life
Stranger: I mean
Stranger: What is our basic motive
You: what about it?
Stranger: That is
Stranger: So tell me something weird about us
Stranger: πŸ˜‘
You: What??
Stranger: About US
Stranger: Something unhappening
Stranger: Like in india, unemployment is the major worry
You: We sometimes say "How were you" (past tense) which doesn't make sense
Stranger: Ohh
Stranger: Is ganjha popular in us
Stranger: ?
You: no
Stranger: Ok
You: I have no idea what that is
Stranger: Its an indian natural drug
Stranger: Which is popular in europe and us
Stranger: You ever been in india or any plans to visit india
You: Nope
Stranger: Even maroon5 and coldplay like india
Stranger: Iam a musician
You: I'm sure
Stranger: What about you
You: I practice piano
Stranger: Oh okay
Stranger: Whats your name
Stranger: ?
You: Adam
Stranger: Okay
You: Do you read philosophy?
Stranger: And besides piano practice what you do
Stranger: Yaa, but not officially
You: study engineering
You: of course, you're a musician
Stranger: Okk
Stranger: So you study engineering in mechanicals?
Stranger: Or?
You: electrical
Stranger: Diode, resistance, ohms lawπŸ™„πŸ™„
Stranger: Capacitance
You: yep
Stranger: Welcome to the family
You: ?
Stranger: I study mechanical engineering
Stranger: πŸ˜‰
You: ok
Stranger: Officially
Stranger: Yeah
You: Ah, I see
Stranger: Okk
Stranger: So anything else you want to talk?
Stranger: Instagram?
You: Idk, I'd like it if you lead
You: Don't have it on my phone
Stranger: Any other way to get in touch with you
You: I really don't know you
You: There are tons of mech egh students
Stranger: Oh ok
Stranger: Got it
Stranger: Yeah right
Stranger: So what you think about india or about asia
You: Countries
You: Do you care about lessening poverty?
Stranger: Yeah
Stranger: If it is possible
Stranger: It will be perfect move for all of us
Stranger: Right?
You: I believe it can be done marginally
Stranger: How?
You: Through volunteering and other methods
Stranger: Yeah, you are right
You: So have you done any volunteering?
Stranger: Even there are lots of socities who take parts to reduce poverty
Stranger: Not yet
Stranger: But i love to
You: Well I can't. I don't live there.
You: All I can do is support transparent charities, really
Stranger: Hey i have question
Stranger: I dont know why
Stranger: Everyone have wrong perception abou india
Stranger: That is
Stranger: India is poor, and suffering from poverty
Stranger: But the fact is
You: There is a huge wealth divide.
Stranger: Where??
You: In India
Stranger: Ohh
You: Developed countries also don't have slums:
You: Dharavi Slum Mumbai.
Bhalswa Slum Delhi.
Nochikuppam Slum Chennai.
Basanti Slum Kolkata.
Rajendra Nagar Slum Bangalore.
Indiramma Nagar Hyderabad.
Saroj Nagar Slum Nagpur.
Mehbullahpur Slum Lucknow.
Stranger: How did you know about that divide
You: Idk, common knowledge
Stranger: Ohh really
You: My perception from talking with Indians on Omegle, is that most think it's the person's personal choice to be in poverty
You: and that we should assume that for everyone
You: and leave it be.
You: I don't make such assumptions.
Stranger: But most of them do
Stranger: Anyways
You: Although, I don't know any charities in India. The ones I know are in Africa.
Stranger: Leave it,
Stranger: Ohh really in africa
You: Yes?
You: Against Malaria Foundation is one.
Stranger: Tell me about us lifestyle
Stranger: Ohh nice
Stranger: How much indians are there in us
You: I don't know
Stranger: Whats that
You: Pictures
You: It shows we watch a lot of TV
Stranger: Ohh really
Stranger: Shocking
You: Ha =)
Stranger: And i assume, you guys are not in tv
You: What?
Stranger: Ha? 😯
Stranger: I mean not that much interested in tv and all
Stranger: You know that word ha
You: I think it dilutes our morals
You: Anyway I gotta go.


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like literature.
Stranger: Offering: CLEAN CALL (voice, no video) on an app (skype, snapchat, ...). About art, books, movies... P.S. Male. OK with any gender. In my 20s. Hi?
You: Hey
Stranger: Have you read my intro? You up for a voice-only call?
You: Maybe
Stranger: I'm from Europe and looking to brush my spoken English a bit ^^
Stranger: hence my offer haha
Stranger: how are you doing?
You: I don't give out my number right away
Stranger: not number, of course
Stranger: just an app username
You: Same difference
Stranger: but yeah let's talk here first
Stranger: What are your tastes in film, music, books?
You: Various
You: What do you study?
Stranger: Econ
You: I know a bit about developmental economics and philanthropy
Stranger: that's really cool!
Stranger: How old are you?
You: 24
Stranger: in my 20s, 26
You: Ah, I see why you said that now
Stranger: ^-^
You: I suppose some think that's too old
Stranger: well, I don't really mind as long as it's a fellow adult
Stranger: 19 or 91, doesn't matter
You: Fair enough. I talk to all ages.
You: How are you different? What do you do differently?
Stranger: well
Stranger: I like books, cats, documentaries, cooking, art history, audiobooks, science videos on youtube
Stranger: got depression, anxiety
Stranger: prefer rock, ambient, instrumental
You: Um, that's not really what I meant
You: But good to know
You: I mean, everyone has tastes and preferences
Stranger: what do you mean by difference?
Stranger: we should approach it philosophically
Stranger: there's the essential qualities of being human
Stranger: which we all possess
You: For example, I'm passionate about lessening absolute poverty
You: I'm part of a nascent movement that's all about it
You: Another example, vegetarianism/veganism
Stranger: interesting
You: I mean, what actions
Stranger: I'm vegan
You: Awesome
Stranger: Is it Adam?
You: Yes
Stranger: LOL
You: =)
Stranger: okay, we've been through this, mate
Stranger: why didn't you just say
Stranger: woe is me
Stranger: got my hopes so high
Stranger: :/
You: I don't recall talking to you
Stranger: thought I meant one more vegan on here :/
Stranger: fare well, kind Earthling!
Stranger: thanks for the chat
You: why?
You: because I'm not F?
You: makes sense
Stranger: no
You: ploy in the beginning
Stranger: cos we've talked
Stranger: don't accuse me of that please
Stranger: I'm gay
You: ok?
Stranger: it's hurtful
You: females usually make better conversation
You: What did we talk about?
Stranger has disconnected.

Monday, November 26, 2018


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like politics, philosophy, and debate.
You: Hey. I'm Adam, 24. I like to argue/discuss.
Stranger: 24, m, UK.
Stranger: I assume you're actually here for discussion.
You: Ya
Stranger: Not on the quest for puss.
Stranger: Okay, great.
Stranger: What do you seek to discuss?
You: Various topics
You: What do/did you study?
Stranger: I graduated last year in Politics.
Stranger: You?
You: What are you doing with it?
You: electrical engineering
Stranger: Nothing. It's useless content-wise except it looks superfically good on paper which helps enhance my resume.
You: I mean, what work are you applying for/have?
Stranger: Admin work.
Stranger: In pen pushing bureaucracies.
Stranger: But at the moment I am unemployed out of choice.
You: Fascinating
Stranger: I'm a merchant on eBay which I want to make full time.
You: I have some Pokemon cards I should get rid og
You: of
Stranger: Sell, sell, sell.
Stranger: What are you passionate about?
You: Eh, I'll get around to it some decade.
You: I'm passionate about lessening absolute poverty, primarily.
You: I'm also all about being veg*an
Stranger: Two particular subjects about which I happen to share an interest.
Stranger: I actually wrote a 12 000 word thesis in my final year about redesigning the monetary system.
You: Where are you from?
Stranger: A proposal to shift away from a debt-based system which is at the root of poverty and exploitation.
Stranger: UK.
You: US
Stranger: As for veganism, I am very empathetic to the cause.
Stranger: Although I must question a few things.
You: Questioning and skepticism is good
Stranger: Nothing is sacred. Question everything.

Stranger: Do you want to play a game?
You: What game?
Stranger: It's called 21.
Stranger: So we go back and forth. In a sequence of anywhere between 1 and 3 numbers. First one to reach 21 loses.
Stranger: Shall I kick it off?
You: Yes
Stranger: 1 2 3
You: 1 2 3
Stranger: No, you have to continue onward.
You: um, ok
You: 18 19 20
Stranger: No, you've misunderstood.
You: lol
You: So it's like War?
Stranger: It has to be done in number order.
You: 4 5 6
Stranger: 7 8
You: 9 10 11
Stranger: 12
You: 13 14 15
Stranger: 16
You: 17
Stranger: 18 19 20
Stranger: ;)
You: 21
Stranger: I win.
You: Yep
Stranger: Did you see how I did it?
You: Ya
Stranger: Do you want to try beat me this time round?
You: Yes
Stranger: Shall I start?
You: Ok
Stranger: 1 2
You: 3 4 5
Stranger: 6 7 8
You: 9 10 11
Stranger: 12
You: 13 14
Stranger: 15 16
You: I lost
Stranger: ;)
Stranger: Again?
You: Yes
You: Start
Stranger: 1
You: 2 3
Stranger: 4
You: 5 6 7
Stranger: 8
You: 9 10 11
Stranger: 12
You: 13
Stranger: 14 15 16
You: same as before
Stranger: ;)
Stranger: Is it frustrating?
You: Not really
Stranger: Again?
You: Yes
Stranger: You start.
You: 1 2 3
Stranger: 4
You: 5 6
Stranger: 7 8
You: 9 10
Stranger: 11 12
You: 13 14
Stranger: 15 16
You: lost
Stranger: LOL.
You: me
You: =)
Stranger: I have it down to a science.
You: ah, ok
Stranger: Play again?
Stranger: Is it fun?
You: um, not for me
Stranger: Because you keep losing?
You: Obviously
Stranger: Okay, can you do something for me?
You: Just ask it
Stranger: Now I want you truly to believe in yourself.
Stranger: Can you do this?
You: Meh, moderate self-efficacy
Stranger: Okay.
Stranger: Let's play again.
You: Ok
Stranger: 1 2
You: 3 4 5
Stranger: 6
You: 7 8 9
Stranger: 10 11
You: 12
Stranger: 13 14 15
You: 16
Stranger: 17 18 19
You: 20
Stranger: 21
Stranger: Damn it!
Stranger: You got me,.
You: Did I?
Stranger: Clearly.
You: Stranger: 10 11
Stranger: I knew you could do it.
You: Seems like you let me at:
You: Stranger: 10 11
Stranger: What makes you think so?
You: You ended on an odd number.
Stranger: Oh.
Stranger: That's ... odd.
Stranger: ;)
Stranger: I'm a cheeky bastard, aren't I.
You: A bit
Stranger: Ahahaha.
You: Ha
Stranger: Oh lollers.
Stranger: Play again?
Stranger: This time I win?
Stranger: I'm sure you can see a pattern by now.
You: I haven't thought too far into it besides even and odd numbers
Stranger: You're pretty much on the ball recognising the distinction.
You: I can play forever.
Stranger: 1 2 3
You: 4 5 6
Stranger: 7 8
Stranger: Hey, you, stop calculating. ;)
You: 9 10
Stranger: 11 12
You: 13 14
Stranger: 15 16
Stranger: ;)
You: ya
Stranger: *Sniggers*
You: Does it just have to do with who gets to 16 first?
Stranger: Who knows... Want to retry? Put it to the test.
You: Let's go
Stranger: 1 2
You: 3 4
Stranger: 5
You: 6 7 8
Stranger: 9 10
You: 11
Stranger: 12
You: 13 14
Stranger: 15 16
Stranger: ;)
You: Or perhaps 12 first
Stranger: Try again?
You: Yes
Stranger: 1 2 3
You: 4 5 6
Stranger: 7 8
You: 9 10
Stranger: 11 *12*
Stranger: ;)
You: 13 14 15
Stranger: 16
Stranger: :D
You: ya, so 12
Stranger: Again?
You: Yes
Stranger: You go first.
You: 1 2
Stranger: 3 4
You: 5 6
Stranger: 7 8
You: 9 10
Stranger: 11 12
You: 13 14
Stranger: 15 16
You: 17 18
Stranger: 19 20
You: 21
Stranger: :)
Stranger: L
Stranger: Your ass must be so sore by now.
You: 1 2 3
Stranger: 4
You: I already lost.
Stranger: I've unloaded so much can of whoop ass that he's woken up to the algorithm.
Stranger: Bravo.
You: I just see it as reaching a certain number first
Stranger: Try again?
You: Why not
Stranger: I go?
You: Yes
Stranger: 1 2
You: 3 4
Stranger: 5
You: 6 7 8
Stranger: 9 10 11
You: 12
Stranger: 13 14
You: 15 16
Stranger: 17
You: 18 19 20
Stranger: 21
Stranger: Ta da.
Stranger: So now you've noticed that it goes in a sequence of 4
Stranger: This is the pattern.
You: Ah, ok
Stranger: So, now, if I go first I will lose due to what you have learned.
Stranger: See?
You: Oh, yes
Stranger: That's why it's always best to let the opponent go first, to give the illusion that they hold power.
You: That's cool
Stranger: Isn't it just.
Stranger: I'm going to use this tactic on girls while I'm out day gaming.
Stranger: I'll get a couple of makeouts, I'm sure.
You: I had to look up
You: day gaming
You: Never heard of that before
You: I know a funny pickup line when you encounter a girl who
You: says she has a boyfriend
Stranger: What's that?
You: → "That's fine, I have a math test on Monday" or whenever
You: [...she looks confused]
You: "Ohhhhhh, I thought we were listing things we were going to cheat on."
Stranger: Yeah, that's too gimmicky and over elaborate for my taste.
You: I've had good luck with it
Stranger: I prefer, "For how long have you had this problem?"
You: and?
Stranger: Or, "I'm not auditioning for the role."
Stranger: It's short, sweet and to the point.
You: Oh, for that instance
You: I suppose
You: A bit serious tho
Stranger: Well, I cold approach girls on the street to meet, attract and seduce,
Stranger: So I'm not her dancing monkey.
You: Haa
Stranger: A good pickup line I will use is the following:
Stranger: "You seem like the type of girl who likes to sleep."
Stranger: "Do you like sleeping?"
Stranger: She will eventually say, "yes, sure..."
Stranger: And I will reply, "Oh cool, me too actually, I think we should do it together sometime."
You: So you've used that before?
Stranger: "I will..."
Stranger: Future tense.
You: Ok
You: Seems like a slap in the face 'bout to happen
Stranger: Go bold or go home.
Stranger: It's not offensive.
You: ...I suppose a dumb girl would fall for it
Stranger: It's a double entendre.
You: you know, not being able to predict it
Stranger: No, an intelligent girl would understand its double meaning. It would make it easy to distinguish between the girls who are down and those who are time wasters.
You: ya, but...
You: I haven't found most girls being *that* DTF
Stranger: Well, I care not for their intelligence unless they're butt ugly.
Stranger: Well, I doubt you actively approach girls.
Stranger: If at all.
You: Ogh, ouch
Stranger: It's not shameful to admit that it's true.
You: It's not.
Stranger: The first step is to acknowledge the problem.
Stranger: Second step is to tackle it.
Stranger: But I imagine you're afraid.
You: Too far along the same assumption I'm afraid
Stranger: What will you do about it?
You: "It's" not a problem