Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Briefest armchair philo

You: what philosophy do you want to talk about?
Stranger: whats your philosophy on life? like, what do you think is the actual purpose of life?
You: I don't think there is really anything innate or forever, but I do believe in something contemporary
You: What about you?
You: weltanschauung
Stranger: nice! well like kurt vonnegut said, "I tell you, we are here on Earth to fart around, and don't let anybody tell you different" i dont know i just think we're here to live and experience things that activate our senses and emotions in the most natural way, you know? i dont know, i know it sounds lame but im stoned so its hard to explain in depth without it sounding like stoned brouhaha
Stranger: i just learned a new word cool
Stranger: thanks
Stranger: haha
You: I prefer another comedians outlook...
You: Skip to 7:15 

Monday, August 1, 2016


You both like philosophy.
You: hi
Stranger: Hi.
You: What do you want to talk about?
Stranger: nothing specific, I'm afraid.
You: What philosophy do you know?
Stranger: eh, what do you mean?
Stranger: Academically speaking I've mainly studied epistemology and ontology.
Stranger: From Hume to Kant.
You: Is that your major?
You: Philosophy
Stranger: No.
Stranger: My major is Computer Science.
Stranger: You still there?
You: Ya
Stranger: Ok, it feels good to know that I'm not the only one sitting in silence over the internet.
You: So what philosophy courses have you taken?
Stranger: Just the one. It was called philosophy. :D
Stranger: and ethics if you count that
Stranger: I did my own research.
You: Do you ascribe to any one, such as for ethics?
Stranger: I'm not really sure what you mean by ascribe to any one
You: Something you believe in
Stranger: oh. I'm a moral relativist
Stranger: meta-ethical at that.
You: ya, that makes sense
Stranger: I had an interesting talk with someone who posited that just like logic morality can have it's own set of axioms
Stranger: and regardless of the one experiencing it they would hold true.
Stranger: But didn't really manage to convince me.
You: Can I try to convince you?
Stranger: You can try.
You: So you avoid suffering and pain, yes?
Stranger: Not necessarily.
Stranger: Perhaps a better statement would be chose the lesser of suffering?
Stranger: I mean sometimes you just actually punish yourself
Stranger: which later brings relaxation
Stranger: but whatever.
You: Well, besides exercies "pain"
Stranger: no pain - no gain man :D
Stranger: Anyway lets assume that to be true. I'm wondering where this is going.
You: =)
You: So, most try to avoid, lessen or eliminate physical pain
You: What is suffering then?
You: (Socratic method)
Stranger: But I mean that's just self-preservation instinct. no?
You: Perhaps (but it will be expanded, and applied...soon)
You: What is pain in relation to suffering?
Stranger: I don't know. It's 2:44 AM don't ask me to think of your arguments :D
You: Aww, but then it won't be meaningful
Stranger: it sure will, just answer your own damn question.
You: Any guess is invited
Stranger: Ok, I think this is semantics, so we need definitions
Stranger: Suffering is defined by OED as the state of undergoing pain, distress, or hardship.
Stranger: Therefore any continued or impulsive stretch of dislikeable experience can be considered as suffering
You: Sorry, but my arguments involve both parties having a say
You: And, yes
You: time
You: pain over time
Stranger: Now the "seriousness" of suffering can be different to different people
You: Yes, but I'll say something new:
You: suffering exists, outside of yourself
You: I mean...
You: Other people suffer?
Stranger: eeh no?
Stranger: I mean outside myself
Stranger: sure
Stranger: outside any consciousness .. no?
Stranger: Even so some philosophers would have say about the first one as well.
You: I simply mean that other people suffer--even though we (usually) don't feel it
Stranger: And I mean I can let that slide for the sake of the argument and common sense, but still I could argue that
You: (Are you going to continue?)
Stranger: no
Stranger: you have the stage
You: Oh, it just seemed how that sentence was left. Anyway
You: Would you agree that other people suffer much more than yourself?
Stranger: some other people, yeah.
You: May I ask who? (You don't have to know or have seen them.)
Stranger: A guy who got burned in a recent protest due to police brutality
Stranger: or sex-slaves of Isis
Stranger: anyone not suffering from the first world shit that I do/
You: lol
You: I'll take it. Can you do anything to lessen one or more of others' suffering?
Stranger: I guess I can.
Stranger: oi you there?
You: Oh, yes sorry
You: I have to scroll down every time for some reason
You: That's pretty much my argument. I left out the efficiency part, but altruism is what I'm getting at.
Stranger: bugs - another first world issue.
You: ha
You: I'm talking about preference utilitarianims
Stranger: Yeah this was anti-climatic
You: ooops
You: well, I don't know a better way
Stranger: utilitarianism sucks so does John Stewart Mill.
You: why
Stranger: It was the easiest topic to write the final essay on :D
Stranger: you just copy Kant and voila you get critique that was written before Mill was born.
Stranger: Because you can't measure "overall happieness"
You: That is why I said *preference* utilitarianism
Stranger: sooo If I help a guy hide his 6th body
You: Again, that is classical utilitarianism
Stranger: I kinda do what *preference* utilitarianism says is the right way to go.
Stranger: no no
Stranger: that's preference
Stranger: moting actions that fulfill the interests (preferences) of those beings involved.
Stranger: Those being involved is me not wanted to get into shit and guy who killed 6 people
Stranger: and wants to go off merrily killing others
Stranger: *promoting
You: Do you have a real argument?
Stranger: How is that a fake argument?
You: I thought you were joking around
Stranger: Nah that was a legit thought experiment
You: If not, then I assume you haven't heard of preference utilitarianism before this conversation
Stranger: That assumption would be half-true
You: If you don't mind me asking, how?
You: I have other philosophy we can talk about too
You: instead
You: (I think it bums people out to talk about extreme poverty and such things)
Stranger: I did hear about it. I just had to refresh my memory, because at the time it wasn't interesting
Stranger: and it was about 2 years ago
You: Yes, my last philosophy class was about that long ago too.
Stranger: I mean what they say about weighing preference mathematically, to me it's just impossible
You: I'm glad I met you, moral relativism is really what preference utilitarianism is today =J
You: There is no weighing in preference utilitarianism
Stranger: Moral relativism claims that morality is subjective and there is no inherent "moral" or "immoral" good or bad
Stranger: wait a minute
Stranger: aren't we talking about Hare and his theory?
You: ha, no
Stranger: THe point of this conversation was that you tried to convince me that there in fact is objectively true shit
Stranger: Then I'm lost
You: Wikipedia will only get you so far
Stranger: true
Stranger: although no
Stranger: false
Stranger: Wikipedia gets you everywhere :D
You: I'm also a little embarrassed, I never heard of Hare before today!
Stranger: If you don't wanna cite wiki, cite the citations cited in Wiki
You: I remember the calculating though
You: Anyway, I don't want people to necessarily lessen extreme (survival needs not met) poverty
Stranger: YOu don't
Stranger: ?
Stranger: You monster/
You: I just want others to lessen some kind of suffering--not necessarily the worst kind
Stranger: oh
You: Child sex slaves, women's rights, etc
Stranger: Anyway getting back to topic how is this proving existence of objective moral axioms?
You: Can you say that another way?
Stranger: The conversation started with you trying to prove that to me
You: I understand all the words. It's just
Stranger: :(
Stranger: I'm confused
You: That's probably my fault, let me try to summarize it in brief:
You: i.a) Suffering exists
i.b) Unnecessary physical suffering (pain) is bad
i.c) When possible, suffering ought to be avoided, lessened, or eliminated
You: Shall we go from there?
Stranger: That's assuming I'm a sensible person. not a psychopath raised
You: lol
Stranger: in a culture where hurting people is good
Stranger: so, no we can't continue from there
Stranger: that shit isn't yet established
You: well, the (ii) is all messed up (unfinished)
You: You remind me of a relevant question though...
You: just a sec
You: ough, it's being difficult to find...
Stranger: lol
You: Forget about my argument
Stranger: It's just funny to see question like that on stack
You: I realized from this question (answer) that I've been going about this all wrong
You: (I lovvvee stackEx)
Stranger: The title was funny
Stranger: the content seems goof
Stranger: *good.
You: It's so hard to convince people (I've convinced no one, here nor in person)
You: hell, in person everyone is against philosophy
Stranger: I have, and have been convinced on multiple accounts.
Stranger: Maybe it's yuo?
Stranger: *you
You: Well, I make it sound like they've been living their life wrong
You: (So yes, it's definitely me.)
You: It's all about the approach
You: How else should I go about it (even if you don't agree with anything I've said so far)
You: to convince people to 'find a cause'
You: lessen suffering, be altruistic
Stranger: To convince me, all you need is a good argument.
Stranger: I mean it's all nice and dandy about helping others
Stranger: but what relation does it have to our initial topic?
You: philosophy?
You: I don't know what initial topic you're referencing?
Stranger: about morality
Stranger: having a set of true axioms analogous to logic that exist regardless
Stranger: of the consciousness experiencing it.
Stranger: In logic you have shit like this
Stranger: Something cannot be A and not A at the same time
Stranger: which is true
Stranger: Always
Stranger: does morality have shit like that?
Stranger: you said yes. And the whole thing was for you to convince me in that/
You: So, how can I have you agree with something that will inevitable prove the acts of altruism true (since going against the axiom would contradict your agreement in the first place)?
Stranger: Well the same way if I tried to convince you that logic axioms such as the one already presented
Stranger: exist
Stranger: trying to prove by contrapositive
You: I think I follow.
Stranger: or by inability to bring counter example
Stranger: I mean If from A follows B that implies that from not B follows not A.
You: yes, yes
Stranger: This is pefectly justifiable
You: I understand what you mean
Stranger: *perfectly
You: I would start talking about consequentialism...
You: but I kind of should go
You: cool, I will have to think this over more to simplify the logic of preference utilitarianism