Thursday, December 20, 2018

Latvia (Lat-vee-a) resident sports med doc

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like medicine.
You: Hello. I'm Adam. I like to argue/discuss. Where are you from?
Stranger: form Latvia
Stranger: hello
Stranger: argue/discuss about what?
You: US
You: various topics
Stranger: okay. Are you a med student or what?
You: I'm not
Stranger: so why medicine?
Stranger: if you're not into it
You: biomed
You: egh
Stranger: okay
Stranger: it's like biology?
You: So what medicine do you study?
You: no
You: It's like electrical engineering
Stranger: I'm a doc already. Now getting through my residency
You: I see
You: What type
Stranger: Sports medicine
You: That sounds different
Stranger: different from what?
You: So do you mostly treat injuries?
Stranger: i'm on my first year of residency. And now i have my surgical rotation
Stranger: So i'm not doing much yet in sports medicine
You: ok
You: What do you think you will be doing in it?
Stranger: but i have three amateur sports teams, and i try to help them as much as i can.
Stranger: like conservative traumatology etc.
Stranger: musculoskeletal medicine.
You: Can you explain those?
Stranger: i can try
You: =)
Stranger: So let's imagine a healthy person
Stranger: and a person who has a serious traumatic injury, which requires a surgical intervention
Stranger: so there is a big gap in between these two
Stranger: and my goal is to master this gap. To be able to perform the most effective treatment for various conditions which doesn't require surgical intervention.
You: One moment. I have to go to the restroom.
Stranger: with physical procedures, muscle imbalance correction, etc
You: Ok
You: So is the opposite something like invasive traumatology?
Stranger: yes, we can call it like that. In my opinion a traumatologist should only do surgical procedures and spend his time at the theatre. but conditions like Tendinitis, tendinosis and other sports-associated syndromes are my thing.
You: and spend his time at the theatre?
Stranger: theatre is a place where surgeries are made
Stranger: i guess it is still called like that in english.
You: It must be a medical term
Stranger: it's because 100-200 years ago surgeries where performed in front of others, at big halls with seats for people
You: makes sense


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like Politics.
You: Hi. I'm Adam, 24. I like to argue/discuss. Where are you from?
Stranger: Hi
Stranger: I’m Ele
You: Omg
Stranger: 23.5
You: No "I"?
Stranger: No.
You: Crazy
Stranger: My last name is more crazy
You: Ok
Stranger: It’s Circumstance
You: I like Ele though...
Stranger: That’s my last name
You: sounds what I would name my child
You: if I was in an odd state of mind

Stranger: I don’t know which generation got that last name and how.
Stranger: Anyway, how are you?
You: I'm breathing
You: What do you do for work?
Stranger: Definitely someone was in that odd state of mind when they adopted that last name
Stranger: Oh
Stranger: I’m a Research Scientist in Bioinformatics
Stranger: Actually a Research Associate
You: What bioinformatics?
Stranger: Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary field of Computer Science and Biology
You: I know
You: But isn't your job more specific than that?
Stranger: It deals with the research of genetic and biological data and computational modeling.
You: Yes
Stranger: I work on the research to generate Mathematical models for predicting conditions of Asthma and its attack
You: Ah, ok
Stranger: That’s my specific research
Stranger: What do you do?
You: electrical engineering undergrad
Stranger: Cool
You: Why do you keep capitalizing nouns that are not proper?
Stranger: Autocorrect
You: ok =)
Stranger: So please ignore that.
You: No problem
Stranger: Where are you from?
You: Wisconsin
Stranger: Have you heard of the Alaska Earthquake and Tsunami?
Stranger: It happened today
You: I haven't
Stranger: It was a major disaster.
You: Sounds like it
Stranger: Anyway, are you a student of University of Wisconsin?
You: Platteville
Stranger: Okay
You: UW-P
You: Not UW Madison
Stranger: I know 2 major ones — Madison and Milwaukee
You: Platteville's the one known for engineering
Stranger: Are you a senior?
You: ya
You: or MSOE
Stranger: Are you planning for a graduate school?
You: Milwaukee School of Engineering
You: Yep
Stranger: That’s really a good plan for your career
You: thanks
Stranger: Can I ask you a question on politics?
You: I probably won't know about the topics, but go ahead
Stranger: Before that, were you born and raised in Wisconsin?
You: Yes
Stranger: What’s your stance on immigration?
You: Don't have one
You: I'm not informed on that topic
Stranger: Do you think that academically motivated Asians and Indians should be allowed to enter the states for pursuing their careers in STEM resulting in more non White doctors, engineers and scientists?
You: Sure
Stranger: Okay
Stranger: With the previous guy at Omegle, he was insisting that such immigration should not happen.
You: lol
You: Why?
Stranger: According to him, such immigration pollutes the White culture of America.
You: oh, FFS
Stranger: He was too right on that.
You: I thought it was going to be an actual reason
Stranger: He said that American culture is most compatible with Western Europe. None others should be allowed to immigrate.
You: I don't get that far with such people
You: You seem too patient
Stranger: I don’t know but hate speeches are increasing among Omegle strangers.
You: I wouldn't say it's increasing
You: Do you do any activism or charity?
Stranger: Or maybe I get the crap ones
Stranger: Charity yes
Stranger: I’m more into sports than activism.
You: What charity?
Stranger: Food charity
Stranger: Utah Food bank
Stranger: By the way, I’m from Utah
Stranger: I think that the modern Trump administration has misused the uninformed minds of many rural Americans.
You: Lol
You: Makes sense
Stranger: What’s the political situation at your city?
You: I'm kinda against local charity. But it's too late for me to want to actually explain it out
You: We had Scott Walker voted out
Stranger: I do international charity too
You: Which ones?
Stranger: WFP
You: =/
Stranger: I even cook dinner for the homeless at my house.
You: That doesn't look good
You: Oh, that's fucking awesome!
Stranger: Yes... That way they get better food.
Stranger: Although I cannot do it everyday, but I try whenever I can.
You: Do you help them hold jobs too?
You: What else do you do for them?
Stranger: Here at my state, most homeless people are into rehabilitation and struggling with their past drug use. So, considering safe situations, I interact with them for helping them with jobs.
You: I've always been from a small city
You: So we have like ~5 homeless
You: Right, gotta be safe
Stranger: That’s a challenge.
You: I accidentally had to stay in a homeless shelter once
You: One guy snuck in
Stranger: If one homeless gets to know me, the entire group tries to get in touch with me.
Stranger: There I get into more trouble.
Stranger: Coz some drug dealers fake themselves as homeless
Stranger: And that’s kinda scary.
You: And what happens?
Stranger: Nothing. If I see a gathering of too many homeless, I usually avoid them.
You: In the future, do you think I should?
Stranger: Salt Lake City has a huge issue with drug abuse among its homeless population.
Stranger: It has a growing homeless population.
You: Aw
Stranger: I usually avoid giving food to the homeless gatherings.
You: What do you mean gatherings?
Stranger: If I find them separately, then I give food to them.
Stranger: Gathering means when many homeless people gather together at a place. Coz there is a huge issue with drug abuse in those gatherings.
Stranger: Now this is about Salt Lake City
Stranger: Other places might differ.
You: I read "Under the Overpass" (a short book), and they suggested giving $5 giftcards to places like Subway
You: But the Groundhog Day (movie) is always better of course
Stranger: Yes. I don’t give them liquid cash at all.
Stranger: They are so addicted to drugs most of the time.
You: Hmmm, that's good for me to know
Stranger: Don’t call them at home.
You: I see myself being involved in such things whenever I move to a bigger city

(don’t have the rest)


Saturday, December 15, 2018


  • I don't think it's a sort of blissful ignorance. I think it's just pain unawareness. Why be vegan?
  • "Americans think a leftist and liberal are the same. They aren't. A liberal justify capitalism leftist justifies socialism."
  • I think discussing politics is largely a waste of time. There are more important things.
  • I think, generally, vegans should seek to date non-vegans. I don't mean excursively, not a mandate, just in general.

Do you want to play a game?

You both like philosophy, and literature.
You: Hello. I'm Adam from Wisconsin. I'd like to argue/discuss. Where are you from?
You: 21
Stranger: ?
You: Oh, do you have another game?
Stranger: Yes, the questions game.
Stranger: Don't know what you had in mind.
You: A numbers game
Stranger: Ahh, ok.
You: Anyway, how do you play?
Stranger: You take turns in asking each other questions, preferable funny or interesting ones.
Stranger: I start.
Stranger: If you found out right now, that you only have 5 minutes left to live, what would you do?
You: Sit. Deep breathe.
Stranger: Meditation, huh, or at least meditative, not bad.
You: Perhaps find some paper
You: write to my parents
You: write to my best friend
Stranger: Alright.
Stranger: Your turn.
You: If you had three months to live, what would you do? (You have a terminal brain tumor that will roughly end your life in three months. You do not have loss of mobility or anything.)
Stranger: Hmmmm.
Stranger: I would read a whole bunch of books that I want to read, and some books that I'd like to reread, I'd read Meditations by Marcus Aurelius and Dao De Ching every day. Moreover, I'd have a bunch of sex, and smoke DMT.
Stranger: When the time gets close, I'd give everything I own to my little brother.
Stranger: Maybe travel to another country for the last time, and then kill myself maybe.
Stranger: I would also meditate a lot, and go to church.
Stranger: Alright, my turn.
Stranger: If you could ask God anything, and he would answer, just one question, what would you ask?
Stranger: Also, I'm not saying the God of the Bible or anything, just God whoever they may be, if at all.
You: I'd look up something related to synthetic food agriculture, and ask how to create that innovation. Similarly, if my research finds that some other innovation, such as scaling up the production of vitro meat, then I'd ask how to do that. Or, hell, maybe I'd even super generalize it and ask what the discovery that would do the most Good in terms of an innovation that reduces the most suffering of sentient beings in the world.
Stranger: Ah, very admirable of you.
You: At first I thought about asking for my
You: perfect women's full name...but eh
You: more important things than that =)
Stranger: The idea was to ask a question, and not for a favor.
Stranger: Haha.
Stranger: Well, God is unpredictable, so you really don't want to waste your only question.
You: Yes, I would ask it in a way to formulate it.
You: I didn't mean that she just create it from thin air or something.
Stranger: Ah, right.
Stranger: I would ask what kind of question I should ask.
Stranger: Anyway, your turn.
You: There was no time or other factor related to the question.
You: ...I think that'd be a waste
Stranger: I think that's the only question that would not be a waste.
You: It would need to be context dependent
Stranger: Not at all.
You: So the correct question would be super general
Stranger: Well, you can't know that.
Stranger: We can't know what God would answer.
You: I didn't
Stranger: And the probability that he'll know the most reasonable question to ask is higher than you knowing it.
Stranger: That's why I think all other questions would be a waste.
You: What're five movies in your top 20?
Stranger: Ah, that's a hard question, I have some, but I won't be able to think of them.
Stranger: But one of them is Casablanca.
Stranger: I know I have other favourites, but I can't think of any other, unfortunately.
Stranger: Do you want me to skip the question to my turn or do you want to ask another one?
You: Top three stories you find memorable?
Stranger: What do you mean by stories?
Stranger: Like books?
You: Greek, short stories, novels, something you heard from someone on the bus--anything
Stranger: Ok, I'll choose 3 novels
Stranger: Really hard, though.
Stranger: But
Stranger: The Metamorphosis by Kafka, The Trial by Kafka, and Dance Dance Dance by Haruki Murakami.
Stranger: Really hard, though.
Stranger: Ok, my turn.
Stranger: If you could have a dinner with 3 historical people from all of human history, which ones would you choose?
Stranger: No one of them can be alive today.
You: Hold on
Stranger: Alright.
You: Tesla, Lincoln, Buddha. I wrote those down fast. But I'd like to ask Walther Bothe (a scientist that worked on finding how to create fission on the Nazi side) if he deliberately reported wrong results on how carbon absorbs too many neutrons
Stranger: Oh, ok.
Stranger: Your turn.
You: Do you have a passion in life? What is it? Or what should it be, regardless of motivation?
Stranger: Hmm.
Stranger: I think my passion is to learn and explore intellectual and aesthetic domains. What should my passion be? I would like my passion to be art, which it already is, along with philosophy and science.
Stranger: Alright, my turn.
You: Wait
You: I mean, not what you're good at
Stranger: Yes?
You: I mean what should it be in regards to worldly ends?
Stranger: You mean that would be of benefit to the world rather than to myself?
You: Pretty much, ya.
Stranger: Good question, never thought it, guess i'm egoistic.
Stranger: But I think what's of best benefit to the world is that which is of best benefit to you, if you're passionate and talented as a writer or artist, then your creation will be of benefit to the world, etc.
Stranger: So I would be inclined to answer the same, even though I'm sure that I'm not particularly talented; I still think that you're most likely to contribute in a domain you're good at, and I think you're most likely to be good at something you're passionate about.
You: So no thought of helping people in poverty? or somehow helping lessen animal suffering?
Stranger: Well, no, because you asked for a passion, and those things wouldn't passionate me.
You: Sentient beings at the extreme end...
Stranger: And art and literature and science is also of benefit to the world.
You: That's why I said regardless of motivation...
Stranger: Well, my answer would still be the same.
You: Damn.
You: Ok, go ahead.
Stranger: Or maybe something in regards to mental health.
Stranger: Ways to improve mental health.
You: Ok. Sounds like more of a first world problem--but that'd be a good question for got to answer in terms of some mass benefit ~ greatest good for the most.
You: I'm ready.
Stranger: Well, it will be a mass-problem soon, especially when the third-world improves considerably.
Stranger: Once people don't have to fight for hunger and basic needs, then mental health will be the next big problem, and I believe, a mass problem.
Stranger: Also, I'm not too worried about the third world with all the progress we're making, obesity is a bigger global problem than starvation, every single person on the planet has a smartphone, and those who don't will soon, we've connected more people than ever to the electric grid, and we've reached the UN goals to half global absolute poverty in half the time.
You: I'm well aware.
Stranger: Ok, if you could meet anyone on the planet for a dinner who would you choose?
You: Warren Buffet or do I have to know them?
Stranger: No, you don't have to know them.
Stranger: Anyone on the planet includes a lot of people you don't know, presumably.
You: Ok, then the woman that would be my perfect match in terms of us both mutually lessening the most absolute poverty. It wouldn't matter if she was just a friend, but I'd prefer that it was someone I could share more with.
Stranger: Ahhh, sorry.
Stranger: I meant someone you know, an actual person on the planet.
Stranger: I thought you meant someone you knew personally when you asked.
You: Warren Buffet.
Stranger: Alright, your turn.
You: If you could have one vaguely possible superpower (e.g., not control of time), what would it be?
Stranger: Hmm, I'm not sure what would constitute vaguely possible.
You: And not a bunch of superpowers (so not Superman)
Stranger: Especially considering how yesterdays magic is today's technology.
Stranger: I would choose the Sharingan from Naruto, but I'm sure it's not ''vaguely possible'' and it includes many powers, nested inside one power.
You: As an example, mine would be flight. Ya know, jetpacks.
Stranger: How is that a superpower?
You: Um, so not mysticism.
Stranger: Your example is technological.
You: Personal flight
Stranger: But you asked for a superpower.
You: Ya
Stranger: And for it to be vaguely possible.
You: It's theoretically possible
Stranger: I have no idea how to answer that, haha.
You: Invisibility is also theoretically possible
You: Many things possible
Stranger: Well, to be fair, we can't know the full extent of what's theoretically possible.
You: I'll be the judge
Stranger: Maybe I'd choose the ability to teleport anywhere I wanted.
Stranger: Or to turn myself into anyone else, like that blue chick in X-men.
Stranger: But my no-1 choice is the Sharingan.
You: Um...that's kinda...unrealistic, but I'll take the teleportation as good enough
Stranger: Well, to be fair, the question was weird.
Stranger: In any event, my turn.
You: Weird is good.
Stranger: If you could live in any historical subculture, which one would you choose?
Stranger: It can be to be a pirate in the 17th century Carribean, a knights templar during the crusades, Samurai in Feudal Japan. or anything like that.
Stranger: Right, weird was the wrong way to put it, it was a bit unreasonable and not very clear, in my estimation.
Stranger: Oh, and you can also be whoever you want or have whatever role you want in this historical subculture.
You: Well, I wouldn't want to be someone of too much influence because I'd be worried of screwing it up
Stranger: It's up to you.
You: I really do not know history that well.
You: I keep thinking I'd want to be in the here and now.
Stranger: You can't choose that.
You: Ok
Stranger: It has to be ''historically significant'' so let's say that you can't choose anything after the 60s.
Stranger: But it should be ancient history or something, funnier that way.
Stranger: Victorian England, Italian Rennaisance, Medieval Europe, etc.
You: I think I have an alternate option. I'd choose to be someone extremely wealthy between 1925ish onward...probably in America
Stranger: You're really obsessed with lessening absolute poverty, haha.
Stranger: Every answer connects to that.
You: =D
Stranger: But alright, it's a cop-out, but I accept it.
Stranger: Your turn.
You: Flight has nothing to do with it tho
Stranger: That's the exception that confirms the rule.
Stranger: And you'd probably use it to fly to Africa and help people or something.
You: lol
You: You're in my head.
Stranger: Alrighty, gimme a good one.
You: I'm trying to think of one.
You: But I really need to eat something.
Stranger: That's alright.
You: What's your name?
Stranger: Daniel.