Saturday, March 12, 2022


 You: if you had the youth of your 30s until age 200, then the youth of your 40s until age 300

You: what would you do?

Stranger: youth of my 40s is an oxymoron, but knowing me, i'd still let it all go to waste. ngl

You: lol

You: why waste it?

You: what's the main cause

Stranger: i'm just a lazy, lazy man

You: how so

Stranger: i work only so i can enjoy a sedentary lifestyle. i love just relaxing and chilling

Thursday, December 3, 2020



You both like Abortion.

Stranger: Hey

You: hey

You: pro choice or pro life?

Stranger: pro life

You: gotcha

You: at what point in a pregnancy do do I say this...

You: are you against emergency contraception like Plan B or the morning after pill?

Stranger: no

You: Ok, so where do you draw the line in a pregnancy?

Stranger: I don’t think it’s ever ok unless the moms life is endangered

You: What do you mean? You're not against emergency contraception

Stranger: I believe life starts when the fertilized egg implants in the uterus, not conception

You: Gotcha

Stranger: yeah

You: Why at implantation?

Stranger: because at that point it meets the characteristics of life, one of which is “can grow and develop” and an embryo can’t start developing until it’s implanted

You: At implantation it meets the characteristics of life, one of which is “can grow and develop” and an embryo can’t start developing until it’s implanted. Hm. OK. To meet the characteristics according to you? Because couldn't it be defined that a fertilized egg "can grow and develop"? Or at the other end, couldn't a...

Stranger: no because it’s unable to grow and develop until it has been implanted

You: ...fetus before 6 months, usually not "grow and develop" without a womb.

Stranger: correct but it’s still growing and developing within.

You: Seems a bit arbitrary to define implantation as the point it meets your characteristics of life.

You: kinda my point, but

Stranger: I meant not really

You: I gotta get back to work as my lunch is almost done

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Fitness - low reps

You both like fitness.
Stranger: hi!
You: 25, here to chat
Stranger: cool!
Stranger: 23
Stranger: here to chat too I guess haha
Stranger: whats up
You: nm
You: you?
Stranger: workiin
Stranger: did you workout today yet?
You: ya
Stranger: oo nice
Stranger: what day was it
You: Wed.
You: lmao
Stranger: uhgsdjfds
Stranger: right
You: I do a pullup progression every time.
Stranger: hahah, there we go
You: 216 pullups
Stranger: jesus
Stranger: in how long
You: 70 min about
Stranger: oo
Stranger: thats still nuts
You: I'm building up to do 50 continuous
Stranger: how many are u at rn?
Stranger: Im at
Stranger: uhh
Stranger: 27
Stranger: ish
You: So I do 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, MAX (which was 20)
Stranger: 28 is your continuous?
Stranger: or can u do more?
You: they're all continuous
You: do two other filler workouts in between
Stranger: oh
Stranger: you straight up just come back to the pull up bar?
Stranger: and then go for another exercise?
You: So today I did 28 cont., ran 10 min; 27 cont., two other workouts; 26 pullups, two other workouts, etc
Stranger: thats nuts
Stranger: do you do back workout along pull ups?
Stranger: or is it everything pretty much?
You: I do an arm workout after the pullups and then a leg or core exercise
You: And I stretch when I'm out of breath
Stranger: thats crazy
You: meh
Stranger: I just focus on a day at a time
You: I just built up to it
Stranger: go through 5-6 supersets
You: whatz a superset?
Stranger: usually supplementary
Stranger: Lets say
Stranger: You bench. You then stand up and do middle flies right after
Stranger: thats one set
Stranger: crossover flies to be accurate. That supplements bench very well
You: ok, so they're working different muscles?
Stranger: not really different muscles
Stranger: but kind of
Stranger: you get a wider range of motion with a fly
Stranger: but then, the bench is for overload
Stranger: You don't really overload a fly. It's too unstable to be a heavy lift
You: how many reps?
Stranger: My bench progression is:



Stranger: its pretty fun
Stranger: and painful
You: I'll have to look it up
You: Not really sure what you mean :)
Stranger: look up 5,3,1 if you're interested in strength building
Stranger: you can apply it to anything
Stranger: even pull ups
You: isn't the hypertrophy range 8-12?
Stranger: Hypertrophy range is a very skewed statistic
Stranger: For example
Stranger: If I do 1 rep of 315(that's my 95%), my hypertrophy range would be 1
Stranger: if I do 1 rep of 135, that wouldn't do anything relevant
Stranger: for 135, my range is much larger, therefore, time under tension comes into play
Stranger: rather than overload
You: ya, I'm not following :)
Stranger: meanwhile, at 1 rep, overload plays the role
Stranger: it basically depends on the style of a workout you want to go for
You: ah, ok. I can see that
Stranger: the farther you go away from your one rep max, the more time under tension becomes important
Stranger: On the other hand, if you're going towards your one rep max, that is an overload workout
You: I never do one rep
Stranger: 10-12 reps is ideal for about 60% of your one rep max and 10-12 reps just happens to be the average suggested time under tension (about 30 seconds) for that kind of weight
You: great, I do 10 reps
You: although, sometimes when I'm moving up, my 3rd to 5th set is 8 reps
Stranger: yeah, I do that too for most my workouts :D
Stranger: I only keep bench,squat, etc (core lifts) to 5,3,1
Stranger: Nice discussion tbh
Stranger: whats your name btw?
You: Adam
You: & you?
Stranger: nice to meet you
Stranger: Alex
You: nice
You: That's the fake name I usually use
Stranger: Alex?
You: cuz it's genderless
You: ya
Stranger: oh lmao
Stranger: I get that one
You: dudes start out with the name question
You: so I say Alex or Sam
You: So 5,3,1 are reps?!
Stranger: hey sorry
Stranger: my director came up
You: np
Stranger: ahh
Stranger: so
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: 5,3,1 are repls
Stranger: why does it matter if youre Alex or Adam
You: cuz they just be looking for nudes
You: I don't get low of reps
You: Like what're you basing this off of?
Stranger: wait wait
Stranger: im curious
Stranger: what is the point of making a conversation with someone who doesnt wanna talk to you?
Stranger: I just say im a dude and let them skip
Stranger: then get someone like u
Stranger: who actually talk
You: ya, I don't do that anymore
Stranger: s*
Stranger: haha, I see
You: unless I want to troll
Stranger: ahh
Stranger: yeah so
Stranger: reps
Stranger: You wanna get as high as possible to your one rep max
Stranger: but still be able to finish your set
Stranger: so, you increase your % and go lower in reps
Stranger: For example
Stranger: for bench:
Stranger: 135 x 20
Stranger: 225 * 10
Stranger: 225 * 10
Stranger: then, I go to 5,3,1
Stranger: increasing it by 20 every time
Stranger: ish
Stranger: or 30
You: lbs?
Stranger: for example:
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: 255* 5
Stranger: 285 * 3
Stranger: 315 * 1
You: I see
You: So you have a spreadsheet?
Stranger: yeahhh, theres a lot of em
Stranger: look up 5/3/1 spreadsheet
Stranger: it's gonna fill out your % for you
You: gotcha
You: I kinda like the simplicity of my workouts rn ;)
Stranger: Hahah
You: ...even tho I have a spreadsheet for those pullups
Stranger: your pull up thing does not sound simple at all
You: It's just decrementing
You: 8-9 sets
Stranger: thats so muuch
You: lol
Stranger: you probably grew wings already
You: I started with around 10 pullups
You: and then I had some... falling off the horse
You: longest was a couple months!
You: Do you falter?
Stranger: yo sameeee
Stranger: What is a falter
You: make a mistake or fail to be consistent
Stranger: Ohhhhhh
Stranger: yeah ofcourse
Stranger: I keep quitting gym cuz of work sometimes
Stranger: well
Stranger: thats an excuse
You: ya, but that's what I mean
Stranger: hahah
Stranger: owell
Stranger: what are your other hobbies
You: ahh, lots
You: a fuck ton of things
Stranger: ok
Stranger: list some
You: working on compiling Cheap Lazy Vegan's meal preps on this doc:
You: piano
You: try to swim and run once a week
Stranger: ooo
Stranger: heck yes
Stranger: are you vegan?
You: want to write a novel about a semi-immortal so I work on that sometimes
You: na, I'm a type of vegetarian
You: but pretty close to vegan
Stranger: what is the exception
You: haha
You: by chance, do you have Discord?

Tuesday, October 29, 2019


You both like debate.
Stranger: hi
You: hey
Stranger: have a topic in mind?
You: I could
You: Do you?
Stranger: Not in particular
You: Do you think it’s permissible to kill humans for a burger in the same way we kill animals for a burger?
Stranger: no
You: What’s there difference between a human and animal that makes it permissible for the animal but not the human-animal?
Stranger: Humans are able to reciprocate
You: What about mentally handicapped humans?
You: Do you think it’s permissible to kill mentally handicapped humans for a burger?
Stranger: Most mentally handicapped people are able to reciprocate in the manner I described
Stranger: If they aren't, then, probably we'd just view them with too much sympathy to kill and eat.
You: it is permissible to kill the other mentally handicapped humans for a burger?
Stranger: Well, how appetizing does a mentally handicapped man sound to you?
You: I'd imagine it'd be no different than a beef burger.
Stranger: Seems like one is inherently kind of off-putting, since it's made of human
You: So you believe it's permissible to kill the other mentally handicapped humans for a burger?
You: I'm sure you wouldn't know the difference.
Stranger: I think people who are violent and unable to reciprocate, and handicapped to an extent where they are a danger to themselves and others are already denied the rights to a free life other people have. We don't turn them into burgers because of aesthetic issues.
You: Are cows and such violent?
You: Do you see the contradiction here?
Stranger: Cows cannot demonstrate moral reciprocity, and in certain situations would act violently towards you
You: So you believe it's permissible to kill the other mentally handicapped humans for a burger?
Stranger: Under the circumstances I described
You: Do you see the contradiction?
You: Cows are not violent?
You: or are they?
Stranger: For instance, say you kill a handicapped man in self-defense, then you could turn his body into a burger if were looking for a snack.
You: Do we kill cows in self-defense?
Stranger: Frequently, not
You: Do you see how your addition is irrelevant?
You: So you believe it's permissible to kill the other mentally handicapped humans for a burger?
You: Just bite the bullet
Stranger: It's demonstrating how he isn't living up to the social contract
Stranger: or demonstrating reciprocity
Stranger: by actively infringing on my rights
You: Ok, so you would effectively eat mentally handicapped humans for a burger.
You: Gotcha.
Stranger: No, certainly not, that's gross
You: Yet you think it's permissible.
Stranger: I think there are certain situations where it certainly would be
You: Do you honestly think human flesh tastes THAT much different from cow muscle?
Stranger: It's not about the taste
You: What's not about the taste?
Stranger: Morality
You: That's what it seems to come down to.
You: Why don't you think the choice comes down to taste?
You: Soy/almond vs diary milk
Stranger: Because it has to do with reciprocity and one's ability to act morally
You: You've already bitten the bullet on that
You: According to you, it's permissible to kill mentally handicapped humans.
Stranger: There are certain situations where it's permissible to kill fully functioning humans
You: Sure there are
Stranger: for instance, in self-defense
You: Again, we've already covered this
You: A cow isn't attacking you.
You: Keep injecting these red herrings
Stranger: We're talking about people, and in this situation a person is attacking me
You: The matter is about killing a cow
You: Not about killing a satanic cow out to get you
Stranger: What is common in these two situations? The other person or animal is not able to, or is not, showing reciprocity.
You: Some mentally handicapped folks cannot reciprocate
You: According to you, it's permissible to kill THOSE mentally handicapped humans.
You: and fry them up
You: dish em out
You: eat em up
Stranger: Sure, if they aren't reciprocating
You: Ya. Could be you someday. Alzheimer's.
Stranger: If you are a vegetable, might as well get fried up
You: According to you.
You: That's not my moral framework.
Stranger: I'd say that people with Alzheimer's are still capable of moral reasoning and reciprocity
Stranger: Unless they are just braindead
Stranger: and then yeah, we typically kill those people in the least painful way possible or let them die