Saturday, December 26, 2015

Nietzsche's Eternal Return

What about time?
  • eternal return
  • He professes that the wish for the eternal return of all events would mark the ultimate affirmation of life:
    • What, if some day or night a demon were to steal after you into your loneliest loneliness and say to you: 'This life as you now live it and have lived it, you will have to live once more and innumerable times more' ... Would you not throw yourself down and gnash your teeth and curse the demon who spoke thus? Or have you once experienced a tremendous moment when you would have answered him: 'You are a god and never have I heard anything more divine.' [The Gay Science, §341]

Stranger: What is metaphysics?
You: the nature of reality
Stranger: but physics is also making argument about that
You: physics is about matter and energy
Stranger: Ok by matter and energy, physics illustrate the nature of reality
You: It's just implied that I mean 'immaterial' reality
You: Immaterial reality then pertains to what is not constrained by physical laws, eg concepts such as ‘character’ and the ‘mind’, Plato’s Forms, the realm of God and spirits...
You: time
You: although, time is a measurement in physics
You: but it comes from metaphysics
You: since time is a human construct
Stranger: Is time a human construct?
You: time isn't explained by physics
You: if it is where?
You: when I study regular physics I use time as a measurement

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Hubris, and because less people will die

Stranger: Hello Adam
You: what's unique to your culture?
You: or symbols off the top of your head
Stranger: Our dances, foods
You: ok, what foods
You: for me, Wisconsin, it's cheese
Stranger: Ok
Stranger: Idk the name in english
Stranger: "Feijoada"
You: stew
You: special stew
Stranger: Stew?
You: (fei·jo·a·da
A Brazilian or Portuguese stew of black beans with pork or other meat and vegetables, served with rice.)
Stranger: Oww... Did you know, or you searched it?
You: searched
Stranger: Uhm...
Stranger: Great
Stranger: So, i am brazilian
You: I guessed
Stranger: And stew is our unique food
Stranger: Lol
You: =)
You: I'm glad
You: these spoiled boys that I babysit for
You: complain about "always"
You: having sandwiches for lunch
You: now I have something new (although they don't 'always' have sandwiches anyway)
Stranger: Are you a nanny?
You: define nanny
Stranger: The person who babysit kids
You: yes
You: I work hourly 7:30-3 at their house, and bring them to chess practice, soccer, etc
Stranger: Oww... Its cool
Stranger: Where do you live?
You: got a job after that too
You: Wisconsin
You: Sheboygan
You: along Lake Michigan
You: it was cold
You: went in on Sunday
Stranger: Oh
Stranger: You told it
Stranger: I forgot
You: I've done that here before =J too
You: Do you live in the city?
Stranger: Tell me more about your culture
You: Americans don't value education
You: I do
Stranger: Yes!
You: hubris
You: American hubris
Stranger: Education is so much important
You: agreed
You: there is even a word for these people:
You: intentional non-learners
Stranger: Here our education isn't so good
You: damn
You: Americans watch a lot of tv
You: I'd say we overindulge in negative/passive leisure
You: we're eating less and less as a family
You: not family meals, but individual
Stranger: Uauu! You have good words
Stranger: A great speach.
Stranger: Lol
You: you're still learning English?
Stranger: Yeah
You: will help
You: you learn American slang
You: it's also hilarious
Stranger: Thanks for the advice
You: I promote that site a lot here
Stranger: Why?
You: it's very useful
You: even when I was growing up
You: and someone said words I don't know
You: especially adult words
You: I'd always find the answer on that site
Stranger: But aren't you an american?
You: yes
You: as a child we don't know adult words
You: jacking off, blow job, etc
Stranger: Ohh... I see
You: horny, blue waffle
You: muffin top...some are cruel
Stranger: Yeah! I really need that site
Stranger: Haha
You: one of my Brazilian Skype friends noted how he just found out
You: about "sleeping with"
You: as he was telling me that he slept in the bed with this girl, but did not 'sleep with' her
Stranger: Lol
You: how old are you btw?
Stranger: 17
You: 20
Stranger: Ok
Stranger: Do you study?
You: formally
You: I'm going for electrical engineering
You: although, this past semester
You: I had to work part time, and go to online college
You: (since I did so poorly the semester before that)
Stranger: An interesting course
You: I have very low willpower
You: I would binge on online movies
You: other online things too
You: that's a significant reason why I did so bad
You: What do you want to do?
You: still in secondary school?
Stranger: International relations
Stranger: Yeah
You: if that's what you call it
You: wow
You: culture all the way!
Stranger: I want to work in a humanity organization
Stranger: Thats why
Stranger: I love other cultures
You: awesome
You: you mean
You: humanitarian--right?
Stranger: Yes!
Stranger: Hahah
You: =)
You: I know more than the average bear
You: about extreme poverty
You: NGOs
You: macro-economics
You: It really comes down to what I believe is my purpose in life
You: to lessen extreme poverty
You: (that was a terrible sentence)
You: grammar wise
Stranger: You have a good purpose in your life
You: thank you
Stranger: Everybody should have the same one
You: Why?
You: That's a bold statement.
Stranger: Because less people will die
You: I suppose...I'm happy that you're churning my thoughts that are usually kept dormant
Stranger: ;
Stranger: :)
You: I've reduced your position (everyone should care about it) to everyone should merely join/support a cause
You: any cause: AIDS, teen literacy rates in Chicago public schools, rights for women in Afghanistan, etc
You: but you said it so simply
You: because less people will die
You: bam
Stranger: Ok... Sorry for my simple answer
Stranger: Hahaa
You: brevity is the soul of wit
You: (quote)
Stranger: You know about many things...
Stranger: Do you read very much?
You: haaa, I've got an even better quote for that
Stranger: Thanks
Stranger: Haha
You: "By attempting many things, I have accomplished nothing”
You: I like to think I read often
You: I try, but to not
You: for example, I have a daily to-do list (
You: and one of my dailies is it be reading 20 min ago
You: until I go to sleep
Stranger: You type so fast
Stranger: Hahaha
You: mistakes too *but do not
Stranger: I like read too, but i seldom do that

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Friday, May 8, 2015

R books

Stranger: what did you learn?
You: I'm easily interested, so I actually am intrigued
You: Today, the question is
You: did I learn it or did I know it all along, and just explicitly say that I learned it
You: hmmmm....
You: OK
You: actually, I think I really learned this especially today
You: practice what you preach
You: in a sense
You: about reading
You: because I don't practice that as much as I preach it
Stranger: how do you mean?
You: I read little, yet flaunt about telling others how they should read
Stranger: ah
Stranger: why?
You: why what?
Stranger: why do you tell others how they should read? what does that accomplish?
You: I'll answer your first question. Your second seems too complicated to answer.
You: Reading is the start of anything
You: everything
You: a skill or wonder
You: all found though another person
You: doubly as quick as them speaking it to you
You: (we talk at an average rate of 120 words per min and read about double that)
You: not only learning a new skill
You: but the love of reading nonfiction as a past time
You: not to be some pretentious intellectual
You: but to know a thing or two about things most
You: people, by themselves (observation alone), would/can't aquire

INGENSTANS ~ nowhere

lorem ipsum is a filler text commonly used to demonstrate thegraphic elements of a document or visual presentation. Replacing meaningful content that could be distracting with placeholder text may allow viewers to focus on graphic aspects such as font,typography, and page layout.
The lorem ipsum text is typically a scrambled section of De finibus bonorum et malorum, a 1st-century BC Latin text by Cicero, with words altered, added, and removed to make it nonsensical, improper Latin.
aburrido - boring
pecuniary - of, relating to, or consisting of money
lo siento - I'm sorry

You: what tools do you use?
Stranger: Depends. Duolingo, memrise, actual textbooks
Stranger: And native speakers when I can
Stranger: What languages are you learning? It differs per language
You: Spanish
Stranger: mi espanol es bastante mal and I learned it in school... but memrise and duolingo are probably your best options in that they're free and pretty comprehensive
You: I just started duolingo
Stranger: te gusta?
Stranger: i started spanish today on duolingo actually
You: want to join me?
Stranger: i tested out of 49 levels but that goes to show that you can understand a language well while still speaking it poorly
Stranger: I'm a bit new to duolingo, so you'll have to explain how one goes about that...
You: I'm pretty much as far along as you
You: how many languages are you learning?
You: ya polyglot
Stranger: it's my passion, what can I say. I'm technically learning Japanese atm, but duolingo really only does European languages. I'm pretty proficient in Swedish already since that's my main second language and I basically wanted to see what it looked like on duolingo
Stranger: so what made you want to study spanish?
You: ha
You: this is a cool coincidence
You: so
You: I "publish" conversations I've had (that don't mention anything about the other) and
You: last week
You: I couldn't decide if I wanted to learn
You: Japanese or Spanish (mainly this summer)
Stranger: That is...quite the discrepancy
Stranger: Per the old taco shell commercial, "Why not both?"
You: eventually
You: but one before the other
Stranger: Very true. That was my rationale for not doing Japanese and Chinese at the same time
Stranger: Chinese seems so much simpler but ultimately I went with the easier pronunciation and more prolific pop culture
You: ah
Stranger: Eventually for me too
Stranger: I'm learning German really because I'm likely going to several countries in Europe next year and several of them are German speaking
You: wow
Stranger: Can't be a polyglot and not at least attempt to learn the language of your holiday countries
You: have a computer science (major) friend who's learning German
You: when I ask him to where he want to eat
You: he replies in German all the time
Stranger: Code switching is a hassle
Stranger: It happens all the time when I'm attempting Spanish and I come up with a Swedish word instead
Stranger: How many languages do you speak, btw?
You: took two years of Spanish in hs--which mostly forgot, sarcasm, c++, 25% of Java Script, and really not anything besides English
Stranger: Same. I haven't forgotten my Spanish because I live in a very very Hispanic area, I would actually say that I speak Swedish, and adequate Java.
Stranger: Funny that you do human and programming languages too
Stranger: Are you a CS major?
You: electrical
Stranger: aha
You: I don't know how old you are, but what's your major?
Stranger: Still in high school... It's going to be linguistics, probably. I've considered double majoring.
You: ya, I thought I wanted to maybe even triple--but it's not like that anymore
You: it's like running a race
You: at first you want to win
You: then, when you're running the marathon, you just care about finishing
Stranger: I'm feeling that now. I thought it would be a brilliant idea to do AP CS, AP Calc, and AP Physics atop other atrocities
You: out of three, I only got credit for AP Macroecon
Stranger: I'm taking that next semester. It actually does sound interesting, if only because I feel massively ignorant on pecuniary matters
Stranger: I think my schedule only allows for micro, though
You: oh
Stranger: Which is much more boring, likely
Stranger: Or aburrido, should we say
You: I liked it because of my teacher, and I have an interest in developmental econ (even though we skipped that chapter)
Stranger: I noticed that whilst perusing your blog
You: haven't taken micro, so I wouldn't know, but that CS friend is taking micro at the university level next semester
Stranger: I wish him/her the best
You: thanks, he'll get a fair prof
Stranger: ratemyprofessor to the rescue? heh
You: well, that's what we always use--but he got a direct optinion from me, since I'm taking that same prof for a finance class (have to have same matching course subject with the AP)
You: anyway, got to write a paper for that class now
You: nice talken with ya
You: do you have skype?
Stranger: I do not, lo siento
Stranger: have fun with that paper. I should probably be writing a program or something atm too
Stranger: the wonders of the internet
You: duolingo is probably good enough
Stranger: Hopefully. Challenge me if we ever find out how... it seems to be specific to the app or something
Stranger: Have a good evening!
Stranger has disconnected.


You both like philosophy.
Stranger: so philosophy
You: yes
Stranger: im going to be upfront, im not formally educated in philosphy and i am unfamilar with much of the field
Stranger: with that being said
Stranger: what philosophical topic has caught your interest as of late?
You: do you like ethics, epistemology, metaphysics? (three main branches of philo)
You: poverty philosophy
Stranger: epistemology is interesting
Stranger: though i have my own ideas of what can be known and how
Stranger: and im afraid it may be over simplified
Stranger: ethics
Stranger: on the other hand
Stranger: well
Stranger: what is ethics?
Stranger: if ethics is synonymous with morality
Stranger: which i doubt it is
Stranger: then i would say there is no point to discussing morality/ethics because there is no absolute morality
Stranger: there is only a goal
Stranger: and methods used to reach that goal
Stranger: sorry for my word vomit
Stranger: but what do you think?
You: well, more of just trying to understand
You: of course there's a point to discuss
You: even when there's not an absolute answer
You: it's like the whole point of philosophy itself
Stranger: of course, but i dont think anything is inherently right or wrong, it is only successful or unsuccessful in achieving a goal
You: as a tangent, you may find something interesting here:
Stranger: k searching it up now
You: killing someone is wrong
Stranger: why?
You: why do you get to choose if they die?
You: you don't
Stranger: but why is that inherently wrong?
Stranger: other than an emotional feeling
You: because it's not you who get's to do that, you do not have the right to
Stranger: who decided wether or not i have that right?
You: I could also bring up the categorical imperative here, but I won't
You: the society you choose to be a part of
Stranger: yes, it is wrong because someone says it is wrong
You: not neccissarily
Stranger: or at least that is how it appears on the surface
You: you're committing a fallacy here
You: slippery slope
Stranger: how so?
You: or...
You: trying to think of the word
Stranger: strawman?
You: no, but it's similar to slippery slope
Stranger: show me where you think im wrong
Stranger: im curious
You: it's kind of like exaggerating something to the point it's not
You: I'd have to look at a list of fallacies, but I don't care to make that much effort
Stranger: but what did i exaggerate?
You: kind of...
You: similarity
Stranger: all i said is that killing is not inherently wrong, it is only wrong according to society
You: well, it'd only be you without society
You: well, let me say this: mutual understanding (in place of "someone says it's wrong")
Stranger: so if the majority of a society says something is morally acceptable or not, does that make it so/
Stranger: ?
You: no
Stranger: so how do you arrive at the idea that killing is inherently wrong?
You: you're using power to end someone who for you to decide to end is not right
Stranger: why not?
Stranger: you are just restating the statement
You: forcing power over someone
Stranger: but why is that wrong?
You: they don't want it
Stranger: and why should i care what they want?
You: it's not a matter if you should care, but I guess I will have to argue that point
You: so, we're back to "mutual understanding"
You: can I get off that easily?
Stranger: well, but then that shows my original point
You: ya know, you don't shit on my car, I don't shit on yours
Stranger: that things are only right or wrong in relation to a goal
Stranger: but, they are not inherently wrong
You: what goal does killing someone have?
Stranger: no, not killing someone has a goal
Stranger: which is
Stranger: to have society which can function
Stranger: and you will benefit from
Stranger: you said it yourself
Stranger: the goal
Stranger: is mutual understanding
You: hey, I don't have a lot of time. want to dialogue about robin hood ethics?
Stranger: sure
Stranger: im not familiar
Stranger: but
Stranger: id be glad to talk about it
You: pretty much what it sounds like
Stranger: steal form rich give to poor kinda hitng?
You: yep
Stranger: see, but my view of ethics is shaped by our previous convorsation
Stranger: its very hard to explain
Stranger: but, what it comes down to is that I am selfish
Stranger: so are you
Stranger: you dont do anything that doesnt benefit you
Stranger: honestly i havent thought about ethics much past that because it all because trivial
Stranger: if it serves my interests
Stranger: then i will consider it ethical
Stranger: otherwise i will consider it otherwise
You: is this similar to some kind of philosophical thought or school?
Stranger: hmmm, im not sure
Stranger: im sure someone else put a name to it
Stranger: at some point in history
Stranger: but this is just my thoughts
You: I understand
Stranger: ahh yes
Stranger: i dont think alrtuism exists
You: exactly why there are levels of altruism
Stranger: ooh i see
You: with the first not being an actual form
Stranger: i just read that
You: of altruism
Stranger: so yeah, i think people do things that will benefit others more than it does themselves
Stranger: but they will ALWAYS only do things if the benefits to themself outweigh the cost to themself
You: I really want to read more into this, more about how we don't do it from self interest (because it seems that when we think about it, and philosophise, that's where we go wrong...or what I mean is, we don't all what's on the table)
Stranger: i think it is impossible to do things NOT out of self interest
Stranger: And i just had a thought
Stranger: perhaps
You: didn't you see the chart on page 2?
Stranger: the lack of pure altruism is related to how we define the self
Stranger: ill take a look
Stranger: one sec
Stranger: okay yeah i see it
You: but it seems to have a bias towards Buddhism ("Being Altruism")
Stranger: hmmmm
Stranger: Perhaps it is arrogant of me, but i really feel like the chart is an overcomplication of things
Stranger: for me
Stranger: the most important aspects are the binary ones
Stranger: the yes/no or black/white
Stranger: so when i think "is it possible to be altruistic?"
You: what?!
Stranger: i come to the conclusion that it is impossible to be truely altruistic
Stranger: then
You: it seems like you're saying it's best to do black and white thinking
Stranger: well, its actually kind of grey
Stranger: ahah
Stranger: but
You: I sort of get what you mean
Stranger: i mean to really dig deep into the structure of reality and the self, you have to think in terms of yes or no
Stranger: however
Stranger: there are many different colors of grey within those yes's and no's
Stranger: idk
Stranger: it is just something that i have noticed to be helpful when seeking knowledge
Stranger: and truth about anything
Stranger: because this way i can lay out a rudimentary structure
Stranger: and then once tht structure is laid, then i can worry about details
You: the truth is never pure and rarely simple --Wilde
Stranger: you know what i mean? like do the rough work first and then tune it into shape
Stranger: like if i were to sculpt a statue, i would first cut out the block that i want to work with
Stranger: so as to not overcomplicate things
Stranger: and then
Stranger: from that block
Stranger: i would chisel out the statue
You: yes, I suppose I understand better
Stranger: so the chart of altruism
Stranger: i see that as part of the rock that is outside the block that i am working with
Stranger: i can cut that out to really focus in on what matters
Stranger: anyway
Stranger: my brain hurts
Stranger: so ill let you talk to someone else now haha
Stranger: c ya later!