Thursday, October 25, 2018

writing and weed

You both like writing.
You: Hi, I'm Adam. 24. What's a good question? Or what should we talk about?
Stranger: Hiya I'm 24 too
Stranger: and idk. i'll talk about pretty much anything
You: ok?
Stranger: lol
Stranger: Oh, I'm Mai btw. Hiya Adam
You: Nice, short time
Stranger: short time?
You: *name
Stranger: Ah. Yeah, i guess
Stranger: idk blame my mom lol
You: But it's a good name
Stranger: Yeah. Well, apart from people normally pronouncing it wrong
You: Let me try: Mai
Stranger: Not like tons of people know how to pronounce vietnamese names right lol
You: =)
Stranger: Well, that's typing it haha. not real, pronunciation involved
Stranger: idk type it like how you think it sounds and i'll tell you if you got it right :P
You: awww, do you WANT me to be wrong?
Stranger: haha it'd be cool if you got it right
You: My
Stranger: Nice!
Stranger: got it rigth
Stranger: right*
You: lol
Stranger: lmfao did you look up a pronunciation guide?
You: yes
You: lololol
Stranger: lol that's totally cheating
You: I know ;)
Stranger: now, if you hadn't though, i bet you'd have said May, right?
Stranger: i mean, props on bothering to check haha
You: I don't know
You: I didn't even think to try
Stranger: I'm in writer, i can appreciate the research skills lol
You: =D
You: What do you write?
You: specifically as possible
Stranger: fiction mostly. I'm working on my MFA in creative writing right now
Stranger: well, specifically as possible, if you're into genre stuff or something that's easy to do. not so much if you like postmodernism and minimalist writers lol
You: Hemingway?
Stranger: that's old stuff
You: What's another big minimalist?
Stranger: he wouldn't really fall into that category
Stranger: raymond carver would, certainly
Stranger: my favorite's Amy Hempel
You: I'll look into them
Stranger: Hemingway is more just a "sparse" long form writer
You: I have a vague idea of a book I want to write
Stranger: well, write it then
Stranger: research, jot ideas down, then do it
You: maybe in like 10 years
Stranger: why that long?
Stranger: most books take a while, but not 10 years
You: I think I partly want to get better at piano and something else
Stranger: 3-5 is pretty realistic though
You: I mean until I start =J
Stranger: lol
Stranger: idk hearing people say like, "when i get around to writing" is sorta like, how i'd get annoyed hearing people say in undergrad workshops, "i love writing but i hate reading"
Stranger: like, wtf?
You: WTF!
Stranger: ikr
You: that don't make any sense
Stranger: if you don't like reading you have no business being a writer
You: well, they'll just churn out shitty writing
Stranger: you at least should like reading just for the self interested part of wanting to know what's out there, but even that's a shit reason
Stranger: ikr
Stranger: ugh one thing i like about grad school. some people are better than others, but no one's bad
You: yes, I've thought that too
You: hmmm, somewhat insightful
Stranger: well, by the time you're working on an MFA, you sorta weeded out the bad writers lol
You: Talking to you just made me realize I could go onto grad school in a different profession
Stranger: some might just end up teaching, but at least they "get it" even if they're not great at it
You: haha
Stranger: yeah. i mean, i got my BA in English Lit, so my MFA is pretty logical for me
Stranger: but yeah, no reason you can't change fields
You: one guess my major now?
Stranger: music?
You: electrical engineering
Stranger: ugh
You: lol, music
You: I guess you're logical
Stranger: well, you mentioned the piano
You: Yes.
Stranger: engineering, that's just too much math for me. and i'm fucking asian haha
You: lololol
Stranger: well, idk 1/2 white so my white 1/2 is just really really bad at math lol
You: =)
Stranger: you still working on your bachelors or?
You: So I was just collaboratively writing a group lab report yesterday. And I noticed how this other EE student was super redundant (among other obvious bad writing in the report)
You: Yes.
You: Struggling to finish
Stranger: LMFAO you mean like too many adverbs?
Stranger: i hate cliche language too. like, "time passed slowly like glaciers" like....come on! second draft that shit lol
You: haaaa
Stranger: right?!
You: Engineering students, I suppose, think that more words is better on reports
You: One professor grades harshly against it
You: But his red marking are futile among the other profs
Stranger: lol well, idk writers can too though. i mean, david foster wallace is my all time favorite writer, and he's not exactly known for "short works" LOL
Stranger: idk english like, like, essays and stuff, those get overly verbose for sure
Stranger: fiction's different though
You: damn, I'm jealous of your lit. knowledge
Stranger: lol
Stranger: idk one of my prof's teased me that "light reading" to me is re-reading "Gravity's Rainbow" LOL
You: 'Lengthy, complex, and featuring a large cast of characters'
You: Ok, I'm just a dumb engineering student girl
Stranger: that quote could apply to GR or IJ
You: meaning who?
Stranger: the 'Lengthy, complex, and featuring a large cast of characters'
Stranger: that thing you said. That quote could apply to DFW's "Infinite Jest" or Pynchon's "Gravity's Rainbow"
You: Ok
You: It was the second sentence of what Wikipedia has
Stranger: for which one?
You: Gravity's Rainbow
Stranger: GR?
Stranger: yeah, i figured
Stranger: but like i said, it could apply to both
Stranger: well, and my prof saying that, what makes it fun is like, there's english professors out there who haven't been able to get through "GR"
Stranger: funny*
You: well, I know philosophy undergrads who really don't know philosophy
You: *I knew
Stranger: well, but that's philosophy students
Stranger: GR is like, famous for really smart people having trouble getting through it, it's just a really hard book. idk philosophy majors....i feel like with some of them, they just smoke too much weed and think it makes them deep
Stranger: i mean, i smoke a lot of weed, but at least i know it makes me dumber lol
You: haha, sounds like you got that from a book
You: but the last part makes be believe otherwise
Stranger: i dont think i'm profound when i'm stoned. i get i'm just horny and stupid lol
You: Question for you
Stranger: haha idk i've been bitching about philosophy majors i've know since i was like, 19
Stranger: sure, what?
You: what?? why
Stranger: why?
You: I don't know any philo majors anymore I guess
Stranger: you said you had a question for me so i said, sure, what is it
You: ya, what's the cost of having a constant supply of weed?
Stranger: honestly, i dont remember. my dealer's my f buddy. so my stuff's free
You: aw
You: lucky dog
You: that could never work out the other way around
Stranger: idk plus like, i'm not exactly an ugly chick so like, not hard just hanging out with someone and having him smoke me out
Stranger: haha i can agree with that
You: do you have facebook?
Stranger: yeah, i dont share it with people i dont know
Stranger: you seem interesting though, so i'd share my email if you wanna stay in touch
You: sounds about right
You: no thanks, I've done that before
You: but can never hold a conversation
You: unless you want to send me an actual letter
Stranger: idk if i meet someone on here, i just email with them and we meet back up on omegle to talk lol
You: from a PO box or whatever
Stranger: LMFAO!
You: =)
Stranger: meeting back up on omegle's easy. just have to put in a really weird interest
You: I have an interest that only matches like once a year
Stranger: what's that one?
You: but no thanks, too much planning
Stranger: haha
You: effective altruism
Stranger: i'm a writer, i plan shit out lol
You: someone actually said they're going to send me a letter tonight
Stranger: when'd you match up with that one?
Stranger: that'd be like me matching up on here with someone and my fav band
You: I don't remember when the last time was
You: do you put your fav band?
Stranger: i do but i've never matched up on here with it
Stranger: Pavement, btw
You: Jesus, that's more specific than mine!
Stranger: LOL
Stranger: at least on here
Stranger: idk irl i've met plenty of people who loved pavement
Stranger: but on here, never
You: That's cuz you hang around stoners
Stranger: or they liked them after i sent them a link
Stranger: some stoners like pavement
Stranger: while, white stoners lol
You: haa
Stranger: my f buddy's black so haha no way he knows pavement
You: haaa
Stranger: lol ikr
Stranger: haha probably yet another reason i'd never date him lol
You: haha, what?! that's kinda...idk
You: suppose I didn't see "another"
Stranger: oh haha idk sounds bad but i dont really date black guys
Stranger: i'll fuck someone but idk mostly just date white guys
You: what? why not??
You: I'd love to date non-white chicks.
You: Esp black chicks
Stranger: well, i mean, i love reading, writing, music, movies. idk i can be pretentious lol just, not too many black guys really have those sorta conversations to offer lol
Stranger: idk plus my "type" would be idk smart, funny, taller bearded white guys lol esp if i was gonna date someone
You: ok, let me go back a minute and erase that perspective from my memory...
You: I get it though
Stranger: and i'm not saying i'd NEVER date a black guy
You: Ya ya, I got it
Stranger: it's not like that. i just know my type, in general
You: Yes, I see
You: I think when I eventually end up in a large city, I'll make a rule to only date black women
You: Less dating, but I'd like that
Stranger: lol
You: Won't have to wonder about [blank] chick
Stranger: idk dating can be weird though. i dont do monogamy so, idk guys get jealous
You: ha, I bet
You: I've never been in that situation
Stranger: yeah idk. i
You: I think I'd want a polyamorous relationship
Stranger: l'll do emotional monogamy with a bf
You: But I don't know
Stranger: but sexually like, i expect us to both sleep with other people
You: Why do you expect him to?
Stranger: idk that's where i'm weird too poly like, doesn't quite agree with me
Stranger: i dont mind emotionally being with just one person. i just don't only wanna fuck him
Stranger: well, if he wants to, of course
Stranger: not like he has too haha
You: so not quite poly is what you're saying?
Stranger: yeah
You: ok, I think I get what you're saying
Stranger: poly is too much loving multiple people and idk if i can do that
You: haahahaha
Stranger: so i dont quite fit in that group
You: I've never laughed so much on Omegle
Stranger: haha thx
Stranger: rather you think i'm funny than weird
You: hmm, I'll decide that later
Stranger: well, or if weird some, at least you think it's funny lol
You: weird is most often good though
You: in my eyes
Stranger: most of the time
Stranger: not always lol
Stranger: and brb k? gotta pee
You: k
Stranger: th
Stranger: thx*
Stranger: back thx
You: no problem
You: Are you from Florida?
Stranger: no
Stranger: I'm from Arizona
Stranger: wbu?
You: Wisconsin
Stranger: cool
You: I looked into Amy Hempel
Stranger: my first two years of college were in michigan
Stranger: i hung out in milwaukee a couple times. that's a really fun city
Stranger: and?
Stranger: Amy Hempel's great. Check out her short story "The Harvest'
You: he teaches creative writing at the University of Florida.
Stranger: yeah really lol
You: *she
Stranger: she does? last i checked she was teaching in brooklyn
You: hey, Wikipedia doesn't lie.
Stranger: LOL
Stranger: welll......
You: =)
Stranger: i mean, she might now. i just hadn't heard about it
Stranger: I'd love to meet her. Reading her stuff got me into writing, i just had that whole, "you can write like this?!?!" moment reading her stuff
You: all that really matters is that she's alive and in the US
Stranger: ikr
Stranger: and if you wanna read her stuff it's easy, all her short story collections are included in her compete stories collection
Stranger: lol i am proud of my 1st edition copy of "At The Gates of The Animal Kingdom" though lol
Stranger: complete*
You: Have you read any Peter Singer?
Stranger: sounds kinda familiar, but no i havene't
You: that title reminded me of one of his works
Stranger: on my own lately i've been reading Karl Ove Knausgaard's "My Struggle" series of autobiographical novels
Stranger: and that's like, 3,600 pages so, takes a minute lol
Stranger: and i'm a fast reader lol
You: a long minute all right
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: they're pretty amazing though
Stranger: especially for a book basically that's "a Norwegian novelist writes about writing a super long novel about being a Norwegian novelist" LOL
You: lolol
Stranger: it's pretty amazing though. it's like a modern day "In Search of Lost Time"
Stranger: and i don't throw Proust out lightly
You: I keep wanting to say 'interesting'--but I came to believe to today that it's not a "real word"
Stranger: to me it always felt like the person was really saying, "I dont understand what you're talking about" and interesting is just the bestnicest word they could think of to say
Stranger: lol
You: ha, well that's part of it
Stranger: so i can appreciate you not just going: Interesting lol
You: I realized I really don't know literature like I thought I knew it
Stranger: idk the stuff they teach you in basic undergrad and hs is pretty lacking
Stranger: plus you just reread the same shit
Stranger: you really have to get into "true" contemporary lit and stuff
Stranger: like, the french oulipo movement of writers, they're fucking amazing
Stranger: and one sec k? Kafka's bugging me for food
You: k
You: great name for a pet
Stranger: backs
Stranger: haha and thanks!
Stranger: yeah, Kafka's my cat
Stranger: I think a husky named Nanook would be pretty perfect
Stranger: idk if you know your anthropology lol
You: I don't
You: but I looked it up
Stranger: LOL
Stranger: see?
Stranger: perfect name, right?
You: better than Sparky
Stranger: i think we've been chatting long enough you know i'd never have a pet named sparky lol
Stranger: that was funny though
You: ok, before you go
You: what's your favorite movies?
Stranger: well, favorite of all time is "Synechdoche NY"
You: bad grammar
Stranger: i really loved "Arrival" too
You: (me)
Stranger: the new Amy Adams one
Stranger: I turn my grammar nazi off on here so it's ok lol
You: ya, I do wonder how many things I actually don't catch
You: most I don't care to correct here
You: but still
You: Well, Ok.
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: in my writing like, i've obsessed over one sentence for like, 2 days before
Stranger: but on here for the sake of conversation, i don't obsess so much over what i write
Stranger: which is kinda cathartic
You: oh, ya I really wanted to ask you what, if any, websites you use
You: related to writing/reading
You: but mostly writing
Stranger: well, for publishing, duotrope is a good guide of what lit journals are out there
Stranger: as far as online that's about it. for writing, i just use my normal pages app, but i do use scriviner sometimes if i'm working on something more structurally complex
Stranger: and you just going cuz you're bored? or like, cuz you have to go do something?
You: I thought you were going
Stranger: me?
Stranger: no i'm free
Stranger: i thought you said you were
Stranger: i just said i had to feed my cat
You: " i think we've been chatting long enough "
Stranger: OH haha
Stranger: i didn't mean it like taht
Stranger: it was just a statement of fact you've prob gotten to know me well enough to know i'd never name a dog "sparky" or like, "rover" is all i was saying
Stranger: i wasn't being like, "fuck off" lol
You: ahahaha
Stranger: yeah haha
Stranger: all i was sayin
You: oh my god, I'm still laughing
Stranger: LOL
Stranger: lol trust me, if i'm chatting on here, i prob have some free time lol
You: it's the opposite for me
You: yet here I am time after time
Stranger: ah
Stranger: for me i'll take writing breaks sometimes and get on here
Stranger: so, i'm still typing so my fingers get a workout, and i can detach from whatever i'm working on
You: I think even if I was writing, it still would be hard to get back to 'work'
Stranger: idk i'm bipolar so if the mania kicks in i'm good to go LOL
You: ha, nice way to think about it
Stranger: well, either i'm super productive writing or just super slutty but idk
Stranger: either way it's fun LOL
Stranger: idk better than being depressed for sure
You: awhhh, you shouldn't say such things with a guy you'll never meet
Stranger: so saying like, i love giving head would be like, what? just mean?
You: yes!
Stranger: haha sorry. i couldnt help myself
You: then I have those thoughts
Stranger: idk
Stranger: i can't talk
Stranger: i get on here sometimes when i'm horny
Stranger: only pob is i hate talking to someone who's stupid so i still wanna know the other person is 1/2 way smart before we talk about any sex stuff
You: haa
Stranger: and that's a fucking challenge on here
You: cha!
Stranger: not talking about sex of course, i mean the 1/2 way smart part lol
You: you think you have it bad
You: well, actually, you have it worse
Stranger: on here? yeah for sure
Stranger: just going to the store? fucking a
You: cuz most just disconnect when they find out I'm another guy
Stranger: i mean, i'd be a bitch to say like, "i dont like being attractive" i do, esp sometimes, but like, getting yelled at going to buy smokes from a guy in a car, that shit is annoying as fuck
Stranger: yeah. i def don't get that with you guys
Stranger: even if i am horny and get on here to chat like, if someone interesting with a serious chat comes along, i'm into it
Stranger: and i dont give a shit if it's a guy or girl
Stranger: but you guys, maybe not you, but some guys on here, like, obsess over the other person's gender
Stranger: and idk
Stranger: i dont get it
You: I'm pretty sure this is not their reason, but conversations with women are usually more intelligent
You: And the ones that aren't just don't get very far in the conversation before they disconnect
Stranger: i really wanna agree with that haha but yeah, i don't think that's the reason lol
Stranger: omg ikr! like, you'll appreciate this. i saved this talk just cuz it made me lol so hard
Stranger: You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You both like College.

Stranger: M

You: good for you. i'm not

Stranger: I can tell already cunt

Stranger has disconnected.
Stranger: had that one the other day LOL
You: lolololol
Stranger: right??!?!
Stranger: plus in my head the guy just saying hi with "M"
Stranger: what i hear in my head is "MAALLEEE!!!!"
Stranger: and it just makes you guys seem dumb lol
You: I agree. I don't get why they do it on the chat side
Stranger: seriously
Stranger: i'm not gonna say hi going like,-
Stranger: I PEE SITTING!!!
Stranger: oh, and i'm 24
Stranger: like, why would i do that?
Stranger: lol
Stranger: it's sooo fucking dumb
You: maybe it's a sociology sort of deal
You: they see most others doing it
Stranger: lol idfk what it is
You: so they think that's the way to go
You: cattle to the slaugherhouse
Stranger: i normally say taht to the guy too, then depending on his response, i MIGHT keep talking
Stranger: LOL ikr
Stranger: ugh i can't conform like that
Stranger: i mean, some like, subcultures are stupid too, cuz they say they don't wanna conform but wear the same shit lol
Stranger: and that's funny but idk. at least punks have better music haha
Stranger: same with hipsters lol
You: ya
You: I kinda want to disagree somewhere
You: we're being too agreeable
Stranger: haha it's hard to, isn't it ? lol
Stranger: haha well, can be
Stranger: and idk
Stranger: i'm weird but like, i can also go to parties and stuff and get along ok there
Stranger: so idk i can sorta mingle ok i guess
Stranger: LMFAO
You: that's all it takes
Stranger: granted, like, not gonna lie
You: the belief
Stranger: being an attractive female does have it's advantages there
Stranger: people sorta ignore if you're weird
Stranger: or girls certainly get the "you're too smart" thing
Stranger: i've never thought that about a guy
You: I don't know how guys are thought of as attractive
Stranger: but in general idk, at least i'm gonna get asked out lol
Stranger: idk depends on the girl. i know for me like, personality is the biggest thing though
You: ok, well, I know some who are definitely ugly
Stranger: i mean, physically there's things i like, but if someone's really smart and funny like, i'll mess around with him and even if i dont think he's attractive idk i can get into it
You: Ya, that makes sense
You: I asked a similar question to a group of friends (females), and they said odd things
You: "I'd like him to be able to do farm work"
Stranger: haha course idk if i should share this but like, i lost a bet once and had to blow this really fat friend of mine, and nothing about him turned me on, obviously lol but like, idk the act of doing it, cuz i like giving head was still fun, and idk a weird part of my head got into cuz like, it was "dirty/slutty" thing to do etc. so idk
Stranger: LMFAO never thought about a guy doing farm work haha
You: what was the bet?
Stranger: lol it was really stupid
Stranger: some skeeball thing hanging out at dave and busters and i suck at skeeball so idk why i even agreed
You: he initiated it?
Stranger: idk i think girls are more empathetic though. like, that guy, he hadn't had a blowjob in like, 3 years so idk, part of me felt good about that
You: ya, the altruism of it
You: altruistic bj
Stranger: haha i think more drinking initiated it lol
You: lol
Stranger: LOL
Stranger: thinking about it like that, i've def giving plenty of altruistic blowjobs lol
You: lolol
Stranger: well
Stranger: and idk
Stranger: a blowjob isn't sex so like, it's more just fun to do/turn on etc and not as personal
Stranger: so like, idk if a guy takes me out for like, food i really like but i'm not into him, i'll still prob give him a blowjob just idk cuz it's fun
You: damn, I also wish I hadn't heard that
Stranger: haha sorry
You: because I have no doubt other girls think the same thing
You: and I like to guess what others are thinking about
Stranger: idk i'm slightly stoned and kinda horny so haha my bad if i ramble about sex stuff at all haha
You: na, it's fine
You: just better to not be specific about yourself
You: like your body
You: or whatever you said up top
Stranger: well, and i'm sure you're right. plus idk sexually i think girls are just way more givers than guys are
Stranger: up top where? the most i told you about me is i'm 1/2 white and 1/2 asian lol
You: more givers in the bedroom?
Stranger: well, like, look at blowjobs?
You: I mean, I'd guess most guys are inexperienced with getting women off
Stranger: we give those al lthe time. and, i dont really even like having a guy eat me out but like, we def offer to give head way more than you guys ask to go down
You: wait what??
Stranger: well idk if that's totally it. but a good amount of guys like, with sex, it's more just they cum too fast so we dont get to orgasm too
Stranger: i mean like, i think guys talk more about like, "i love getting a woman off" you guys say that more
Stranger: as far as one gender, and i'm generalizing of course, but, if one gender gets the other off more, it's certainly us girls getting you guys off more
Stranger: and again, i am generalizing
You: no, I agree to that generalization
Stranger: yeah exactly
Stranger: and idk like with blowjobs. i like knowing what i'm doing is making that guy cum
Stranger: i think girls are way more likely to think like that and like, truly enjoy making the other person happy
You: I'm still reeling over the Altruistic Blowjob
You: But why don't you like being eaten out?
Stranger: LOL
Stranger: oh, i do like it with girls
Stranger: just, not so much with guys
Stranger: idk i've had a lot of guys go down on me but like, only 2 got me off and it took forever
Stranger: every girl i've had go down on me, and that's way less girls than guys, but all of them made me come. idk just a lot better at it lol
Stranger: plus you guys have rougher faces down there lol
You: oh, ya
Stranger: haha now, a guy's fingers? love those :) lol
You: note to self....
Stranger: idk i'm bi but like, apart from getting eaten out i like everything else more with a guy
You: ok, one friend refuses to have anything sexual with the same gender ~ this Catholic gal
You: but now I have some ammo
Stranger: ugh
You: girls eat out other girls better
Stranger: my freshman year rommie was this uber christian bitch
You: just locally makes sense
Stranger: haha well they do
Stranger: and a lot make out better
You: the utilitarian calculus, if you've got some guys and two girls: always have the girls make out...cuz it's more pleasure all around
Stranger: haha plus like, i had a guy bite my clit once, that shit would NEVER happen with another girl lol
Stranger: haha oh that's true
Stranger: not like i've ever been in that situation of course.....
Stranger: ;P
You: why did he do that?
You: was he curious or what?
Stranger: idfk
Stranger: just out of reaction i kicked the shit out of him in his collar bone
Stranger: idk why he did it though
You: lol
Stranger: i mean, can't blame me
Stranger: not like you'd like if i bit your dick
Stranger: and it's not like a clit ISN'T sensitive lol
Stranger: so idk why
You: exactly
You: curiosity killed the drive
Stranger: lol
Stranger: yeah. that sorta killed the mood haha
Stranger: plus like, i'm a small person
Stranger: but i used all 115lbs of me to kick him lol
Stranger: idk plus it did make me cry a little just out of reaction and that's always awkward
You: wo, that's never happened to me
Stranger: you guys are the best when we cry lol
Stranger: areNT*
You: that would be super awkward
You: um, ya
Stranger: yeah it really was
You: if that happens, what should we do
Stranger: idk that time and i had a time the guy just came insanely fast and i couldnt stop laughing. def 2 awkward times i remember lol
Stranger: sounds silly but cuddling works lol
You: hahahahaha
Stranger: and i'm not even like, super emotional for a girl
Stranger: but in taht moment, yeah
Stranger: idk now the guy who bit my clit, yeah. if he'd gone to cuddle me, that would have been weird thoguh
Stranger: haha here's a good answer for you
Stranger: if i'm just crying, yeah, give a cuddle
Stranger: if i'm pissed off and crying? do NOT try to cuddle lol
You: ya, that's really good advice
You: I've not been in a situation where we're about to fuck and she's mad
Stranger: idk if i analayze myself, after i'm pissed off any crying, cuddling can be fine, but once i'm not pissed off anymore
You: here's a question
You: what if they don't get you wet?
Stranger: before sex?
You: and you're going for penetration
Stranger: honestly, before i fuck a guy i always get him off with a blowjob
Stranger: so that always makes me wet
You: oh, I don't like to get blowjobs
You: just demeaning a bit in my mind
Stranger: how?
Stranger: i love giving head
Stranger: i dont think it's demeaning
You: ya
You: I got that
Stranger: i mean, having the guy try to fuck my face is annoying
You: but for some girls...
Stranger: but just letting me do my thing and give him head, i dont see how that's demeaning
Stranger: idk i know for some of my friends, them giving head is basically the same thing as you guys trying not to cum too fast duriing sex
You: just some girls make it seem like a chore
Stranger: well yeah
Stranger: not every girl like giving haed
You: I don't know how else to descirbe it
Stranger: plus some girls do like, legit hate how cum tastes
You: this may be an odd question after that
You: but have you ever been heart broken?
Stranger: lol
Stranger: sorta
Stranger: but not like, crazy broken hearted no
Stranger: idk normally once we broke up there were problems so i wasnt stupid upset about it
You: I haven't, I just wonder that; I have a best friend back home that was/is crazy heart broken
Stranger: and idk in hs with bf's like, now i'm clean on how i dont like monogamy but i hadn't worked it out in my head in hs, so i just ended up being bad about cheating
You: Even to this day, three years after, he posts memes about cheating
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: i get it def hurts people a lot.
Stranger: idk dating now i just tell the guy upfront i'm not willing to fuck just one person before we're even dating, so not like i didn't say it upfront
Stranger: but idk
Stranger: no one's smart in hs lol
You: exactly, I told him, that was a high school relationship
Stranger: yeah seriously
Stranger: seems important at the time but in hindsight....
Stranger: and idk as an adult, i've dated guys i was really into, but like, the jealousy/possessive stuff would always come up, so when we did break up, i wasn't like, devastated about it cuz i was annoyed at the possessiveness
You: well shit, now I really want to bring that up if I ever get in an actual relationship
Stranger: which part?
You: I'm all about that anicha
You: freedom from attachment
Stranger: agreed
Stranger: and i don't mean emotional attachment totally, but like, someone being possessive sucks
Stranger: idk plus like, even though i'm open about sex, if i am dating a guy, i'm gonna make sure i keep my bf happy, so he's not really got anything to complain about
You: ya. harder to bring up as a guy like me though
Stranger: like, if i'm out at a party and give someone a blowjob, and i come home to my bf's place, and he's just sitting around, like, even if i'm tired, i'll give him head too or well fuck. so like, it's not like i'm going to go out with someone else and mess around but ignore him
Stranger: haha yeah
Stranger: idk too many girls who agree with me on htat one lol
Stranger: while being single, yeah, they agree with me on being open sexually/how it's stupid girls get a double standard wtih sex etc
Stranger: but with dating yeah, most of them would slap their guy if he was like, "we should fuck other people" lol
You: haa
You: well, if I ever have the balls to bring it up, it won't be like that
Stranger: idk they might do a threesome with a girl and their guy but like, hah idk i think all girls we're all sorta bi so we're more open to that haha
Stranger: but like, with that she'd be there
Stranger: lol yeah really
You: This might mesh: "The very act of separating themselves from the rest of the world, to have the fuller enjoyment of each other’s society, implies that they prefer one another to all the world."
Stranger: i like that a lot
You: ~ A Bachelor's Complaint
Stranger: plus, you like the other person enough not to put constraints on them
Stranger: plus like, humans arent naturally monogamous
Stranger: that's mostly just religion's influence
Stranger: well, and the fact girls have spent most of our history being preggers 24/7 and if we were sleeping around the father didn't know if he was the father. it's just like, prehistoric leftover taboos
Stranger: it doesnt make sense though if you think about it
You: lol
You: preggers
Stranger: lol
Stranger: idk i never want kids so i'd rather say preggers than pregnate