Monday, April 2, 2018

Directly donating to people you know of

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like movies.
Stranger: Hey
You: Hi
Stranger: How are you?
You: What movie have you seen recently?
Stranger: Last movie I watched was Wrinkle in Time, you?
You: Sounds pretty shitty
You: Matchstick Men
Stranger: I enjoyed and I loved the book as a kid so
You: *From the trailer
You: Oh, how old are you?
Stranger: 23, you?
You: 23
You: Isn't that a new movie though?
Stranger: Yup just came out recently
Stranger: The books been around since the 80's though
You: What did you like about it?
You: The movie
Stranger: The film? I liked most of the casting and I still like the sci fi aspects of it, the characters, message, familial relationships and Meg herself also I like Ava DuVerney as a director regardless
Stranger: What did you like about Matchstick Men?
You: Well, conning people is fairly interesting
You: I don't know if I like the message the movie says about fathers though
Stranger: Oh okay, and what is that message?
You: In the movie...
You: "Heather (Melora Walters), who was pregnant during the time of the divorce. At Roy's behest, Klein informs Roy that he called Heather and found out that Roy has a 14-year-old daughter"
You: So Nickolas Cage has a daughter
You: he seemed to know about (in the movie)
You: But decided not to know
Stranger: I see
You: I just have a friend who's 22, and is going though the custody of his daughter he didn't know about for 8 mo
You: (she's almost 9 mo old now)
Stranger: Oh wow
You: I guess you don't have to pay child support if you relinquish your rights to see the child
Stranger: Yeah I think that can be the case
You: So what about you? what do you do?
You: college, work somewhere, what?
Stranger: I work with horses and I also write for tv. You?
You: My god, not that I care, but you're definitely female
You: What do you mean you write for tv?
You: I'm finishing BS electrical engineering
Stranger: I mean I write for tv shows, also webseries but it's easier to generalise lol
You: Like 30 Rock?
You: A young Tina Fay?
You: Hugh, I guess it's Fey
Stranger: Honestly? I know basically nothing about Tina Fey's early life
Stranger: Or even her current life
Stranger: And nothing about 30 rock.. sorry
You: 30 Rock is a tv show about writers
You: who write for...CBS or something
Stranger: Oh okay lol
Stranger: Is it any good?
You: Um, I saw several episodes when I was younger with my dad
You: I mean, I wasn't that much younger
You: It's funny comedy
You: I just shy away from tv shows these days
You: What's your favorite tv show?
Stranger: Oh okay haha
Stranger: God I have too many lol, I watch a lot of tv
Stranger: Do you watch any current shows?
You: I binged on True Blood about a month ago
You: Saw a couple seasons in one sitting
You: I've been watching way too many clips of House on YouTube
You: I like brainy tv shows, like The Mentalist
You: or Lie To Me
You: So, what about you? spill it
Stranger: Oh wow, True Blood's quite an old one
Stranger: And it gets horrible lol
You: lol
You: I see the quality in all tv shows decline
You: season after season
You: Oh, well I guess Black Mirror doesn't count because they're like mini-movies
Stranger: Um main shows atm are Marvel's Runaways, the Bold Type, Heartland, Black Lightning, Legends of Tomorrow, Wynonna Earp, Blindspot, Humans,Stranger Things, Series of Unfortunate Events, Everything Sucks, One Day at a Time, Jane the Virgin, Dark Matter etc etc
Stranger: I feel like I'm missing a big one
You: Jesus, I've literally heard none of those
Stranger: Not even Stranger Things?
You: Nope
Stranger: Damn, you're living under a rock lol
You: Are you sure you're 23 ;)
Stranger: Far as I know lol
Stranger: Are you?
You: Isn't there a superhero tv show about that actress...
You: ...let me find it...
You: Jessica Jones
You: Ha! That's a new one
Stranger: Yeah I watch that too lol
Stranger: Why?
You: lol
You: That's like the only one I heard about
You: I watch far too many movies
Stranger: Fair enough haha
Stranger: What else have you seen recently?
Stranger: Movie wise
You: Thinking
You: Otherwise recently, nothing good
You: Saw some over the past few days and don't even remember the title
Stranger: Oh wow haha
You: I guess I re-saw the 1983 Trading Places a week or so ago
You: Just comes to mind ~ a bit like a con job
Stranger: Ohh okay
You: So you're more creative than the average person--being a that type of writer
You: right?
You: Or do you primarily work with horses?
Stranger: Horses is kind of a side thing
Stranger: Something I've been doing since I was a teenager and kept up and I guess?
You: So is the writing like a 9-5 job?
Stranger: Well the hours are 9-5 thats for sure lol
Stranger: But it's the main thing at the moment yes
Stranger: How's your studying going?
You: Mostly procrastination--which explains my grades
Stranger: Oh okay
You: Are you from the US?
You: Since we're anonymous, how much do you make?
Stranger: Canada
Stranger: And a fair bit lol but not as much as you probably thing, tv writers, particularly junior writers don't make a huge amount. Hence why we usually do several projects at a time
You: Can you give me a number?
You: please =)
Stranger: For one particular show or them all? And what, for a month/year? etc
You: whatever one you have
Stranger: Well it varies every year tbh
Stranger: But last year, for all of my tv/webseries projects I made about 190,000 CAD
You: =o
Stranger: Where are you from btw?
You: Wisconsin
Stranger: Oh cool
Stranger: Why do you ask what I make?
You: I don't know
You: Now that I'm thinking about it
You: Probably to compare to how much I'll make
You: So it's not salaried right?
Stranger: Depends on what you mean by that
You: I mean, it's per project?
You: Doesn't sound like it'd be hourly
You: Oh, I guess I also wonder
Stranger: If it's a small project it's per project, otherwise it's per episode
You: Because the more money I make the more I can give away
Stranger: Plus any other overtime you do or in different departments e.g on the blood type I also did a fair bit of ADing and I did a bit of casting last year for a few things so that was paid in a set amount of hours
Stranger: Fair
Stranger: When do you graduate/start working?
You: Christmas
Stranger: Ohh nice
You: So what makes you a unique writer?
Stranger: I have no idea lol
Stranger: I think what makes me get hired is I have a set of specific things I'm super passionate and gung ho about, hence the niche projects haha
You: Younger audience stuff?
You: Do you know about
Stranger: I mean sure most of my stuff is for youngish audiences but that wasn't the niches I was reffering to lol
Stranger: And I do yeah, why?
You: Cuz I think you should know! =)
Stranger: Haha
You: What is the niche stuff for you?
Stranger: Recently I've been working on stuff very geared towards young women and that includes a fair bit of diversity and lgbt projects as well as tackling things that aren't often in network shows
You: what kind of things?
Stranger: Well last year on the Bold Type, there was Kat and Adena's relationship- an out but still practicing muslim lesbian and a black American, Jacqueline's story line and character arc, and just general episodic arcs within that show but it's also very much a drama about three best friends in New York
You: lol, I was just ther
Stranger: So things that tackle important things and provide representation but that also provide a warming and genuine story that people can relate to
Stranger: In New York?
You: Yes
Stranger: Oh cool, why were you there?
You: um, I don't know how to say this lightly
You: evaluation to donate a kidney
Stranger: How did it go?
You: well, I just got sick before flying there
You: and my plane came the day before the tests
You: and I had to collect all of my pee
Stranger: Damn, that probably didn't help the evaluation
You: So I didn't collect half the day's pee
You: because of the flight
You: So the test results showed I was dehydrated
You: Which I think was just the bad combo of plane flight screwing up the collection, and the cold
Stranger: Yeah probably
You: What do you think of How I Met Your Mother?
Stranger: I hate it lol
You: I'm glad =)
You: It just feels so fake to me
Stranger: I've seen the first episode and bits of other's but just can't click with it at all
You: Well you passed the test
You: I guess I was testing you
Stranger: Haha
You: So what do you do with all your dough?
You: It's about double what I
You: I'll make
Stranger: I mean I'm sure you'll get more after a bit
Stranger: And just a range of things tbh
You: But still, do you just put it into savings?
You: Do you have a relative dying of leukemia or something?
You: I'm not trying to be facetious
Stranger: Um some of it does go to Leukemia patients yes, a lot of it goes towards the keep of the horses and practical things like housing, food, a fair percentage of it goes into the medical emergency fund and the rest into savings
You: Wait, really?
You: What charity
Stranger: Indeed, I mean some of it also goes into things like going to the cinema or the odd bit of travel but it's a fairly small percentage
Stranger: It's not a charity
Stranger: It's to leukemia patients I know personally and it's usually given straight to the hospital
You: How do you know more than one leukemia patient?
You: I don't think I know a one
Stranger: Ummm
Stranger: I have fanconi anemia and as a result of that I've had leukaemia twice so far
Stranger: Both relatively treatable but it's the kind of situation where it will keep coming back
Stranger: So that's how, you tend to make friends lol
You: and what is the medical emergency fund?? I thought you Canadians have great healthcare
You: I think you just explained it
You: right?
Stranger: Yeah
Stranger: I just explained it haha
We do have great healthcare but sometimes it doesn't cover everything or I need to travel somewhere for it or if as has happened before I collapse in a foreign country lol
You: damn, I had pretty low expectations for the movie interest--but you turned out very interesting
You: (I kept getting M, F? type people)
Stranger: Thanks? I think haha
Stranger: You've been pretty cool yourself
You: thanks
You: I don't know how to take a complement (but I deleted my discontent =)
Stranger: Haha
You: So I should make myself a pizza to eat, but I still want to know a few more things about you
Stranger: Well if you want to make a pizza, I can hang around until it's cooking etc, just don't burn it, I can't handle that blame lol
You: Ok, I'll preheat the oven...
You: hungry af
Stranger: Haha fair
You: So I'm a part of this small movement (like 5000ish people) seems to be growing, but that's not important
You: Anyway, so it's about helping people
Stranger: Okay?
You: So it's about asking questions--I don't want to make it sound like an ideology

You: And so one topic/idea, and the typical example, is giving to cancer charities versus other charities
Stranger: I see
You: And I guess giving directly to leukemia patients isn't really the same thing
You: But, I don't know, it's just very interesting
You: Your altruism
Stranger: No, since it's not through a charity
You: Right
Stranger: Honestly my altruism is a mixture of experience being in the situation and being helped by someone else
You: Because the major thing that is argued is about how cancer research and such is overfunded
You: Compared to other causes that are important
Stranger: I mean, I disagree to an extent, certain areas are overfunded but it still doesn't seem to be enough but yes other areas and causes are more ignored
You: Just cancer research in general
You: There's just no one else at my campus who's a part of this movement
You: So I don't know specific knowledge in that area
Stranger: That sucks
You: Eh, I deal with it
You: But ya, it can't be said if given on a per-person basis
You: And I think that's really interesting because that might not be entirely true
Stranger: When it's done that way it's usually for expenses and treatment etc
Stranger: Rather than research
You: Right, but ~ more or less ~ the same can be said about treatment
Stranger: How do you mean?
You: How about this
You: Have you seen the movie, The Martian?
You: I think that's the title...
Stranger: I've seen bits of it
Stranger: But not the whole film
You: Ok, so tons of money is spent to save this one guy
Stranger: Okay
You: Side-note, what about Downsizing?
You: (Matt Damon is probably my favorite actor)
You: s
Stranger: Ah I dislike Matt Damon as an actor lol
You: lol
You: I like the movies he's usually in
Stranger: Fair enough
You: Downsizing and that other one he's in touches on this idea I'm trying to get at
Stranger: I see lol
You: Elysium (2013)
Stranger: I'm pretty sure I've seen that but just the once so I can't remember much of it
You: Anyway, not to be too anticlimactic
You: I just mean there are other people who can be saved compared to saving one guy (astronaut Matt Damon)
You: In fact, many more people
Stranger: Off course, but in films like that, his survival is kind of the point lol
You: Easily preventable tropical diseases and parasites
Stranger: And the parents/families/loved ones of those individual's with cancer and the individuals themselves still deserve treatement if possible
You: Yes yes, and it's not like NASA funding can go around giving people malaria preventing bed nets
Stranger: Even if it's only hospice care
Stranger: Like I get the big picture but ultimately it's up to the individual donating where it goes
You: But just to reiterate, this is by far the most interesting conversation I've had here. (And I've had many good ones.)
You: Yes, you're right
Stranger: Thanks lol
You: Could spend it on art
Stranger: They could, or dozens of other worthy causes
You: But is art worthy?
Stranger: Well I wasn't counting art haha
You: =)
Stranger: I meant like human rights incidents etc lol
You: Ffeeww, I thought you were
Stranger: Haha
Stranger: No lol
Stranger: I mean I think art's great but if you're going to give for a worthy cause I can think of more humane ones lol
You: ya, that's what I'm trying to get at
You: I'm trying to find a paragraph better explaining what I mean
You: ~ related to the movement
Stranger: Oh okay lol
You: At the end of the day, it's the donor's choice where their money goes--I get that...but...
You: I'm not saying giving to leukemia patents is wrong
You: (I don't think I am...)
Stranger: I mean no but it's close haha
You: This gives a brief description of the movement in a sarcastic way:
You: But I'm still looking for the specific idea we're discussing...
Stranger: I think that ideally that would be cool but people are human and they're always going to want to help with things they personally have experience in and that they know are life changing and or devastating
Stranger: And human compassion often does not allow us to turn away from someone desperately in need no matter if somewhere else there is someone in more need
You: For one, I don't think face-to-face contact ~ geography should matter that much
Stranger: People are always going to fight for the issues they have been effected by and oftentimes that can be a good thing
Stranger: Because it brings awareness to something and emotions always matter lol
Stranger: it's a large part of being human
You: Yes, I'm well aware of the psychology behind philanthropy
You: I read about it
Stranger: Take Clare, my stepmum for example. When I was first in the process of getting diagnosed with FA, everyone kept insisting that I was anorexic (i wasn't and never have been) as a result I nearly died and naturally Clare was furious and since then has started an organisation and an outreach programme to fight for young girls getting misdiagnosed in situations like that, she has saved hundreds of lives at this point. And she wouldn't have if she didn't have an emotional connection to a case, and I don't think that's wrong
You: Neither do I
You: But that's also time
Stranger: But you also thing we should turn our attentions to issues deemed more pressing
Stranger: Time is just as valuable as money when it comes to things like this
You: I'm saying that's it's not equivalent
You: We measure time on a continuously, and money discretely
You: Wow, I need to stop changing up my phrasing
Stranger: So the money she raised from that organisation would have been better spent elsewhere? Those people should have given to something else? Because that is what you were saying earlier
Stranger: That people should donate to something of greater need
You: Well, it's all about practicality
Stranger: And saving 300 odd Canadian girls is less effective than giving 1000 malaria injections in Africa but it still makes a lot of difference
You: If she could have been advocating something else with as much passion and fight--which doesn't seem to be the case--then yes
Stranger: And to those affected means the world, both are important but people will choose what they choose
You: (mosquito bed nets)
Stranger: That's what I'm saying, people will give to what they are passionate about
Stranger: Huh?
Stranger: Oh I wasn't referring to what you said earlier
You: Yes, I realize the broad majority of people do not look into the charities they give to
You: They give benevolently
Stranger: Or they look into them because it's a charity they are connected to
You: (And I was referring to bed nets, backed by a lot of solid evidence, to prevent malaria)
You: But hold on, I didn't read everything you said...
Stranger: I'm not saying it isn't backed by solid evidence lol
You: *just said
Stranger: I just wasn't think of your suggestion when I made my comparision
You: Ok, I'm not saying it's wrong to support some of the bills of leukemia patents
You: By that same token, it's also not wrong to support the Make A Wish Foundation
Stranger: I know it's not lol
You: I think I know how to say what I mean clearer

[Definitely not listening to what I was saying anymore.]

Stranger: And I'm not saying it's wrong to be utilitarian when and where you can but I am saying that for the majority of people it is emotion based and that is the way humans as a majority function
You: Ah, it's not really utilitarian
You: =J (I'm smirking)
You: And we agree, for the majority of people it's based on emotion--especially what they can see
You: But let's say, that $50 donated to the Against Malaria Foundation (which buys 25 bed nets) or $50 to SCI, (Schistosomiasis Control Initiative (which...
You: I'll just keep to to the Against Maria Foundation
Stranger: Look I get your point lol
You: so $50 let's say...I should memorize the results of the various strong studies conducted...saves
Stranger: But at the end of the day it is someone's choice where their money goes
You: yes, I was going for a quasi-utilitarian approach
Stranger: You can donate wherever you like but ultimately what people do is up to them
You: Yes, we agree on that
Stranger: And yet you keep going on about it lol
You: I care about it. My focal cause in the movement is extreme/absolute poverty
Stranger: Well then keep working on that
You: I don't really
You: just here on Earth
You: Earning to Give
Stranger: But you can't just repeat the same thing over and over worded slightly differently and hope to make a change lol
You: repeat what?
Stranger: I get it, I do but I've heard it enough times now lol
You: I understand you
Stranger: The same sentiment
Stranger: Anyways I need to go
Stranger: But all the best

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