Friday, May 8, 2015

INGENSTANS ~ nowhere

lorem ipsum is a filler text commonly used to demonstrate thegraphic elements of a document or visual presentation. Replacing meaningful content that could be distracting with placeholder text may allow viewers to focus on graphic aspects such as font,typography, and page layout.
The lorem ipsum text is typically a scrambled section of De finibus bonorum et malorum, a 1st-century BC Latin text by Cicero, with words altered, added, and removed to make it nonsensical, improper Latin.
aburrido - boring
pecuniary - of, relating to, or consisting of money
lo siento - I'm sorry

You: what tools do you use?
Stranger: Depends. Duolingo, memrise, actual textbooks
Stranger: And native speakers when I can
Stranger: What languages are you learning? It differs per language
You: Spanish
Stranger: mi espanol es bastante mal and I learned it in school... but memrise and duolingo are probably your best options in that they're free and pretty comprehensive
You: I just started duolingo
Stranger: te gusta?
Stranger: i started spanish today on duolingo actually
You: want to join me?
Stranger: i tested out of 49 levels but that goes to show that you can understand a language well while still speaking it poorly
Stranger: I'm a bit new to duolingo, so you'll have to explain how one goes about that...
You: I'm pretty much as far along as you
You: how many languages are you learning?
You: ya polyglot
Stranger: it's my passion, what can I say. I'm technically learning Japanese atm, but duolingo really only does European languages. I'm pretty proficient in Swedish already since that's my main second language and I basically wanted to see what it looked like on duolingo
Stranger: so what made you want to study spanish?
You: ha
You: this is a cool coincidence
You: so
You: I "publish" conversations I've had (that don't mention anything about the other) and
You: last week
You: I couldn't decide if I wanted to learn
You: Japanese or Spanish (mainly this summer)
Stranger: That is...quite the discrepancy
Stranger: Per the old taco shell commercial, "Why not both?"
You: eventually
You: but one before the other
Stranger: Very true. That was my rationale for not doing Japanese and Chinese at the same time
Stranger: Chinese seems so much simpler but ultimately I went with the easier pronunciation and more prolific pop culture
You: ah
Stranger: Eventually for me too
Stranger: I'm learning German really because I'm likely going to several countries in Europe next year and several of them are German speaking
You: wow
Stranger: Can't be a polyglot and not at least attempt to learn the language of your holiday countries
You: have a computer science (major) friend who's learning German
You: when I ask him to where he want to eat
You: he replies in German all the time
Stranger: Code switching is a hassle
Stranger: It happens all the time when I'm attempting Spanish and I come up with a Swedish word instead
Stranger: How many languages do you speak, btw?
You: took two years of Spanish in hs--which mostly forgot, sarcasm, c++, 25% of Java Script, and really not anything besides English
Stranger: Same. I haven't forgotten my Spanish because I live in a very very Hispanic area, I would actually say that I speak Swedish, and adequate Java.
Stranger: Funny that you do human and programming languages too
Stranger: Are you a CS major?
You: electrical
Stranger: aha
You: I don't know how old you are, but what's your major?
Stranger: Still in high school... It's going to be linguistics, probably. I've considered double majoring.
You: ya, I thought I wanted to maybe even triple--but it's not like that anymore
You: it's like running a race
You: at first you want to win
You: then, when you're running the marathon, you just care about finishing
Stranger: I'm feeling that now. I thought it would be a brilliant idea to do AP CS, AP Calc, and AP Physics atop other atrocities
You: out of three, I only got credit for AP Macroecon
Stranger: I'm taking that next semester. It actually does sound interesting, if only because I feel massively ignorant on pecuniary matters
Stranger: I think my schedule only allows for micro, though
You: oh
Stranger: Which is much more boring, likely
Stranger: Or aburrido, should we say
You: I liked it because of my teacher, and I have an interest in developmental econ (even though we skipped that chapter)
Stranger: I noticed that whilst perusing your blog
You: haven't taken micro, so I wouldn't know, but that CS friend is taking micro at the university level next semester
Stranger: I wish him/her the best
You: thanks, he'll get a fair prof
Stranger: ratemyprofessor to the rescue? heh
You: well, that's what we always use--but he got a direct optinion from me, since I'm taking that same prof for a finance class (have to have same matching course subject with the AP)
You: anyway, got to write a paper for that class now
You: nice talken with ya
You: do you have skype?
Stranger: I do not, lo siento
Stranger: have fun with that paper. I should probably be writing a program or something atm too
Stranger: the wonders of the internet
You: duolingo is probably good enough
Stranger: Hopefully. Challenge me if we ever find out how... it seems to be specific to the app or something
Stranger: Have a good evening!
Stranger has disconnected.

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