Wednesday, November 19, 2014

interesting/cool things

Asking myself, do you know something interesting?

What's something cool you've done recently?
You both like psychology.
Stranger: What's something cool you've done recently?
You: Well it's cool to me, I took some circuit boards from a
"bad" bin at work
You: What about you?
Stranger: I did some voluntary work in Africa last year
You: What kind?
Stranger: Taking food to the small desert towns with no cars
Stranger: sacks of potatoes and carrota
Stranger: carrots*
Stranger: helping build small houses from aluminium
You: What organization?
Stranger: none
Stranger: just me and 5 friends
Stranger: mainly in Grafreneit
You: Did the people want those things built?
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: their old ones fell down
Stranger: we only built them because they asked for materials
Stranger: we were mainly just taking the food there
Stranger: because they don't have transport
You: Just one more question about this:
You: how did you know they wanted food?
Stranger: Because I met a girl at a photography club in South Africa and she had some friends who were poets and writers and they helped take medical kits to the towns for snake bites and spider bites
Stranger: I was there for 2 years, so we built a relationship and took potatoes, carrots, and seeds to grow things, over time
Stranger: so what is your "major interest"?
Stranger: and why all the questions??
You: poverty, specifically extreme poverty
You: I was trying to understand if what you did was necessary
You: as some aid organizations/missionaries
You: don't really do anything useful
You: "useful" meaning a lot more than that one word
Stranger: I totally understand that small communities are doing what they've done for thousands of years and they don't need to be introduced to most of todays world
You: That's not what I mean
Stranger: maybe not, but I still don't think that people need to get involved with many particular communities
You: If they're in need of medical supplies and attention, I'd beg to differ (but I think you know that anyway
You: Do you travel often?
Stranger: I do, yes
Stranger: Well, the antidotes for snakes/spiders was the main reason for contact and supply of kits in the first place for that particular situation
You: I'd like to travel a little bit sometime
You: How do you do it?
You: (Through your job or through college?)
Stranger: My parents are hippies haha
]Stranger: I travelled a lot growing up
Stranger: born in South Africa, went to school in Spain, France, UK
Stranger: Canada, Idaho, Montana, China, Brazil
Stranger: have family in a lot of places
Stranger: but I'm very poor haha
Stranger: :/
You: How?
You: Do you work?
Stranger: I can't at the moment..
Stranger: I had some mental health problems and couldn't finish University
Stranger: and I now have debt for studying..
You: that sucks
Stranger: it's cool, I'll find a path somewhere :)
Stranger: maybe in languages
Stranger: anyway, you haven't said anything about yourself
Stranger: ?
You: I'm working in a factory this summer. What are you doing?
You: I'm a student, been so for about 2.5 years
You: electrical engineering is very challenging for me
Stranger: It's good to have a challenge :)
You: I also want to minor in something unrelated to my major
You: psych
Stranger: I studied psychology and sociology in College
Stranger: for work or out of interest?
You: Well, I'm signed up for one class so far--but I know much about it
You: I also need some classes to boost my GPA
Stranger: (Sorry, not entirely sure what GPA is)
You: That's a small reason for wanting to minor in it, but probably the reason I decided to minor in psych
You: grade point average
Stranger: ok
You: 4.0 = A
Stranger: I get A / B etc. not numbers haha
You: 3.0 is B
Stranger: wait you from US?
You: yes =J
Stranger: I did some road trips around the Northern states
Stranger: and up into Canada
Stranger: 'tis a beatiful part of the world
Stranger: :)
You: I live in Wisconsin
You: and not been outside the US
Stranger: that's like 3hrs from Toronto?
Stranger: ish?
You: 10
You: Do you mean Canada?
Stranger: yeah "Tronno" canada
Stranger: I was in Detroit and it was like 3 hrs
Stranger: thought it was about the same distance
You: maybe it would be shorter if taking the ferry across Lake Michigan
Stranger: Hey I gotta feed the foxes
Stranger: They're shouting at me
Stranger: can you gimme 2 mins?
You: Anyway, have you heard about the Stages of Ego Development?
Stranger: can you gimme 1 min?
Stranger: brb soon!
You: I'll give you ∞
Stranger: foxes are chuffed
You: that's a new word for me
Stranger: chuffed?
You: yes
Stranger: lol
Stranger: pleased / persona grata
Stranger: happytown
You: yes, I have an extension where you can highlight a word and it instantly defines it
You: have you heard about the Stages of Ego Development?
Stranger: is it fairly general?
You: The author describes his description as being too general.
You: It is one way
You: psychology and sociology come together
Stranger: Is this a concept or a book etc.?
Stranger: I spent a year with a personal meditation coach and ego coach from Israel and seem to have come across this before
Stranger: It's quite a wide topic
You: It's a theory, if that's what you mean
You: On a tangent, why did you have a personal meditation coach?
You: Are you meaning a coach to be a professor?
Stranger: "Are you meaning a coach to be a professor?"
Stranger: not sure what you mean by that
Stranger: but I've had a few hectic things happen
Stranger: mostly in Africa

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