Thursday, September 12, 2019

The stranger likes Politics,Debate

>Auto: Hey. want to debate a topic?
>Stranger: Sure.
>Stranger: so?
>You: do you have some in mind?
>Stranger: what's the topic?
>Stranger: no, I do not.
>Stranger: You offered a debate, tho, so it is now up to you to come up with a suggestion
>Stranger: :)
>You: not necessarily, but I do have one in mind
>You: factory farming
>You: praxis 
>You: individual action 
>Stranger: I agree. Selective breeding
>You: I'm getting at vegetarianism/veganism
>Stranger: ohhhhhhhh
>You: against intensive animal farming
>Stranger: Well, I have mixed feelings regarding animal farming
>Stranger: I feel like it is absolutely justified for an organism to hunt and perhaps even keep around other animals for eating
>Stranger:that being said, what it has turned into, is just sad cruelty
>You: I agree
>You: I'm not against slaughter, just excessive/unnecessary suffering 
>Stranger: I am against mass producing animals
>Stranger: because that leads to poor conditions
>Stranger: and unnecessary suffering
>You: Awesome 
>Stranger: if it was done on a local scale (a family keeping dozen or so chicks purely for themselves)
>Stranger: then it should be different
>You: ok, are you veg*an?
>Stranger: no, I am not
>You: why not transition to vegetarianism?
>You: how old are you?
>Stranger: I am 28. Firstly, me buying meat raises to demand for it, literally, by like 0.0001%. While my actions do support meat industry in theory and in principle, they do not support it in practice, because such raise in demand is simply undetectable
>Stranger: the* demand
>Stranger: to speak absolutely realistically
>You: right, that's economics 
>Stranger: not just economy
>You: I'm agreeing with what you're saying
>You: but if everyone said that
>You: nothing would change for the better
>Stranger: the undisputable fact of reality, is that no chick died because of my actions, who wouldnt have died otherwise
>You: I realize. 
>You: You know that pithy Marget Mead quote?
>Stranger: okay, so now I have rid myself of moral guilt argument
>Stranger: :D
>You oh no
>You: you're still morally guilty ;)
>Stranger: no, I haven't
>You: Ok
>You: I found it
>You: Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed it's the only thing that ever has.”
>You: the demand for vegan products is increasing 
>You: yes, every single person doesn't really matter
>Stranger: You can't. Thats just reality. Unless you are one of the exceptional few (Hitler?), you have little to no power to change the nation. You can perform countless experiments that will prove this. 
>You: yes, I already agree that you and I can't
>Stranger: so, whats the point then?
>You: duty
>Stranger: if the chicken is already dead and packed, and if I have no ability to prevent further deaths
>Stranger: then I might just as well enjoy their sacrifice
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