Wednesday, March 7, 2018

What do you read?

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like philosophy.
You: Hi
Stranger: Hello.
You: What do you read?
Stranger: Moby Dick currently.
Stranger: I'm such a slow reader though.
Stranger: I get bored so fast.
Stranger: Ugh.
You: What about philosophy?
Stranger: Well, I was thinking about ordering Metametaphysics off of bookdepository.
Stranger: of off*
You: Kant?
Stranger: I've got the Critique here with me.
Stranger: Though, I've only managed like 90-pages tops.
Stranger: One day, maybe, I'll try tackling it again.
You: Oh, you meant by Manley
Stranger: I kinda get the gist of his philosophy though, I guess, thanks to SEP articles.
Stranger: Did Kant ever write something tittled Metametaphysics?
You: I just ask because some have read nothing, and come here to try to discuss it
You: I misread
Stranger: I guess there are people like that.
You: Most common people I meet with the philosophy tag
Stranger: I'm interested in the subject, but I don't think myself qualified to really discuss, review and critique any of those ideas.
Stranger: I just know the tidbit of information here and there.
You: Do you lean anywhere in regards to morality?
You: moral systems
Stranger: Hm...
Stranger: Never really went in-depth into ethics.
Stranger: Metaethics seems much more interesting.
Stranger: So, I dunno really.
Stranger: I'd currently describe myself as a nihilist.
You: I think it's the most important branch of philosophy
Stranger: I've started to recognize its importance.
Stranger: I wish the libraries here had some more stuff on analytic philosophy in general.
You: Classically, Kantism, Utilitarianism, Virtue theory. Contemporary discourse ethics, preference utilitarianism, After Virtue
Stranger: Definitely not into deontology, that's for sure.
Stranger: I guess utilitarianism and virtue theory are theories I might actually consider implementing.
Stranger: are the theories*
You: I want to start getting into Habermas's discourse ethics (contemporary deontology) because I've focused too much on preference utilitarianism
You: But eh, a bias is inevitable either way I guess
You: So why do you like consequentialism or what about it do you like?
Stranger: It's the ethics theory I'm most familiar with (which is almost zilch), so yeah...
Stranger: I really wanna read up some stuff on metaethics before I really start going into ethics.
Stranger: Gotta figure out my position on the metaethical issues before I can move on to figuring out what the good life for me is.
You: Maybe it's not all about you ;)
You: ~ bit of altruism sprinkled in there
Stranger: But like, even when you do good to others, you kinda are doing that good to make yourself better.
Stranger: At least that's how I see it.
Stranger: Like, I don't think that pure altruism exists.
You: pic on the second page will give you the gist
You: on the Levels of Altruism
Stranger: Yup, that's it.
Stranger: Self-interest is the foundation.
You: I think of it as similar to racism (degrees of racism)
Stranger: Racism?
You: Self-interest is a zero point
You: It's not referring to impure altruism (that you mentioned)
You: But I'm sure you read "Level 1 is not actually an instance of altruism" before the foundation part
Stranger: This looks like an interesting paper, I'll be sure to print it out and read it.
Stranger: If you've got some more short papers like these, please do link them.
You: Hm, let me think
You: ...and search my link lists...
Stranger: Take your time.
You: Found one, looking for others. In the mean time, here:
Stranger: Your account or?
You: yes
You: long version:
You: short:
You: and I really enjoy the Department Store section of SEP's Common Knowledge
Stranger: SEP is just a blessing.
Stranger: IEP is really good also.
You: Some articles I feel are a bit long winded, but it is a great resource (SEP)
Stranger: True, but they're thorough, and I really respect that.
Stranger: Well, it's 00:21 over here.
Stranger: Time for bed.
Stranger: Thanks for the links.
Stranger: Take care, and all the best.
You: adios
You have disconnected.

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