Tuesday, October 29, 2019


You both like debate.
Stranger: hi
You: hey
Stranger: have a topic in mind?
You: I could
You: Do you?
Stranger: Not in particular
You: Do you think it’s permissible to kill humans for a burger in the same way we kill animals for a burger?
Stranger: no
You: What’s there difference between a human and animal that makes it permissible for the animal but not the human-animal?
Stranger: Humans are able to reciprocate
You: What about mentally handicapped humans?
You: Do you think it’s permissible to kill mentally handicapped humans for a burger?
Stranger: Most mentally handicapped people are able to reciprocate in the manner I described
Stranger: If they aren't, then, probably we'd just view them with too much sympathy to kill and eat.
You: ...so it is permissible to kill the other mentally handicapped humans for a burger?
Stranger: Well, how appetizing does a mentally handicapped man sound to you?
You: I'd imagine it'd be no different than a beef burger.
Stranger: Seems like one is inherently kind of off-putting, since it's made of human
You: So you believe it's permissible to kill the other mentally handicapped humans for a burger?
You: I'm sure you wouldn't know the difference.
Stranger: I think people who are violent and unable to reciprocate, and handicapped to an extent where they are a danger to themselves and others are already denied the rights to a free life other people have. We don't turn them into burgers because of aesthetic issues.
You: Are cows and such violent?
You: Do you see the contradiction here?
Stranger: Cows cannot demonstrate moral reciprocity, and in certain situations would act violently towards you
You: So you believe it's permissible to kill the other mentally handicapped humans for a burger?
Stranger: Under the circumstances I described
You: Do you see the contradiction?
You: Cows are not violent?
You: or are they?
Stranger: For instance, say you kill a handicapped man in self-defense, then you could turn his body into a burger if were looking for a snack.
You: Do we kill cows in self-defense?
Stranger: Frequently, not
You: Do you see how your addition is irrelevant?
You: So you believe it's permissible to kill the other mentally handicapped humans for a burger?
You: Just bite the bullet
Stranger: It's demonstrating how he isn't living up to the social contract
Stranger: or demonstrating reciprocity
Stranger: by actively infringing on my rights
You: Ok, so you would effectively eat mentally handicapped humans for a burger.
You: Gotcha.
Stranger: No, certainly not, that's gross
You: Yet you think it's permissible.
Stranger: I think there are certain situations where it certainly would be
You: Do you honestly think human flesh tastes THAT much different from cow muscle?
Stranger: It's not about the taste
You: What's not about the taste?
Stranger: Morality
You: That's what it seems to come down to.
You: Why don't you think the choice comes down to taste?
You: Soy/almond vs diary milk
Stranger: Because it has to do with reciprocity and one's ability to act morally
You: You've already bitten the bullet on that
You: According to you, it's permissible to kill mentally handicapped humans.
Stranger: There are certain situations where it's permissible to kill fully functioning humans
You: Sure there are
Stranger: for instance, in self-defense
You: Again, we've already covered this
You: A cow isn't attacking you.
You: Keep injecting these red herrings
Stranger: We're talking about people, and in this situation a person is attacking me
You: The matter is about killing a cow
You: Not about killing a satanic cow out to get you
Stranger: What is common in these two situations? The other person or animal is not able to, or is not, showing reciprocity.
You: Some mentally handicapped folks cannot reciprocate
You: According to you, it's permissible to kill THOSE mentally handicapped humans.
You: and fry them up
You: dish em out
You: eat em up
Stranger: Sure, if they aren't reciprocating
You: Ya. Could be you someday. Alzheimer's.
Stranger: If you are a vegetable, might as well get fried up
You: According to you.
You: That's not my moral framework.
Stranger: I'd say that people with Alzheimer's are still capable of moral reasoning and reciprocity
Stranger: Unless they are just braindead
Stranger: and then yeah, we typically kill those people in the least painful way possible or let them die

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