You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like Vegan.
You: Hey. I'm Adam from Wisconsin. I'd like to argue/discuss. Your thoughts?
Stranger: hey
Stranger: sure
You: ok
You: Are you vegan?
Stranger: yes
You: cool
Stranger: are you?
You: not yet
You: Do any activism?
Stranger: alright
Stranger: not really
Stranger: ofc i try to spread the ideas through friends and family but nothing more
You: anything take hold?
Stranger: I got 2 friends and my mother and sister to go vegetarian
Stranger: no fully vegan success yet, but its better than nothing
You: how?
You: was it different for each person?
Stranger: yes for sure
Stranger: with some people you want to make an argument from logic and data
Stranger: with others you want to use their emotions
You: interesting
You: I knew that
You: but at the same time
You: didn't know that
Stranger: most of the time the split is between men/women
You: ahhh
Stranger: for example
Stranger: first off its important to never bring it up yourself
Stranger: since nobody likes that :p
Stranger: and they will think you are pretentious
Stranger: making an argument while looking down at people will never do you any good
You: ok
You: I don't think I do that
Stranger: you have to relate to them
Stranger: yeah its hard
Stranger: i forgot it sometimes too
Stranger: listen to them, and make it clear that you understand their feelings
You: right
Stranger: all this is pretty much for every conversation, not just veganism ofc
Stranger: unless its a debate, than throw all of this out of the window :p
You: right
You: so what questions do you ask them?
Stranger: well if they notice that you eat something different or for some reason you bring it up
Stranger: they will ask why
Stranger: most of the time i say something like: because it doesn't change much for me and it makes a lot of difference for the animals
Stranger: something short like that
Stranger: then most people will just say: nice, i wouldn't be able to do it. And the conversation stops there
Stranger: only a small amount of people will try to argue otherwise
You: hmm
You: ok
Stranger: questions I ask are:
Stranger: what do you think about fur?
Stranger: we can make it a dialogue if you want? you can answer the question
You: oh, ya
You: that'd be good
You: um, I don't think about fur
You: don't see any use when we have synthetic materials that duplicate the look
You: reminds me of a new years eve broadcast
You: some reporter women we imploring the public not to send her hate emails because it's not real fur
Stranger: haha
You: reminds me of Ed Winters on a news broadcast too
Stranger: yeah people get really mad at people wearing fur
Stranger: are you opposed to fur?
You: I wouldn't know if it was fake or real
You: so I really don't have a position
You: I wear clothing for what it does for me
You: not how it looks
Stranger: ok, so I tested it out, and it seems that this is not a path we can go down
Stranger: you have to look for something to grab on
You: hmm, I see
Stranger: what do you think about people shooting lions in Africa?
Stranger: like the dentist
You: Aren't those poachers?
Stranger: no you can legally trophy hunt there on big exotic animals
Stranger: if you pay a lot of money
You: um, I'm thinking right now on the reason I gave up fishing
You: Should I revert back to my old self?
Stranger: why did you gave it up?
You: synergy of two reasons
You: for one, it's my pleasure at the cost of another's expense
You: and two, it was a lot of waiting around
You: I would rather do other sport activities like archery
Stranger: I see
Stranger: so you didnt like that these fish had to suffer for your hobby when you could have done something else?
You: Before I just didn't think upon how they experience pain
Stranger: sure thats pretty normal i think. Fish cant express pain like mammals can
Stranger: when we see a dog suffering it breaks our heart.
Stranger: even though a fish could be suffering as much, it isnt as obvious to us
You: would you like to be my younger self?
Stranger: Im pretty content with my life and youth :p
You: I mean
Stranger: but I understand your question
You: not what I meant
You: would you like me to be my younger self
Stranger: oh like that
Stranger: i think everybody needs to figure out their life and thoughts by themselves
Stranger: you have reached this point in your thoughts
You: I mean for the sake of this argument
Stranger: you havent explained how your thoughts differ now from back then
You: I can revert back
You: so for prize game hunting..
You: If the animal doesn't suffer
You: sure, it's fine
Stranger: Im not sure that I understand your position here.
You: game hunting is fine if the animal does not suffer
Stranger: aah ok
You: I'm going back, beyond the fishing
Stranger: alright
Stranger: so its fine as long as they dont suffer from it?
You: yes
Stranger: because you dont find personal pleasure to be more important than their suffering?
You: like I said, they're not suffering
You: a straight bullet to a vital organ is very quick
You: they're in the wild
Stranger: aah you mean like that
Stranger: if a human dies without suffering is that fine?
You: depends
You: genocide is not a good option
You: euthanasia tho, sure
Stranger: also for sport?
You: that wouldn't be possible
You: we would realize it
You: so an immense amount of emotional suffering would occur
Stranger: lets say that just like the animal you could shoot it straight through the heart without them even predicting it
You: humans and animals aren't equal
Stranger: ok what is the difference that makes the situation not apply to humans?
You: thinking
Stranger: sure thats fine
Stranger: you dont have to come up with the perfect argument, we can go through your thoughts together
You: Do you know what speciesism is?
Stranger: yes
You: ya, me too
You: So, humans have certain unalienable rights
You: animals do not have equal rights
Stranger: ok, im going to explain some stuff here
Stranger: when you go down the logical route, which im doing here
Stranger: when the other person has though about it before
Stranger: you get to this point almost every time
Stranger: this is a tricky point, because you need to get into metaphilosophy
You: not really
Stranger: so i would ask
You: it's just ethics
You: I didn't want to get into moral patienthood
Stranger: where do these rights come from
You: because very few know about that
You: ok
You: We get these rights from being a part of society
You: We would not have them if we were wild animals
You: i.e., full anarchy
Stranger: you will need to be more precise than that
Stranger: are you arguing from contract theory?
You: basically, yes
You: in a very rudimentary way
Stranger: do people who cant reciprocate this contract also get the right?
Stranger: rights
You: yes
You: they're still a part of society somehow
Stranger: people who are totally separated from the society do they get these rights?
You: ah, hunting some remote isolated person in a tribe somewhere
Stranger: sure
Stranger: or some people who were raised by the wolf :p
Stranger: please keep the conversation going
You: hold on
Stranger: you can bounce off some ideas or something
You: ok, I was playing this chess game
You: and it was timed
You: anyway
You: ok ok
Stranger: cmon man, im not here to entertain you. I want to have a conversation
You: It seems like a very contrived scenario
You: I'd characterize that as cherry picked (old self = stubborn hard ass)
Stranger: I wouldnt,
Stranger: that is my problem with the social-contract way of thinking
Stranger: anything falling outside the social-contract therefore has absolutely no rights at all
Stranger: coma patients, wild people, old tribes etc
Stranger: I dont think that you would actually be fine with them being slaughtered
You: ok, I revert that argument
You: I'm now taking on moral patenthood...
You: but now that I think about bit
Stranger: alright, i have no problem with reverting
You: It's never going to get this far
You: to moral patienthood
You: What other logical routes do you usually go down?
Stranger: well most of the time it gets to the point of were do these rights come from
Stranger: but sometimes you can get them on simpler stuff like:
Stranger: do you think its ok to eat dogs?
You: yes
Stranger: alright
Stranger: what about torturing dogs?
You: um, no
Stranger: why
You: It's cruel.
Stranger: subjective but ok
Stranger: why does that matter
Stranger: if it doesnt has rights or isnt a moral recipient
You: just unnecessary suffering
Stranger: exactly
Stranger: unnecessary suffering is bad
Stranger: those animals have to suffer to become your food
Stranger: and its unnecesarry because you can just eat something else
You: Grass fed beef doesn't suffer really
You: So there is no unnecessary suffering. I never said death is suffering
You: I don't view death is innately equivalent to suffering
Stranger: alright
Stranger: first off your meat probably doesnt come from happy cows jumping around on a plane of grass
You: (again, I don't eat meat but for the sake of argument)
You: that expensive grass fed beef I buy does
Stranger: alright
You: I don't eat fast food
You: or Walmart meat
Stranger: lets say for the sake of argument that it did had a great life
Stranger: most ways of slaughter certainly cause a lot of suffering
Stranger: not only before it, but also the action itself
Stranger: but for sake of argument lets say they are all drugged before being transported away
You: (again, for the sake) I haven't looked into it much, but from what I read, they don't suffer much at slaughter in the US
You: ok, let's make that assumption
Stranger: if you want i can send you some video of regular slaughter houses in the US :p
You: I would need statistics
You: or a USDA report
Stranger: the screams certainly dont mean suffering :p
You: on common slaughtering methods for each animal
You: because that may very well be a cherry picked case
You: So what I'm saying, that death is not innately bad.
Stranger: not really, but ok. For example to normal way to kill baby chickens is by throwing them in a literal blender
Stranger: for pigs its slitting the throat
Stranger: which doesnt kill them immediately
You: gotta have to show me where it says that
You: *gonna
Stranger: Im not going to look up statistics while having this conversation
You: anyway, the assumption
Stranger: sure
You: I know
You: I've looked into it
You: I'm talking about my younger self
Stranger: yeah me too
Stranger: so cows with perfect life and a death without suffering
You: yes
Stranger: people have the right to life as you would agree
Stranger: its the most important instinct
Stranger: the wish the live
Stranger: why do we have the right to discard these animals the wish to live
You: simple, they don't do metacognition
Stranger: so people who cant either also dont have the right to live?
You: there are always special cases. just because someone is in a coma, does not mean they can't get out of it. the same with a child
You: cows will never be able to do metacognition
Stranger: severely mentally ill people
You: that's what I was saying about special cases
You: there are all these fancy surgeries and that field is developing all the time
You: perhaps not in the near future
Stranger: jumping around the bush
Stranger: ill make a clear example
You: but they'll have the potential eventually
Stranger: lets say there is a sub species of humans who are all mentally ill. Would it be ok to genocide them?
You: an alien race?
Stranger: just a branch of the human species
You: I feel like this example is nonsensical
You: we just derived and derived
Stranger: its a though experiment to see how your moral system works
You: I don't have a moral system of my own
Stranger: though experiments are the core of philosophy
You: (again, for the sake)
Stranger: ofc you do, but alright
You: lol
Stranger: if i kill your mother, you wound't say "Im really sad but i geuss its neither bad or good"
Stranger: we all hold some axioms, without them we couldnt operate in this world
You: I just refuse the premise that there would be a sub-human species
You: nonsensical
Stranger: no its not
Stranger: its perfectly possible
Stranger: even if it wouldnt be
Stranger: it doesnt matter
Stranger: its easy to make up a system if you only apply it in the most clear cut cases
You: hold on, I need to get my bearings
Stranger: you clearly have learned about philosophy so you must know that hypotheticals are the core of it
You: yes, but I was saying how I've found (old self) that grass fed beef is perfectly fine to eat
Stranger: yeah and im trying to break your system of who has the right to live and who doenst
Stranger: there is some logic (but most probably feelings) behind it that make you say that animals dont receive it but humans do
Stranger: im trying to poke holes at to find a way inside and burst it open
Stranger: when we are honest to yourself almost all ideas and systems that we have are driven by our most inner emotions and instincts not reason. Why just wrap it with a layer of reason to obfuscate that. But when you apply enough pressure you reveal that underneath is nothing.
Stranger: we just*
You: but we're not equal to animals
You: Hell, we're all different ourselves
You: Animals can't get married
Stranger: i agree we have something special not found in other animals.
Stranger: but can you answer my original question?
You: (old self)
You: the nonsensical nonhuman human sub-species?
Stranger: call it what you want, yes that question
Stranger: can we genocide the retarded human species
You: I just don't get it. They can't possibly be having families if they're their own species
Stranger: cmooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon
You: =)
Stranger: stop walking around the bush
Stranger: 100 thousand years ago we split of into 2 species. We look the same but are mentally different. The other species has the IQ of a severely mentally ill person
Stranger: but they can talk, and do other basic tasks
Stranger: but they lack metacognition
You: ok, for the sake of your time
You: I would have kept beating around the bush
Stranger: will you press the nuke button
Stranger: yeah thats clear
You: I would've said something like
You: convoluted example
You: no connection to the real world
You: so abstract
You: ...something like that
Stranger: and i would say, blablabla. Not an argument
Stranger: in the beginning i gave a real world example
Stranger: and you didnt answer that either so
You: which one?
Stranger: mentally ill people
Stranger: can we kill them
Stranger: torture them whatever
Stranger: the emotional conversations are so much easier, these logical conversations always go into the infinite
Stranger: but fun exercise
You: I actually want to hear the pathos questions though
Stranger: alright, ill just assume that you are stuck in your thoughts.
Stranger: its good to be stuck though
You: but I wasn't
You: I'm just stubborn
Stranger: yeah thats the same
Stranger: stuck in your preconceived notions and instincts
Stranger: like i said, just scared that if you accept a failure in your own system that it will collapse
Stranger: and dont worry
Stranger: Im there too
Stranger: there are many holes in my own thoughts and ideas
Stranger: I guess we just accept that
You: But it's not a hole.
You: (I have a logical argument against this btw)
You: Buying local meats supports the local farmers
You: Being vegan doesn't have any real effect
You: 0.5% of the US pop is vegan
Stranger: that isnt an answer to my question, so im not going to go further in the logics.
Stranger: your just throwing other stuff at me to go away from my point.
Stranger: so ill go the emotional argument, cuz im sick of you avoiding shit :p
You: =D
Stranger: ill just use people's pets to convince them that animals deserve our empathy
Stranger: to convince them that pets have feelings, can suffer, and want to live
Stranger: since they can empathize with there pets you just have to make them see that their pets arent special from other animals
Stranger: you can hit them with the "what about fur" or a "eating dogs in china" :p
Stranger: let them come to the concussion that eating cows and pigs makes no fucking sense
Stranger: if they care about environment, throw that in there
Stranger: mix it up
Stranger: and voila vegan soup
Stranger: "muh grassfed meat" or "eggs and milk tho"
Stranger: just hit them with the "male baby chicks are grind up"
Stranger: "to make milk the mother has to been impregnated which is done over and over until they cant and then they get killed which is less time than there normal life expectancy"
Stranger: dont get me started on the male calves being shipped off to slaughter houses and the girls to get the same faith as their mothers, separated from their mothers
Stranger: thats it :p
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