Saturday, December 8, 2018

anti-veganism sentiment

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like debate.
You: Hello. I'm Adam. I like to argue/discuss. Where are you from?
Stranger: I'm from Australia
You: US
Stranger: nice
Stranger: do you have any topics in mind?
You: I usually argue for veganism, or buying local, based on certain animal's living conditions in the US (i.e., the suffering, not against slaughter).
Stranger: I don't think I'd disagree with you on that on
You: Ok
You: I'll continue
You: Have you ever had pets?
Stranger: no
You: Fair enough
You: What would you feel like if someone says they eat cats or dogs?
Stranger: I havent really thought about it, and this isnt something I've really thought about
Stranger: wow I just said the same thing twice
You: lol
You: it's ok
You: How about thinking on it now?
Stranger: My gut reaction is that I'm not okay with it
Stranger: but I don't think that the feeling is backed up rationally if I'd be okay with eating any other animal
You: right...
Stranger: Like I said I havent thought about it
You: Yes, thanks for your input
You: If you were to guess, assuming that you can get the same tastes and textures, would it be hard to be vegetarian?
Stranger: It wouldn't
You: Hm, ok.
You: I'm going to make a leap here
You: Do you think being a healthy vegan would be hard?
Stranger: I don't know much about nutrition, but as far as I'm aware, it's a lot easier to get certain nutrients such as protein if you have meat in your diet. I'm not sure how much more difficult it would be to include substitutes for that in a vegan diet.
You: I understand where you're coming from.
You: I'm pretty happy with this conversation so far. I realize I haven't really said anything significant.
You: And I'd say you haven't been really convinced of anything...but, I'm just happy about it.
Stranger: I like to think that I have a pretty reasonable perspective
You: I agree. The last person who actually got into a discussion with me kept believing what he wanted to believe. For instance, they wanted a picture of me (thinking I would look pale/unhealthy). Yet, I told them that all my pictures online are old.
You: I have pale, relatively unhealthy looking pics (old ones). And they thought that was so great, that I'm vegetarian and look unhealthy...
You: yet that was when I ate
Stranger: I don't really understand the anti-veganism sentiment
You: huh, you're right...
You: perhaps American hubris?
Stranger: eh
Stranger: I think that people believe that vegans are preachy
Stranger: but who isn't going to want to spread the word about something that they think is morally important
You: I like that idea.

You: It's like a TED talk I heard about Vipassana mediation

Stranger: People don't like being told that they are doing something wrong
You: Right, that too.
You: Anyway, I gotta go
Stranger: Alright, I'll give that ted talk a watch
You: Some women
You: Vipassana Meditation and Body Sensation: Eilona Ariel at TEDxJaffa ...
You: I believe that's it.
You: Have a nice night or day!
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: alright will do, you too

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