You both like politics.
You: Hello. I'm Adam from Wisconsin. I like to argue/discuss. Where are you from?
Stranger: Hey, Tayseer from Texas. What would you like to discuss?
You: Various topics
You: Do you have anything in mind?
Stranger: Are you interested in US foreign policy?
You: I suppose
You: but I know next to nothing
Stranger: I think its a big issue that most Americans are severely unaware of their own country's foreign policy, considering it's the most powerful country in the world. Our policies affect people's lives, and it even affects our own lives as literally trillion of dollars are being spent on endless war so the defense contractors and weapon manufacturers can make money, instead of that money going to the American people through healthcare or education
You: I agree
You: I just can do more impact myself by looking into private philanthropy
Stranger: That helps and that's important, though collective action to vote out the warmongers or at least pressure them to stop intervening could save thousands of people's lives
Stranger: We're currently refueling Saudi warplanes (and selling them warplanes) that have been bombing Yemeni hospitals, schools, school buses, weddings, funerals, and civilians homes. Half the country (13 million) is on the brink of starvation according to the UN, and tens of thousands of people have already died. Most of the suffering is due to the Saudis blocking the main port of the country so that food, medicine, and supplies don't get to the population. And most of the major Western countries, including us of course, are backing the Saudis financially and militarily fully.
You: What can I do?
Stranger: Know which congresspeople are supporting the war (and who are bought by the lobbies that benefit from war), and which ones have been altruistically working to end the war, even before the outrage over that journalist's execution. Support the ones who are opposing the terrorism we're committing, and vote out the war criminals
You: Sounds like a lot of abstraction
You: but OK
Stranger: One person can't have much of any impact but collectively a difference can be made. Since we live in a democracy, we're directly responsible for the actions of our government. The people living in authoritarian governments, like Saudi Arabia for example, have absolutely no influence on the atrocities that their government is committing. If we pride ourselves as Americans for being supporters of human rights and democracy, we should actually live up to that claim
You: Do you know any contemporary movements?
You: I do.
Stranger: The first step is always awareness. Just knowing about what's going on is important. It might not seem significant but that's how the anti-war movement in Vietnam started: people had to know what was happening first
Stranger: Anti-war movements? There are a lot. Code Pink have been at it for a while now.
Stranger: The Justice Democrats, who are a group of Democrats who dont take PAC money, all have non-interventionist stances on foreign policy
You: Ah yes, someone here convinced me not to support candidates who take PAC money
Stranger: Basically he convinced you to not support candidates who are legally bribed (the euphemism used is "lobbying") to serve the interests of a special interest group rather than their constituents
Stranger: Which is a good thing
You: Yes
You: I really should go to sleep, but I'm curious if you've heard about the Effective Altruist movement?
Stranger: I've heard of it, it's like smart charity basically, right?
Stranger: Where it actually makes a difference rather than go to waste
You: Correct
Stranger: That sounds good to me, I'll check it out
Stranger: Any good source to start with?
You: Wikipedia
You: The webpage isn't good unless you know a lot about it already
You: But the Wikipedia article is concise
Stranger: Gotcha, thanks for the suggestion. Can't go wrong with Wiki
You: Any parting words?
Stranger: We need more altruism in the world, so I respect that you value that.
You: I'm happy. Anyway, bye!
Stranger: Peace!
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