Thursday, December 20, 2018


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like Politics.
You: Hi. I'm Adam, 24. I like to argue/discuss. Where are you from?
Stranger: Hi
Stranger: I’m Ele
You: Omg
Stranger: 23.5
You: No "I"?
Stranger: No.
You: Crazy
Stranger: My last name is more crazy
You: Ok
Stranger: It’s Circumstance
You: I like Ele though...
Stranger: That’s my last name
You: sounds what I would name my child
You: if I was in an odd state of mind

Stranger: I don’t know which generation got that last name and how.
Stranger: Anyway, how are you?
You: I'm breathing
You: What do you do for work?
Stranger: Definitely someone was in that odd state of mind when they adopted that last name
Stranger: Oh
Stranger: I’m a Research Scientist in Bioinformatics
Stranger: Actually a Research Associate
You: What bioinformatics?
Stranger: Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary field of Computer Science and Biology
You: I know
You: But isn't your job more specific than that?
Stranger: It deals with the research of genetic and biological data and computational modeling.
You: Yes
Stranger: I work on the research to generate Mathematical models for predicting conditions of Asthma and its attack
You: Ah, ok
Stranger: That’s my specific research
Stranger: What do you do?
You: electrical engineering undergrad
Stranger: Cool
You: Why do you keep capitalizing nouns that are not proper?
Stranger: Autocorrect
You: ok =)
Stranger: So please ignore that.
You: No problem
Stranger: Where are you from?
You: Wisconsin
Stranger: Have you heard of the Alaska Earthquake and Tsunami?
Stranger: It happened today
You: I haven't
Stranger: It was a major disaster.
You: Sounds like it
Stranger: Anyway, are you a student of University of Wisconsin?
You: Platteville
Stranger: Okay
You: UW-P
You: Not UW Madison
Stranger: I know 2 major ones — Madison and Milwaukee
You: Platteville's the one known for engineering
Stranger: Are you a senior?
You: ya
You: or MSOE
Stranger: Are you planning for a graduate school?
You: Milwaukee School of Engineering
You: Yep
Stranger: That’s really a good plan for your career
You: thanks
Stranger: Can I ask you a question on politics?
You: I probably won't know about the topics, but go ahead
Stranger: Before that, were you born and raised in Wisconsin?
You: Yes
Stranger: What’s your stance on immigration?
You: Don't have one
You: I'm not informed on that topic
Stranger: Do you think that academically motivated Asians and Indians should be allowed to enter the states for pursuing their careers in STEM resulting in more non White doctors, engineers and scientists?
You: Sure
Stranger: Okay
Stranger: With the previous guy at Omegle, he was insisting that such immigration should not happen.
You: lol
You: Why?
Stranger: According to him, such immigration pollutes the White culture of America.
You: oh, FFS
Stranger: He was too right on that.
You: I thought it was going to be an actual reason
Stranger: He said that American culture is most compatible with Western Europe. None others should be allowed to immigrate.
You: I don't get that far with such people
You: You seem too patient
Stranger: I don’t know but hate speeches are increasing among Omegle strangers.
You: I wouldn't say it's increasing
You: Do you do any activism or charity?
Stranger: Or maybe I get the crap ones
Stranger: Charity yes
Stranger: I’m more into sports than activism.
You: What charity?
Stranger: Food charity
Stranger: Utah Food bank
Stranger: By the way, I’m from Utah
Stranger: I think that the modern Trump administration has misused the uninformed minds of many rural Americans.
You: Lol
You: Makes sense
Stranger: What’s the political situation at your city?
You: I'm kinda against local charity. But it's too late for me to want to actually explain it out
You: We had Scott Walker voted out
Stranger: I do international charity too
You: Which ones?
Stranger: WFP
You: =/
Stranger: I even cook dinner for the homeless at my house.
You: That doesn't look good
You: Oh, that's fucking awesome!
Stranger: Yes... That way they get better food.
Stranger: Although I cannot do it everyday, but I try whenever I can.
You: Do you help them hold jobs too?
You: What else do you do for them?
Stranger: Here at my state, most homeless people are into rehabilitation and struggling with their past drug use. So, considering safe situations, I interact with them for helping them with jobs.
You: I've always been from a small city
You: So we have like ~5 homeless
You: Right, gotta be safe
Stranger: That’s a challenge.
You: I accidentally had to stay in a homeless shelter once
You: One guy snuck in
Stranger: If one homeless gets to know me, the entire group tries to get in touch with me.
Stranger: There I get into more trouble.
Stranger: Coz some drug dealers fake themselves as homeless
Stranger: And that’s kinda scary.
You: And what happens?
Stranger: Nothing. If I see a gathering of too many homeless, I usually avoid them.
You: In the future, do you think I should?
Stranger: Salt Lake City has a huge issue with drug abuse among its homeless population.
Stranger: It has a growing homeless population.
You: Aw
Stranger: I usually avoid giving food to the homeless gatherings.
You: What do you mean gatherings?
Stranger: If I find them separately, then I give food to them.
Stranger: Gathering means when many homeless people gather together at a place. Coz there is a huge issue with drug abuse in those gatherings.
Stranger: Now this is about Salt Lake City
Stranger: Other places might differ.
You: I read "Under the Overpass" (a short book), and they suggested giving $5 giftcards to places like Subway
You: But the Groundhog Day (movie) is always better of course
Stranger: Yes. I don’t give them liquid cash at all.
Stranger: They are so addicted to drugs most of the time.
You: Hmmm, that's good for me to know
Stranger: Don’t call them at home.
You: I see myself being involved in such things whenever I move to a bigger city

(don’t have the rest)


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