You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hello!
You both like nihilism.
Stranger: hello hello
You: hello
Stranger: were you here yesterday?
You: yes
Stranger: remember any conversations?
You: yes--this 36 year old with aspergers
Stranger: what was the interest that you two shared?
You: philosophy
Stranger: what was his?
You: his what?
Stranger: philosophy
You: yes; he talked about 1/7 for quite awhile and how he is so "clever:"
Stranger: whats 1/7?
You: Why do you have nihilism for an interest? (He wanted the decimal equivalent. He rambled most of the time.)
Stranger: well I think Im close to a nihilist
Stranger: and would like to talk to other people who think similarly
You: likewise
Stranger: its very difficult to find people with enough depth but without any kind of divine crusade
Stranger: or environment one
You: Here on omegle?
Stranger: anywhere, so far this is the best place to find for such kind of rare people
You: what's the reason(s) you do not commit suicide? Also, age & loc
Stranger: live isint suffering
You: 19 US WI
You: do you work?
Stranger: just because life is empty doesnt mean that its a bad thing
Stranger: buddhists got the same idea really
Stranger: there are benefits for removing everything from your life
Stranger: Im 27 and from Finland and no I do not work
You: don't you live somewhere? how is daily living paid for?
Stranger: Im a shareholder
Stranger: could live with unemployment checks as well
Stranger: I dont spend much money
You: what stock?
You: (s)
Stranger: its a medium sized business here in Finland
You: I have been somewhat set on what you call "divine crusade." Tell me if living a life trying to eliminate extreme poverty is what you mean by "divine crusade?" And what do you think about it?
Stranger: it is one
Stranger: its completely pointless
You: what is your highest education; audodidactism counts?
Stranger: graphic designing in an university
You: no offence, did you finish?
Stranger: no I quit after I finished the courses
Stranger: I dont get offended
Stranger: ever
Stranger: and Im not one to look for others to learn
Stranger: I figure things out on my own
Stranger: I have no hunger for knowledge
You: yes, about two weeks ago I talked with someone who had the same interest we have today. he used the word intuition
You: otherwise do you live the traditional lifestyle? ie, pairing up, family, etc
Stranger: nope, I live pretty much as a hermit
You: haha
You: what do you do all day?
You: I am guessing you do not read nonfiction
Stranger: this
Stranger: only something that I stumble upon
Stranger: enjoy the arts, human creativity in general
Stranger: talk to people etc.
Stranger: online
Stranger: not in person
You: why not in person
Stranger: its such a small chance that I find them interesting
Stranger: that its better to just ignore everyone
Stranger: at most I will miss a chuckle
Stranger: probably skip alot of possible frustration and awkwardness
You: maybe...
You: its a picture
Stranger: I know what it is just from the link
Stranger: unfortunately thats not how it is for me
You: intuition will not help you here
You: its interesting
Stranger: if I had to insert myself into that picture I wouldnt even be on that train
You: ?
You: where then?
Stranger: or metro
Stranger: somewhere else
Stranger: its a metaphor
Stranger: they are moving, going to somewhere
Stranger: they are living goal driven lives
Stranger: I am not
Stranger: I wouldnt be going anywhere
You: its a trope--the train going to nowhere that is. the movie Good Will Hunting had this trope in it
You: so you're probably the best one to ask this question:
You: is being an autodidact frivolous?
Stranger: no one can say whats better or worse, good or bad etc.
Stranger: I dont care for it
Stranger: I do not feel the urge
You: for what?
Stranger: to look for information
Stranger: for knowledge
Stranger: it will come naturally in time
Stranger: I dont feel that I gain anything from it
Stranger: I dont have a hole that needs to be filled
Stranger: no sickness that needs to be cured
Stranger: as long as the rain from the sky isint enough for you and you have a need to pick up a bucket and poar more water you wont be complete nor content
Stranger: or "happy"
You: have you "heard" about the 9 stages of ego developement
You: also I do not seek happiness
You: intentionally like everyone else or to the point of excess,that most do
Stranger: havent heard about it
You: do you have interest in me explaining it in a nutshell?
Stranger: go ahead
Stranger: hit enter every now and then
Stranger: bite sizing makes it easier
Stranger: no one likes a wall of text
You: so we go through these supposed stages. the beginning stages are about necessity and mostly about children, then it gets a little complicated,
You: but basically each stage is like an expanding disk, shown on page 3.
You: People expand the disk and usually move up until about stage 4/5 (or somewhere around that stage).
You: this is what I have assumed to be the "traditional lifestyle"
You: although, I have not thought to fit nihilism into this theory,
You: until now
Stranger: and where does it go
You: its been about a year since I read the whole thing and a few articles along with. I think the maker could not give it an end ego stage. the last stage written about is Stage 6.
You: maker = author
Stranger: so is nihilism where it ends?
Stranger: or is there something after it
You: I do not know.
You: From what stage 5 & 6 were about: I do not think so
You: don't stereotype me for this platitude:
You: what if the majority of people lived your lifestyle?
Stranger: its a luxurity
Stranger: if the world wasnt like it is I wouldnt be living this life style
You: ok. but you are more selfish?
Stranger: my selfishness is limited to my indifference towards most things
You: do you have stoicism as an interest?
Stranger: nope
You: what then?
Stranger: mbti types
Stranger: apathy, indifference
Stranger: buddhism
Stranger: hermit
Stranger: recluse
You: hermit--haa
Stranger: oh and cynicism
You: here on omegle?
Stranger: yes, thats what you asked?
You: yep
Stranger: selfishness as well
You: shweeb× autodidact× autodidactism× extreme poverty× poverty× altruism× nihilism× absurdism× Igby Goes Down× Good Will Hunting× electrical engineering× inventing× platteville× art of tracking× tracking× nonfiction× rhetoric× afflict× affliction× education× educational reform× reform× Nietzsche× The Challenge of World Povetry× Challenge of World Povetry× MIT OCW× OCW× MOOC× MOOCs× learning× lll× lifelong learner× lifelong learning× philosophy× purpose× meaning× visonary× critical thinking× haiti× Existentialism× Existential× Existentialist× coursera×
You: is mine
You: what do you think
Stranger: altruism
You: what about it
Stranger: not a fan
You: I thought you were indifferent for most things--what else are you not indifferent about?
Stranger: well I meant personally
Stranger: of course its a positive things in general
You: I know--a slight egotistical though
Stranger: but I only act altruistic when its for my own interest
Stranger: if you mindlessly follow you emotions you are just a tool
You: altruism is lessening your own circumstances for another
Stranger: its self-sacrifcie
Stranger: its brainwashing, which peak is probably suicide terrorists
You: what is brainwashing?
Stranger: education
You: public edu--definitely yes. NOT autodidactism
Stranger: not just schools
You: o. you mean all of it?
Stranger: yes, whole growing up
Stranger: how to act, behave, feel
You: well yes...freeganists, autodidacts, and such are not
You: if nothing really matters, why should I live a life for myself. Have you ever met a nihilist who had or is doing this? or anyone who wants "no life" and is content
Stranger: well you cant be alive without living for yourself
Stranger: so its not an option
Stranger: I havent met anyone who was as extreme as I am
You: I mean, truly living (besides the necessitates) not for yourself. You are living a lifestyle for yourself.
Stranger: you are living for yourself if you take care of the necessities
You: overall
Stranger: if you dont care about yourself then you are going to di
Stranger: die
You: I more-so mean a paradox
Stranger: thats just strawmanning it to a point of ridicule, people who dont understand something do this
You: by living "no life" for others benefit. by living explicitly to increase your utility for the mere benefit of others.
You: this kind of lifestyle would actually be meaningful:
You: through no meaning ~paradox
Stranger: yes it feels meaningful
Stranger: you feel
Stranger: and those feeling have a reason
Stranger: because it is altruistic behavior
Stranger: so naturally it is rewarded
Stranger: it helps us as race to survive and progress
Stranger: without this system of rewarding we wouldnt be here
Stranger: its still brainwashing or programming
Stranger: call it what you want
You: but it is not a reward to ME
Stranger: it is
You: after I'm dead, there is no "reward"
You: no gold star
Stranger: yes but you do it while you are living because it gives you meaning
Stranger: and you feel bad without meaning in your life
You: yes, it is attached though. I do not necessarily "feel" bad right now...maybe
You: the meaning is attached--not the main component
Stranger: I understand that most people wont understand or agree with my thoughts or lifestyle
Stranger: you really need to be obsessed with authenticity like I am
Stranger: otherwise you can be content with a meaningful life
You: why should I care if others are authentic?
Stranger: if you dont, you dont
Stranger: there is nothing you should or shouldnt
You: nice answer
Stranger: people are different
Stranger: there is no best way of living
Stranger: there is no best of anything
You: better though?
Stranger: depends on the goal you try to reach
Stranger: put if the goal doesnt matter then what is better of worse is irrelevant
Stranger: but*
You: Right now, I cannot wrap my mind around......always neither
Stranger: doesnt matter how intuitive or intellect you are - you can never see every possibility, every reaction to every action
Stranger: you can only understand that this is how it is
Stranger: you are doomed to be wrong if you try to be right
You: I believe in time to be the true balance: with time...
You: "Of course, indifference can be tempting—more than that, seductive. It is so much easier to look away from victims….In a way, to be indifferent to suffering is what makes the human being inhuman.
Indifference, after all, is more dangerous than anger and hatred. Anger can at times be creative."
Indifference, after all, is more dangerous than anger and hatred. Anger can at times be creative."
Stranger: its dangerous because its not altruistic
Stranger: understand that everything that is popular is altruistic
Stranger: it wouldnt survive if it werent
You: I do not agree.
Stranger: just like humans wouldnt survive if they lived my lifestyle
You: that is a sort of stereotype
Stranger: and because Im not altruistic I wont try to teach people my way
Stranger: its going to die with me
Stranger: it will never become popular
Stranger: and thats how it is with things that arent altruistic
You: very few people are altruistic. it is not popular
Stranger: almost everyone is
Stranger: of course you can nit pick everything
Stranger: that people are selfish because they act on their emotions
Stranger: but they still act altruistic
You: many people are of a low "level" of altrusim
You: i do not mean this
Stranger: yes they are tools but even the people who use the tools are just working for the factory
You: that's my exact point,
You: the people similar to meas who are tools making an attempt
You: have a frivolous pursuit.
You: it does not matter.
You: why not live against how everyone else lives
You: by living for others
You: you live for yourself--just as everyone else
You: and I mean overall. not including health, etc
You: it is not happy or enjoyable
Stranger: Im living against myself in a sense that Im doing what doesnt come naturally to me
You: i think you cling to your sort of nihilism
Stranger: I know Im obsessed with authenticity and perfection
Stranger: and these are easiest to please with emptyness
You: are you a perfectionist?
Stranger: yes
You: my dad is
Stranger: authenticity and perfection are pretty much the same thing
You: not really
Stranger: they are both something pure in essence
Stranger: and absolute
You: one or two of the same node--different meaning
You: completely different
You: so I have concluded--ended--that you live for yourself. that is the Purpose of your life. This is how you are unoriginal--like everyone else. You are not rare.
Stranger: we humans reason with categorizing things
Stranger: and what we dont understand with put into the uncategorized box
Stranger: it sure is a big box
You: yes. its called how our brains make meaning out of data
You: I do not have to understand the motives behind intentions of the self.
You: pseudonihilism is the exact category
You: do you have an email?
Stranger: sure
Stranger: skype and facebook as well
You: what's the email?
hidden email
You have disconnected.
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