hidden name
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like hacking.
You: hello
Stranger: Hi
You: does this rag smell...
You: like chloroform to you?
Stranger: lol
Stranger: So what hacking skills do u have?
You: lock picking, one computer hack, and knowledge about operant conditioning
You: you?
Stranger: SQLI, XXE , XSS etc
You: are those languages?
Stranger: yes u can use to hack Websites other thne that theere a lot of ways
Stranger: with Backtrack R5 , Kali linux
Stranger: yet i not done lock picking
You: how'd you learn them
Stranger: from a book
Stranger: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BwG8W3CIcAAiJb3.jpg:large
You: which book?
You: is that you or something?
Stranger: yep
Stranger: thats me
Stranger: i was the one that hacked ebay
Stranger: i should say helped them
You: what book?
Stranger: can not say do not have them no more this was when i was 8 years old
Stranger: maybe younger
Stranger: http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCEQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.telegraph.co.uk%2Ftechnology%2Finternet-security%2F10860141%2FSecond-eBay-security-flaw-discovered.html&ei=Vg4qVJHcH8WWasDygbAE&usg=AFQjCNGQs05Be7iJfMMjQQJnsAuAektCCQ&sig2=Qunp8IMq63XG17RtT7iVtQ&bvm=bv.76477589,d.d2s
Stranger: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/internet-security/10860141/Second-eBay-security-flaw-discovered.html
You: you're British?
Stranger: Yep
Stranger: u
You: american
You: cehsecurity.com
You: doen't work
Stranger: Yep i taken it down
Stranger: to i fix a few thingts
You: read a little, interesting
Stranger: Yep i work with TOR a lot on coding exploits for it
You: so where should I go if I want to get into some minor hacking?
You: I know c++
You: use to know java script
Stranger: learn javascript XSS attacks on how there work
Stranger: then SQLi for a example u trying to SELECT * FROM username
You: ok
You: thank you very much
You: just out of curiosity
Stranger: yeah
You: know any omegle hacks
You: that's where I know my only "computer hack"
Stranger: i have a few u can use Javscript to send a XSS popup for example
You: so for the other person?
Stranger: then it about inject the XSS code it would popup saying CEHSecurity
Stranger: u can use the same out put but with XSS cookies
Stranger: since the saved in browsers
Stranger: u can grab the $output
You: ok good. don't know what any of that means, but I'm hopeful it'll make sense someday
Stranger: yep but if u need anyhelp u can tweet me at twitter.com/CEHSecurity
You: thanks!
Stranger: You welcome!
You: anything else you want to talk about?
Stranger: so where in USA u from?
You: WI
Stranger: cool there a lot of places in USA to learn hacking
Stranger: night school it cost about $1500
You: huh
Stranger: yep but i bet there cheaper out there no point in learning it from videos i think there suck
Stranger: with YouTube videos u can not learn the understanding of hacking
You: alright, good info
You: any other tips?
Stranger: Yep when people send u links do not click them thats one tip all hackers do
You: through email?
You: or what you just did in the beginning?!
Stranger: u could get a RAT (Remote Administration Tools) or cookies stolen thats why u always clear them :)
Stranger: to anything u got to do a search on the website to see if it safe or scan it for virus :)
You: o
You: well thanks again!
Stranger: well i got to go for now u need anything or help on anything u can always contact me over at twitter
You: =)
You have disconnected.
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