You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like philosophy.
[said some interesting info about poverty--which surprised me]
You: hey
Stranger: what up
You: I lost connection
You: last time
Stranger: aha
Stranger: yeah, omegle's stream transport isn't the best
Stranger: but I guess it's better than having a shitload of connections trying to reconnect
You: what other interests do you have?
Stranger: networking/cryptography and computer security in general
You: can you tell me something interesting about hacking?
Stranger: Platteville, Wisconsin
Stranger: without using any hidden information
You: how?
You: that was so cool
Stranger: computers communicate by IP addresses, which are registered to orginizations in ARIN, which can be located to a general location
Stranger: in order for you and I to communicate over the internet, our computers know each others IP addresses
Stranger: I just ask my computer where it's sending the most data
Stranger: and look it up
You: so command prompt?
You: or website?
Stranger: resource monitor
Stranger: and website
Stranger: I'm sure you could do it with some fancy netstat arguments
Stranger: but I don't need to do it in bulk - so resource monitor works for me
Stranger: alright, your turn - pick a topic, or tell me something interesting
You: can you tell me how to get to that point in the resource monitor
You: before
You: ?
Stranger: go to the network tab
You: overview? or what tab?
Stranger: filter by application - either chrome, or flashplayer plugin
You: ok
Stranger: under network activity - sort by send b/sec
You: yes
Stranger: the one with the highest value should be who you're talking with
Stranger: assuming your webcam is on
Stranger: though, there's a stray MX or PTR record for my address that doesn't resolve normally
Stranger: so if you see - that's me for some reason
You: so california?
You: that
You: 's what I saw
Stranger: I still don't know what server is authoritative for that domain
Stranger: no, I'm not in Cali
You: how'd you know that adam-think was in platteville?
You: website?
You: coool coool coool
You: allright
You: does a joke count for something interesting?
Stranger: sure
You: A charitable organization noticed that the richest man in town had never donated.
You: A representative of the organization called the man. "Our research shows that you make millions of dollars a year, and we were wondering if you'd like to donate some amount to help those in need."
The man responded, "Did your research show you that my mother is suffering from a chronic illness, and cannot afford her medical bills?"
"Erm, no..."
"Did your research take into account my sister, whose husband died and was left broke with four children and no job?" the man said.
"I'm so sorry..." the rep began but was abruptly cut off
"Or perhaps my brother, who is a disabled veteran and is confined to a wheelchair, and long wait lists at the VA just to see a doctor?"
The representative was speechless.
The man responded, "Did your research show you that my mother is suffering from a chronic illness, and cannot afford her medical bills?"
"Erm, no..."
"Did your research take into account my sister, whose husband died and was left broke with four children and no job?" the man said.
"I'm so sorry..." the rep began but was abruptly cut off
"Or perhaps my brother, who is a disabled veteran and is confined to a wheelchair, and long wait lists at the VA just to see a doctor?"
The representative was speechless.
You: Then the man said, "And I don't give any money to them, so why the hell should I give any money to you?"
Stranger: XD
Stranger: what do you get when you insert human DNA into a goat?
You: don't know
Stranger: banned from the petting zoo
You: nice
Stranger: Menstruation jokes aren't funny
Stranger: Period.
Stranger: I was going to make a gay joke
Stranger: butt fuck it
You: how about, at least for me, this is interesting
You: I am using this flashcard freeware called Anki
You: to memorize stuff (using closed deletion and the like)
You: so that I can sort of "program" the information into my brain
You: so choose what stays for a long time by using the spaced repetition, and leitner system
You: of Anki
Stranger: nifty
Stranger: I've always been able to just memorize things verbatim by hearing or reading them
You: what, photographic memory?
Stranger: not quite
Stranger: and photographic memory isn't actually a thing
You: so you're just sharp
Stranger: the proper term is perfect recall
You: oh
Stranger: I have an eidetic memory
Stranger: so I can remember sensations in the form of data - smells, sounds, sights whatever
Stranger: but I don't have perfect recall, just a good memory
You: I am not sure what I am besides visual
You: big
Stranger: little
Stranger: couple of my lap switches
Stranger: free of charge, courtesy of work
You: wow
Stranger: lab*
You: I have to buy all my Circuits I lab equip
Stranger: I'm really getting sick of Cisco though, especially as I do more and more stuff with Juniper kit
You: the brand? why
Stranger: their CLI is pretty awful compared to Juniper
Stranger: and their gear is priced way higher, usually for lower performance
Stranger: since they're the "default choice" in network gear
You: didn't know that. All I know about your field is a little intro c++, and probably about 20% of java script (about 2 years ago at least)
Stranger: aha
Stranger: yeah, that's about all the programming I got
Stranger: I'm much more the guy who configures the routers and switches
Stranger: though, I also do desktop support, since the IT department for a company of 3000+ employees is 5 people, including me
You: great, what's your name again?
Stranger: Cam
Stranger: yours?
You: Adam
You: do you have skype?
Stranger: cameron.g.baker
You: ok, have to finish a paper and some assignments, but talk to you another day
Stranger: word
Stranger: want one more fun fact before you take off?
You: and ya, another fun fact would be awesome
Stranger: you can go to any pharmacy in the US, and without any kind of prescription, walk out with methamphetamine
Stranger: though, only the L- isomer
Stranger: it's the active ingredient in Vicks inhalers
You: bye
You have disconnected.
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