Thursday, November 22, 2018

Amber role play

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like Advice.
You: Hey. I'm Adam. I'm here to argue or simply chat.
Stranger: 19f
Stranger: I'm Amber
You: 24
You: Nice to meet you
Stranger: It's nice to meet you
You: =)
Stranger: What do you want to talk about?
You: You
You: Why are you here?
Stranger: Oh okay
Stranger: I just like to give advice
You: lol
Stranger: Ya know, help people
Stranger: Or roleplay XD
You: What are your passions?
Stranger: What do you mean m
Stranger: Like fetishes or just things I like
You: Lol
You: nope
You: but that intrigues me more
You: So yes!
Stranger: The fetish part?
You: Ya
You: and then maybe fantasies
Stranger: Well recently I've been into age play. Idk why I've just been interested.
You: What does that mean?
Stranger: But for the most part I so to speak.
You: Um, have you had that?
Stranger: Age play is when you portray the roll of yourself but younger.
Stranger: Oh yes absolutely
You: Huh, ok
Stranger: Which are you more intrigued with?
You: So I guess you kind of mentioned fantasy already
You: So age play
You: Do you have a fantasy tho
You: Like a scenario?
Stranger: Maybe a babysitter?

hidden text

You: So you're the babysitter?

Stranger: Hmm no I'd rather you be the babysitter and me be the child

You: What??

You: Really?

You: I was thinking some dad scenario going on


You: that's kinda messed up

You: :p

Stranger: I mean I'm of age

You: I know

Stranger: Just playing a fourteen year old ish little gal

You: oh, you said

You: "I'd"

You: I see you meant "you'd"

You: or wait

You: nope, you said it right

You: I just read it wrong

You: Commas!

Stranger: OH I know what you reread

Stranger: read*

Stranger: Sorry darling

You: ok, babe

Stranger: So are you okay with this?

You: yep, that could be pretty erotic

Stranger: Oookie!

You: also reminds me of that movie with keanu reeves

You: ...Knock Knock 2015

Stranger: But I'll be pretty young so I'm innocent and don't really understand what sex is sooooo you're gonna have to trick me

You: lol

You: I was thinking it a bit though

You: I resisted for a while

You: but as you kept persisting in different alluring ways, I eventually give in

Stranger: Also shall I start?

You: here?

Stranger: Yeh

You: um, I'd rather do Skype or something less fake

Stranger: Fake?

You: ya, being text and all

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