Friday, May 8, 2015

Plato's Cave

Stranger: so you like plato?
You: yes
Stranger: what do you think of his allegory of the cave
Stranger: do you agree with it?
You: awesome
You: which part
Stranger: the whole thesis
Stranger: if you accept one part you kind of have to accept the whole thing
You: explain it on how you interpreted it
Stranger: do you know what I'm talking about?
You: yes I do
Stranger: I'm talking about the idea that some people are meant to see the world for how it truly is
Stranger: while some people are destined to stay in the cave
Stranger: and essentially be sheep
Stranger: this fate is predetermined and nothing can change it
Stranger: what do you think?
You: then no
You: I don't like how you interpreted it as predetermined
Stranger: that's how plato wrote it
Stranger: It's not really up for interpretation
You: ha, it is though
Stranger: some people have the ability to rise out of the cave, while others get drug down and killed
You: but I'm not going to debate that point--too tired to care that much
Stranger: the whole allegory is founded on the belief that it is predetermined
Stranger: otherwise it is just about enlightenment
Stranger: and doesn't tie in with the rest of the republic
You: good point
Stranger: he writes about how the division of classes is predetermined, how people have different 'metals' within that decide there class
Stranger: plato definitely believed in predetermined fate
You: ok, I am rusty then
Stranger: I just got done with the most bullshit class in history on it
You: lol
Stranger: I'm fairly certain my professor was clinically insane haha
Stranger: if a man can quote the entire republic from memory he has a problem
You: that's pretty badass
Stranger: it's cool, until a 50 minute lecture feels like it lasts for 3 hours
Stranger: I like him a lot
Stranger: he just has a love affair with philosophy haha
Stranger: are you in university?
You: what's your major?
Stranger: Political Science
Stranger: you?
You: electrical engineering
Stranger: damn
Stranger: I thought about engineering
Stranger: then I took a high level math class
Stranger: I rethought engineering
You: which one?
Stranger: some linear theoretical bullshit
You: ha--I'm only as far as Calc II
Stranger: one of the ones after calc2
Stranger: do you like it?
You: I love it, just my prof was a super tough grader
Stranger: that's not always bad
Stranger: its good you love it
Stranger: my suitemate is a physics major
Stranger: I was reading some of his homework
Stranger: His classroom is on the 6th floor
Stranger: I swear to god if I had that homework I'd throwmyself from that 6th floor window
Stranger: physics and engineering should be on floors 1 and 2
You: haha
Stranger: I just have a passion for political science
You: what are you going to use it for?
Stranger: I'm either going to join the military or go to grad school at the American University of Beirut or Tel Aviv University
Stranger: then join the military
Stranger: I haven't decided yet
Stranger: you?
You: electrical engineer
Stranger: ha private firm or something else?
You: I don't really know
Stranger: you have time to figure it out
Stranger: so why did you have plato set as an interest?
You: I enjoy philosophy

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