You: Hello
Stranger: hi
You: pair up; work at a job; raise or hope to raise a family; try to do good; live an enjoyable life; die.
Stranger: that's your plan?
You: that's my perspective on almost everyone else
Stranger: Well, if it works for people, then it's fine by me.
You: Do you know of sisyphus?
Stranger: That's ancient folklore, right?
Stranger: The guy who, as punishment for lying, was forced to push a boulder up a hill over and over, only to let it rill back down.
You: Correct
You: Is that what you want to do?
You: pair up and whatnot
Stranger: hmm..I think it would be nice to find a good mate.
Stranger: have some kids
Stranger: why not?
You: I don't want one of the major focal points of my life to be like that
Stranger: you don't have to if you don't want to.
You: I sort of know
You: Mainly, I don't get how everyone else is so willing for that to be their Purpose
Stranger: It is just something people do. There's nothing wrong with wanting to raise a family.
Stranger: But look at celebrities and actors and such. You don't remember them for their personal life
Stranger: If you want to be remembered for something else, then do that.
Stranger: just because a person has a family, does not mean they do not have other ambitions.
You: I agree, but it is a pretty big (and good) excuse not to have other ambitions
You: bigger ambitions--not talking about just hobbies here
Stranger: family means a lot to some people. you talk about it like it is imprisoning. people with families can still DO things.
Stranger: All the researchers at my college, they enjoy their job, but they are people, they have a family and friend life too.
You: Of course, CEOs can still /do/ things too
You: but they are limited in extent to what they can do
Stranger: that's fine. the sacrifices we make in life show us what our priorities are.
Stranger: some people sacrifice a little family time for work, vice versa
Stranger: they balance their goals and make it work for themself
Stranger: nothing at all to be ashamed or hung up over
Stranger: some people even incorporate their families and passions together.
Stranger: why do you think families take vacations so much?
Stranger: parents like to travel, so they share it with their kids.
Stranger: two eggs one stone
You: what is your passion(s)?
Stranger: so many to mention. I am passionate about learning and art and movies and reading and women's gymnastics. I LOVE adventure and trying new things. I love fashion and innovation.
Stranger: I am a huge environmental fan, I want this world to start going greener and stop defecating itself.
Stranger: movies is also a huge interest of mine
You: nicely said
You: What I'm trying to get at ties in with your interest in the envornment
You: when people have a family to support, when they come home from work, and after 'taking care of the kids'
You: they don't care about much else--bigger picture things
You: like carpooling to work
You: or the many other things
Stranger: I understand, but I think these people just lack education
Stranger: I did not realize how bad it was until i took a course this year
Stranger: it was basically an "oh shit" class.
You: ha
Stranger: It has to start big. screw "every bit helps" that's the excuse people have used since the dawn of time when they did not put in full effort
Stranger: put rations on gasoline. put rations on freshwater. make properties smaller
Stranger: this earth can't hold infinite people
You: I think it's more ingrained than what education can do; this modern lifestyle we're discussing.
Stranger: a lifestyle that we do. But I think if everyone took the course I took, we would be a lot different
Stranger: and a lot of it has to do with the ideas of conveniences and what is practical
Stranger: I think the goal is to MAKE going green convenient and practical
Stranger: think about it, if every car was energy efficient automatically, would that hurt anyone?
Stranger: people would be more green without realizing it
Stranger: on the other hand, maybe people need to WANT the change first.
You: true
You: What is the name of this course?
You: 'oh shit' course
Stranger: It was NRS 100. Intro to Natural Resources Science.
You: Your major?
Stranger: Double major. Biology, and Wildlife & Conservation Science. I am also working on a Film degree.
You: Interesting
You: I think something will have to shock people from this comfy lifestyle we've nurtured. Most everyone values their time, and taking a NRS really wouldn't cut it; most--even those in college--wouldn't care to sway too far from what they know.
Stranger: oh yeah, shock value. That's what I'm saying, some people just are so mentally distant from it.
Stranger: we have to teach them how.
You: Can you divulge a little on what you mean by teach?
Stranger: impart the needed knowledge
You: impart it on me then
You: because I'm not really (explicitly) for the environment anyhow
Stranger: I'm no expert on education
Stranger: but let me just put it this way.
Stranger: the earth has many resources, and it has a diverse ecosystem. mankind has royally fucked it up. Have you ever see the movie Mad Max? The Lorax? Wall-E? Those are science fiction stories about this kind of stuff. But I'm here to tell you right now, they are no longer fiction at all. At the rate we are going, it will literally look like that. we are going downhill fast. Experts say that if we do not clean up our act, we will likely be dead in 3 centuries.
Stranger: the population is expected to reach 100 billion in the next 100 years
Stranger: that;s more then 10x what we have now
Stranger: it's not matter of being green. it is a matter of survival.
Stranger: that;s my point
You: I read up a little on population. Just to be healthily skeptical for you, the sources said it's not an issue (in a nutshell).
You: And I partially agree
Stranger: it depends on who you ask, and what you look at
You: skycrapers
Stranger: I love skyscraper
You: I mean doesn't that kind of defeat your point?
Stranger: what point?
You: 'survival'
Stranger: how does skyscraper defy survival?
You: Are you talking about overpopulation?
Stranger: well, let me put it this way, I don';t think population would be an issue if we used out resources effectively. Right now we are not. You;ve seen Over the Hedge, right?
You: Yes, but I know (reality) just in general about our poor distribution (distribution also being the issue) of fresh water
You: after all I live off the coast of Lake Michigan
Stranger: what's the situation there?
Stranger: I think skyscrapers are good, because a huge issue is the amount of space populations take up. All these suburban properties being built, all this consumerism. If you ever get the chance too look up a before and after picture of human/wildlife land, you'd shit yourself.
Stranger: I sure did
Stranger: skyscrapers and cities are condensed spance
Stranger: space, so better for everyone.
You: Hummmm
You: I'm kind of tired
Stranger: ok, take care!
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