Monday, October 7, 2019

High carb diet beginning

You both like health.
You: 25 M. Idc who you are.
Stranger: same
You: what's your interest in health?
Stranger: healthy living
Stranger: for as long as possible
You: I see
Stranger: thats my interest
You: diet?
Stranger: Its a part yea.
Stranger: I take active interest in studying the effects of diet on health
You: What do you think of a high carb diet?
Stranger: It depends. In general, I believe, given the evidence, high carb diet is detrimental to overall health
You: What evidence?
Stranger: But if the proportion of complex carbs is higher, it gets a little muddy
Stranger: Evidence from murine models, fly models,
Stranger: primate models
Stranger: Human epidemiological studies..
You: you're just listing titles
You: I mean, what actual studies
Stranger: Oh you want papers??
You: or authoritative quotes
You: reputable
Stranger: look up david sinclair's latest book
You: Lifespan: Why We Age—and Why We Don't Have To
Stranger: yes
Stranger: he has categorically stated, that high carb diet is detrimental in the long run
You: "life expectancy of around 83, compared to 82 for high-carb"
You: :/
Stranger: thats the quote from lancet
Stranger: study from human epidimeology study
You: do you have Discord?
Stranger: no
You: there is a debate server for debating this
Stranger: I mean I dont really debate on this issue.
You: cuz you just read one book?
Stranger: I stated it categorically, depending on the source of carbs muddies the water
Stranger: complex carbs have a different story
Stranger: Lets put it this way: When you know exactly what the organism is eating and how much it is eating, results of carbs being detrimental to health begin to appear
Stranger: Most early diabetic rodent and fly models for diabetes were generated by feeding them high carb diet.
You: fly as in the bug?
Stranger: fruit fly
Stranger: drosophila melanogaster
You: how is that related to the human anatomy?
Stranger: the metabolic pathways remain conserved
Stranger: nonetheless, primate and murine models all point to the same story
You: do you have studies for this?
Stranger: primate?
Stranger: or murine?
You: or at least key words
You: that a high carb diet is detrimental to health
Stranger: letme give you the exact PMID..fair?
You: prefer online PDF
You: not mere abstracts
Stranger: so open source journals??
Stranger: or papers?
You: any kind of reasonable evidence
Stranger: you'll have to wait...
Stranger: talks about generating diabetes models way back in 1988
You: I'd rather have primates even tho mice have similar systems
You: wait, this isn't even open access anyway
You: NOT a mere abstract
You: fucking hate getting a study that I can't see
Stranger: i'll get you the full study
Stranger: Primate study. Look out for effects of High Carb diet...
Stranger: it has other parts too
You: thx
You: Why isn't there a discussion??
You: holy shit
You: half the study is a discussion
Stranger: there is discussion
Stranger: pg 9712
You: no where is there "high carb"
Stranger: you'll have to see the controls..
You: high-sugar diet
Stranger: Yes. Which is why I clarified....complex carbs muddies the water.
You: well if you can't find a study on a high carb diet...
Stranger: here's another one looking at western vs medditerreanean
You: ...just reading into what you want to believe at that point.
Stranger: The reason high carb is not used, is because it is a complex term.
Stranger: and it has to be reduced into essential components
You: na
You: simply, vegan diet
You: lol
Stranger: whats your take on high carb diet?
You: I don't think it needs to be reduced to a mechanistic study
You: Donno
You: I guess I'd start with the RDA
You: how they got that figure
You: read the general public page
You: then read the physician's page
Stranger: yea, but they have a habit of drastically changing guides.
You: I trust that they know something that I don't
Stranger: I remember, sugar as a culprit was known since early 1960's
Stranger: yet RDA only accepted it in late 2000's
Stranger: or early 2000's...i cant remember
Stranger: same story with dietary cholestrol
You: I trust their recommendations over studies where only the abstract is available
Stranger: well I can access all the studies tbh.
Stranger: plus there is always sci-gen
You: then don't post them
Stranger: sci-hub
Stranger: you can download all scientific papers for free
Stranger: just basing your opinion on open-source scientific information is a disservice
You: I don't get what you mean "all scientific papers"
Stranger: have you ever used sci-hub?
Stranger: its a torrent like service that can let you download papers that usually require some form of payment..
You: I'm sceptical
You: looking into it...
You: damn
You: that's cool
Stranger: happy?
You: very
You: =)
Stranger: now go read papers uninhibited.
You: ...time to rape Google Scholar
Stranger: scholar is still helpful as a search tool
Stranger: not as an access tool :p
You: exactly
You: Google Scholar -> sci-hub

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