Friday, April 13, 2018

Aerospace JDV

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like philosophy.
Stranger: Hi
You: Hey
Stranger: How are you?
You: Well.
You: What do you want to discuss?
Stranger: I was about to ask you that. Do you have anything in mind?
You: Yes, but I'd only want to talk about it if you're willing to look into it and learn about it
Stranger: I am
You: Or else it would just me telling you about the basics
Stranger: Go on
You: So what do you want to talk about instead?
Stranger: Let's go with your idea
You: Usually, people are very reluctant to go further
You: But ok
Stranger: Well, I've got nothing else to do
You: It's the small, hopefully emerging movement, Effective Altruism movement
You: Wikipedia is a good start
You: The EA website doesn't do a good job
Stranger: You're pro it?
You: In regards to two of the three main "sub-movements"
You: Not the third (main one)
You: It's called cause priorities on Wiki.
Stranger: I see
Stranger: What are the sub movements you support?
You: =)
You: Guess
Stranger: Just so we're clear
Stranger: Ok ok
Stranger: I'd say
Stranger: Education and animal welfare
You: I guess I'm interested in how you interpret what the three main ones are
You: Why do you say education? Where do you get that from?
Stranger: You told me to look under 'cause priorities' on wiki
Stranger: I can identify education, climate change and animal welfare
You: I see
You: Some priorities of effective altruists include poverty in the developing world, the suffering of animals in factory farms, and risks to civilization, humans and planet Earth.[4][15][17]
You: Those are the three main ones
Stranger: Poverty in the developing world, I'd say that one is directly linked to education
You: So yes, animal suffering is one
You: I'd say it's my secondary enphasis
Stranger: Risks to civilization include climate change
You: Um, yes, I'd say so too
Stranger: The first one being... Poverty?
You: Although, no
You: Those are all separate
You: And you are correct on your guess
You: My pain cause priority is helping to lessen extreme/absolute poverty
Stranger: Why?
Stranger: Don't you think that extreme poverty is necessary to keep the balance?
You: Do you know what extreme poverty is?
You: It is a very specific term/description
You: There is relative poverty ~ income inequality essentially
You: And then there is absolute poverty
Stranger: The way I see it, to erradicate absolute poverty, you'd also have to erradicate absolute wealth
You: What do you think absolute poverty is?
Stranger: I don't think I know what it is. I'd say having nothing to eat/no future prospect/etc
You: There is no such thing as the noun-phrase 'absolute wealth'
Stranger: Hahaha
Stranger: I am sorry
Stranger: I am trying to establish a bridge between the equivalent term on the other side of the scale
You: Ok, well, extreme poverty has a very specific meaning
You: 40% in 1990
You: 20% in 2010
You: It's declining fast, but there's still many people out there
You: I'm from the US, and like most developed countries
Stranger: It's declining exponentially
You: We have virtually zero absolute poverty
Stranger: You still haven't explained the absolute poverty concept
You: You didn't ask
Stranger: Asking now
You: Wait
You: There are several definitions, the World Bank has a monetary figure.
You: It's living on less calories than what's needed to survive
You: It's not having one's basic survival needs met
You: ~ on an absolute scale--not relative
You: Anyway, that is my cause priority, there are a few others out there that are just as important
Stranger: That's not a very specific term
You: For instance, human trafficking--someone here...
Stranger: I don't think it's specific at all
Stranger: It's the most basic poverty description you can come up with, on developing countries
Stranger: But yes, go on
You: That's two intuitive definitions
You: I gave them to you
You: I hate to keep giving these Wikipedia articles
You: But it is a very specific thing
You: Formally, it's living on less than $1.90. That's just not
You: not an intuitive definition.
You: Oh, per day
Stranger: Why would you think we need effective altruism to decrease extreme poverty if the graphic you just provided me shows that it's declining at such a fast rate without it?
You: Again, that's US aid graphic shows the same statistic I said earlier
You: 40% in 1990
You: 20% in 2010
You: It's declining fast, but there's still many people out there in extreme/absolute poverty
You: Yes, it seems your point
Stranger: Well yes, but the tendency is for it to keep going down anyways without any intervention from that effective altruism
You: that economic fluctuations (and I'd say technology in general)
You: have...
You: Yes, absolute poverty is decreasing
You: I just want to help more people
You: For example, as an electrical engineer, I'll make more than enough to live off of
You: I'd rather help a worthy cause, than spend my income on
Stranger: Well in that case I need to ask you something very basic
You: superfluous luxury
Stranger: You are supporting effective altruism for a very self centered cause
Stranger: Which is to feel better about how you spend your income
Stranger: Are you okay with that?
You: Ok, so the Effective Altruism movement is just the vague idea
You: I'm not "supporting effective altruism" as if it's a foundation or something
Stranger: Oh I see, you're supporting the implementation
Stranger: For its consequences
You: And sure, you could say "to feel better" ~ also called warm-glow giving
You: Yes, for it's consequences
Stranger: I can understand that
Stranger: Are you an electrcal engineer?
Stranger: electrical*
You: Senior undergrad
You: It's called the 'earning to give' approach in EA
Stranger: Never thought I'd find an engineer in the philosophy tag
You: Even though they recommend against it because there's a talent gap...
Stranger: I see
Stranger: A talent gap?
You: Yes, but the thing is, the movement is very small anyway
You: So 80,000 Hours has some articles out there saying how
You: there's a talent gap in the poverty/economics research field (one example)
You: But I think the movement is so small anyway
Stranger: I had never heard about it, and I have no idea how small it is, because to form an opinion I'll have to search further into it
Stranger: Why don't you care about the climate change part?
You: It's really not that controversial. Simply asking the question, "How can I do the most good with my resources and abilities?" ~ as an individual
Stranger: I don't mean to offend you, but don't you think that's a very hypocritical line of thought?
Stranger: You're thinking about how you can do the most good
Stranger: Yet you come up with a movement that is so small it has 0 applications at this point
Stranger: It's only an idea
Stranger: You could do better by helping locally
Stranger: People who live in your area/ etc
You: Charity is the application
Stranger: Why would you go for extreme poverty when there are so many other bad things around you?
You: Giving one's income consistently to cost effective and transparent charities
You: Such as the Against Malaria Foundation (AMF)
Stranger: See, I can't understand that
You: It's counterfactual reasoning
You: Many people assume that the best way to help people is through direct methods, such as working for a charity or providing social services,[29][30] but since charities and social-service providers usually can find people willing to work for them, effective altruists compare the amount of good somebody does in a conventional altruistic career to how much good would have been done had the next-best candidate been hired for the position. According to this reasoning, the impact of a career may be smaller than it appears..
Stranger: Change and helping begins in the small things, I'm sure there are homeless people around you who could benefit from it as well. Why would you care about, let's say, african people with malaria, if you have people with aids living in your street in poor conditions?
You: And I do volunteer locally anyway
Stranger: Oh i see
You: I'm just not a
You: "lawyer in a soup kitchen"
Stranger: If everyone thinks that social services will eventually find willing people, then eventually there will be no one
Stranger: Hahah
You: Sure, but that's not reality
Stranger: I said eventually twice, by mistake
Stranger: Yes, it's not
You: So yes, then it would change if Effective Altruism become mainstream
You: And it still depends on the person either way
You: If one is really good at whatever job at some charity
You: Then the most good they can do it probably not Earning to Give primarily at a separate high-income career
You: There's no hard and fast way
Stranger: Why are you so focused on doing good things?
You: I don't know how to answer
You: I just started looking into how I could help to lessen poverty abroad
You: since those living conditions and such are far worse from what we have here in the US
You: I'd like to emphasize that I have volunteered locally, and still do occasionally
You: Even, accidentally, stayed at a homeless shelter myself
Stranger: I see
Stranger: That is very beautiful
Stranger: On the inside
You: Eh, sure
Stranger: I mean it
Stranger: Oh
You: What's your story?
Stranger: Í am an engineer too
You: what kind?
Stranger: Aerospace
You: I'm just a student btw
Stranger: Me too
Stranger: I'm on the same grade as you are
Stranger: About to finish my masters, next year
Stranger: Lol
Stranger: Except I'm not american
Stranger: Or a male
Stranger: Like you
You: =o
You: That's unexpected
Stranger: Which part?
You: There are like two females in my department
You: Just shocked
Stranger: Oh yes, there are 4 females in my class
Stranger: Typical
You: Lol
Stranger: Electricity is hard
You: It's magic ;)
You: Aerospace was my other choice, but I figured I couldn't tinker in my free time
You: but I could with electronics ~ so that's why I chose EE instead
You: Where are you from?
Stranger: Oh yes, forget about free time with aerospace
Stranger: All my free time is spent reading articles or running experiments haha
Stranger: I am from Portugal, you?
You: Wisconsin
You: I mean, once we have jobs
You: I'm procrastinating on a bunch of labs I need to do/checkoff
You: Why are you here?
Stranger: I am procrastinating on doing some research for an article
You: lol
You: avoidance is a killer
Stranger: Lol I know right
Stranger: Why are you on the philosophy tag??
You: I used to read philosophy in my free time (when I actually had it)
You: And Peter Singer (a founder of EA) is a philosopher
You: So I've read some of his stuff
You: I guess I'm interested in morality since I think the purpose of life is...
You: ...another Wiki article...
You: "To do good, to do the right thing"
Stranger: Such an interesting article
You: What is the first part of your Wikipedia in Spain?
You: Not "en" right?
Stranger: I live in Portugal
Stranger: Not spain
Stranger: It's pt
You: Sorry
You: I thought of Spain when I heard Portugal
You: the dumb American in me =)
Stranger: Yes
Stranger: The usual
Stranger: The smart european in me had to point it out
You: aayyy, you've got one of the articles!
Stranger: Hahahaha
Stranger: Thank you so much for looking for it
Stranger: You're nice
You: It's all for selfish reasons
You: (I like to look up Wiki articles in different languages and translate them back to English.)
You: I wonder if I would've become an aerospace student
You: if I would've looked into EA earlier than 2013ish...
You: You know, because you'll make more than me as an EE
You: Do you call it AE?
Stranger: Yes
Stranger: We call it EA
Stranger: Maybe I'll make less than you
Stranger: I'm a woman
Stranger: And I'm blonde
Stranger: Actually, it0s very likely that I will
You: Wait, you call it EA?
You: not AE?
You: I mean aerospace engineering
You: not effective altruism
Stranger: Yes, in Portugal it's spelled Engenharia Aeroespacial, as in Engineering Aerospace
Stranger: Inverted order
You: lol
You: And our department name changed to ECE (for computer egh)
Stranger: You know computer science to?
Stranger: too»
You: An emphasis can be in computers
You: Others are controls, communications and power
Stranger: I study a lot of electricity
Stranger: Because of aerospacial systems
Stranger: A lot of matlab, python for the programming part of the systems and batteries
Stranger: Ughh
You: We do a lot of matlab
You: one course has LabVIEW
Stranger: Ughh I hate matlab
Stranger: I'm not familiar with labview
Stranger: :(
You: Really? We have to do whole laboratories based on just matlab
You: I dream about it at night
You: =)
You: jk
Stranger: Hahahahaha
Stranger: I dream about it too
Stranger: They're called nightmares
You: hehehe
You: egh-nightmares
Stranger: Hahahah yes
You: So where's your life going? What're goals? Where do you want to go?
Stranger: Well
Stranger: That's a tough one
Stranger: I am starting my thesis on replacing jet fuel with ammonia so that we can have engines running on 0 pollution emissions
Stranger: I wanted to study literature in college, but decided on engineering because well, literature doesn't txactly give you money and long term goals
Stranger: exactly*
Stranger: What baout you?
You: I have a professor who almost did his undergrad in lit
Stranger: about* jesus christ
Stranger: Oh really??
You: ya, then he switched to physics and double-majored in EE
You: or went to get his masters in EE
You: one of those
You: He has 13 kids too
You: I'd like to finish my undergrad, work in the industry at 2-3 jobs for 3-6 years (maybe more) then go back, get masters...maybe a PhD...eventually--that's a long way away
You: I've been thinking about how one of my profs has two jobs
You: (He's not here Monday's and most Fridays)
You: and makes about $90k/year as a prof alone
Stranger: 90k is a lot
Stranger: Holy shit 13 kids
Stranger: Do you wantkids?
You: =)
Stranger: Wow
You: I don't think I do. But idk. That's not something I want to consider at this point in my life
You: Both my closest friends back home though
You: They have accidental kids
You: One just found out a month ago that he had an 8 month old child
Stranger: Oh god accidental kids
You: (she didn't tell him she was his)
Stranger: It would ruin my life
Stranger: oh poor him
You: He's an idiot for not wearing a condom
You: He used to
You: long story short, his reasoning brain is the size of a peanut...
You: He's a good friend though
Stranger: Yes, that is very stupid
Stranger: So young to be a father already
Stranger: Shit haha
You: How's your love life?
You: Not that I'm here for that or anything
Stranger: Haha I sort of figured you wouldn't
Stranger: I'm 20 and I've been single for 3 years, almost 4
Stranger: I'm turning 21 in one month so that explains it
Stranger: I'm not looking for anything serious... I don't think I ever was
Stranger: So I'm pretty satisfied with the occasional things I get
Stranger: What about you?
You: Nonexistent
You: Probably should hang out with this one girl that's expressed interest in me a few times...just the time
Stranger: Is she cute?
Stranger: I hate hanging out with other people
You: ya, little short but I don't really care about that
Stranger: How short......
You: lol, well not midget short
You: I don't know, haven't thought about it
You: Let me think...
Stranger: I'm 5'7, I think that's pretty tall for a female
Stranger: Short would be something around
Stranger: 5'2?
You: Ya, I'm a terrible judge of height
You: She's 5 something
Stranger: Definitely not a midget then
Stranger: You're good to go
You: She doesn't work in the summer
Stranger: You're planning on waiting until the summer to ask her out???
You: Ah no
You: I wasn't planning on asking her out
You: That was just a random thought
You: She's Chinese, and can't work
Stranger: Why can't she work?
You: She doesn't have a work VISA I guess
You: I don't know how that works
Stranger: Wow
Stranger: Poor thing that's really unfair
You: Ya, I have no idea how she pays for it
You: I pay all my college expenses with no help
Stranger: How?
Stranger: College is insanely expensive in the US
You: not UW-Platteville
You: costs what, 14k/year
Stranger: Dorm included?
You: and I get government grants because I make under $10k/year
You: Yes
Stranger: Or you live at home?
Stranger: Oh
You: I think that also includes a meal plan
You: which is a rip off
Stranger: Our tuition fees are about 1500$ a year
You: ok
Stranger: Lol
You: so I've worked since I was like 15
You: and the last few years I've been working at a factory making $18/hour
Stranger: 18 hour is a lot
Stranger: wtf
You: yes, but it's for factory work
You: recently in an internship interview
You: one of the interviewers asked
You: "so what do you make?"
You: (and I thought he was talking per hour)
You: he meant what does the company I worked for make ~ the product
Stranger: Hahahahaha
Stranger: And what do you make?
You: toilet seats mostly
You: some healthcare plastic products too
You: John Deere plastic shells
Stranger: Hahaha
Stranger: You work with plastic
Stranger: Interesting
You: Sort of
You: Mostly just assembled, and made a shit ton of boxes by hand
Stranger: Is it hard?
You: no, the opposite
You: just very trivial
You: and you don't learn anything
Stranger: It's a lotof money for such trivial activities
You: as a summer camp counselor before that, I learned things all the time
You: just made under minimum wage
Stranger: Volunteering work is very good for the CV
Stranger: Summer camp counseling included
You: I disagree
You: for one employer he noted my volunteer work
You: about a year ago ~ didn't get the internship anyway
You: But more specifically, somehow volunteering in our respective fields would be very good for our CVs
You: so I just don't agree that volunteering in general will help
You: I guess that's anecdotal tho
Stranger: Here it's viewed as a major plus
Stranger: To get internships
Stranger: It's practically required by companies
You: Same
Stranger: No no
Stranger: I mean
Stranger: In order to trial candidates for internships, companies demand some sort of volunteering work as a part of the CV
Stranger: i thought it'd be like this everywhere
You: ohh, I thought you just meant
You: to get internship is viewed as a major plus
You: .
You: So what volunteer work have you done?
Stranger: Not much
Stranger: I volunteer every week at this company that gets food remains from restaurants and distributes it to those in need
You: Nice!
Stranger: It's not very demaning but keeps me going
Stranger: Yes
You: Sounds interesting
You: On campus, we have this pantry that gets expired/nearly expired food from Walmart
You: And we, as students, get it for free
You: Mostly just novelty like cake and cookies
Stranger: Wow
Stranger: That's crazy
Stranger: I love cake
Stranger: This is my female side showing
You: *novelty items
Stranger: Lol
You: Who doesn't like cake?!
Stranger: Most of my friends here are indifferent towards cake
Stranger: Blows my mind
You: I just ate pound cake yesterday as a main course
You: I know people who don't like chocolate though
Stranger: Ah yes, the best part about being in college is getting to eat cake as a main course
You: lol
Stranger: I'm not a fan of chocolate
Stranger: Ops
You: Dark chocolate?
You: Chocolate milk?
Stranger: Chocolate milk is a yes
Stranger: But chocolate bars
Stranger: Tremendous no
You: Well, milk-chocolate is pretty shitty
Stranger: How can you say that
You: Compared to high quality dark chocolate
You: I don't really eat candy
Stranger: Do you eat while studying?
You: Usually not meals
You: Snacks--all the time
You: Two days ago I had to skip lunch
You: so I ate some crackers
You: Do you have favorite movies?
Stranger: Not at all, I rarely watch movies
Stranger: Only series
Stranger: What about you?
You: Before I Fall
You: ~ 2017
Stranger: I just checked it out
Stranger: So recent
You: I like other older movies too
You: but I just don't have a sequential list
Stranger: And books?
You: Hm, "A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History" is a pretty good one
You: This book about the Sylvania wilderness (up north) was very good
You: I backpacked/camped solo there last summer
You: Not that I'm trying to advocate it, but "The Most Good You Can Do" by Peter Singer
You: is a more philosophical angle of Effective Altruism
You: But if you want a book on it, I think "Doing Good Better" by MacAskill is a more straightforward explanation
You: (I haven't read it yet)
You: Strangers Downing by MacFarquhar caused me to look into to give away one of my kidneys
You: It's a pretty interesting bookj
Stranger: Wow I haven0't read any of those
Stranger: You wanna give away a kidney?
You: Tom Brown's Science and Art of Tracking was decent
You: Ye
You: "The Heart and the Fist: The Education of a Humanitarian, the Making of a Navy SEAL" was decent
You: "Under the Overpass" is a really short--but good book
You: ~ I guess related to relative poverty
You: "The Battle for Compassion: Ethics in an Apathetic Universe" is almost complete shit
You: ~ definitely don't recommend that one
Stranger: Still haven't ready any of those
Stranger: Why is it shit?
You: Poorly written, ill defined audience (seemed so sporadic on his audience)
You: For example, he makes statements/arguments explaining materialism as to someone without a background in philosophy--very basic/common knowledge things, and completely switches on other topics
You: also a bit sacrilegious
Stranger: I see
Stranger: Interesting
You: There's only, I think, two good quotes from the entire book
You: What really matters at the most fundamental level, and how much does it all matter?

How often do you stop to think deeply about our relationship to the rest of the world, the causes of our actions?
You: I try to log some of whatever book I read ~ a sort of repository for draw upon when needed
You: What's been on your mind lately?
You: or of late?
You: On a different note, 5 min ago, I just handed a 20 year old a $700 check.
Stranger: Wow
Stranger: I fell asleep
Stranger: And I'm surprised you didn't turn this off
You: What? It's like 9pm there isn't it?
Stranger: Yes
Stranger: I like to nap :(
You: I left, went to a lecture, came back, left to pay that guy
Stranger: -why did you give him money?
You: =)
You: Fender bender
You: I'm 78% sure he's just going to cash the check and party this weekend
Stranger: Fender bender? As in an accident?
You: Yes, very minor
Stranger: Yes
Stranger: That's where I saw it
Stranger: Do you like parties?
Stranger: I mean clearly no
You: I had the thought to ask him what he would do with it
You: Because yes, I like certain parties like anyone else
You: Do you not?
You: Well, today I spent a lot of time procrastinating on some copyright infringement stuff: movie → "audiobook"
You: Anyway, I gotta go
You: Do you have facebook or a texting number?
You: Don't think I've ever talked with someone in the other EA before
Stranger: Yes I do
Stranger: In the other EA? What is that
Stranger: I have facebook
You: bye
You have disconnected.

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