You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like philosophy.
Stranger: Hi
You: Hey
Stranger: how are you . ?
You: what to hear something somewhat interesting?
Stranger: that there are infinite number of possibilities of whats happening right now , if we consider about parallel universe
You: if you believe in nonsense sure
You: how many four-week-chucks are there in a year?
Stranger: 12
You: =)
You: 13
You: Look at that, you now have 28 days/year extra ;)
Stranger: feb is a spare month
Stranger: 28 days just to prove a point that earth complete its revolution around earth in that duratio n
Stranger: and Parallel Universe is not NonSense
You: highly speculative
Stranger: yes thats a good choice of world
You: and I'm sure you're not anywhere near the field of theoretical physics
You: since you're on Omegle
You: so that was taken into account too
You: i.e, nonsense
Stranger: you make me laugh
You: If you were a post-grad or studying the material formally
You: meh, then maybe
Stranger: you ae witty
Stranger: and old
You: well, that's all I came here for
You: 13 four-week-chucks. wild!
Stranger: what the point ?
You: that most would think 12
You: like you proved to me
You: perception of time
You: mataphysics
You: broskis
You: =)
You: bya
You have disconnected.

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