Saturday, May 26, 2018

Population size of US, Africa

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger's college:
You: Hey. Just looking to chat, 23. I have a question too.
Stranger: Whats the question
You: Well, before I ask the real question
You: What country are you from?
Stranger: Us
You: What do you think our population is, roughly?
Stranger: Little over 200 mil right?
You: 300M
You: What do you think Africa's population is, roughly?
Stranger: Its about 1 billion if not a bit higher
You: Is that off the top of your head?
Stranger: Yeah
You: Wow, that's pretty good then
Stranger: I guess
Stranger: Why do you ask
You: Just want to see another's perception
Stranger: Okay
You: I'd be much further off
You: If I didn't already just look it up before
Stranger: Ah okay
You: I'd think
Stranger: Fair enough
You: I was looking up the death rate between
You: And I figured I'd like to see what someone else perceived
Stranger: Alright
You: It's probably wrong of me to compare the annual death rate to the population
You: Or I guess I mean it's probably meaningless
Stranger: I guess depends what youre doing it for like comparing preventable diseases between the two
You: No, not preventable diseases
You: Sub-Saharan Africa has much worse circumstances and diseases
You: I guess I just want to memorize some useful statistics about broad population size or something
You: To put other numbers in perspective
You: You know? After you get to a certain large number, any numbers after that are mute
You: ~ perceptually