Monday, June 6, 2016

Question to discuss:

Why learn an instrument? or a language?
Stranger 1: Because.
Stranger 2: BECAUSE?
Stranger 1: BECAUSE
Stranger 2: shit
Stranger 2: you got a point
Stranger 1: Languages help you communicate with other peeps
Stranger 1: and stuff
Stranger 1: and instrument?
Stranger 2: If you learn how to play it properly it's a panty dropper
Stranger 1: learn wonderwall, so you can be that guy with the guitar at any given party
Stranger 2: Hahahahaha
Stranger 2: shit yeah, that'll get them wet
Stranger 2: 4 sure
Stranger 1: ...
Stranger 1: Aw, you poor soul.
Stranger 2: pls no
Stranger 1: Wonderwall is going to do nothing.
Stranger 2: NO
Stranger 2: STOP LYING
Stranger 1: EXCUSE ME.
Stranger 2: Wonderwall is the gate to the rock star life
Stranger 1: OMG
Stranger 1: No,
Stranger 1: Evanescence WAKE ME UP
Stranger 2: If you've played Wonderwall while tipsy at 3 parties, Mick Jagger will visit you at night
Stranger 1: that's how to wet the panties.
Stranger 2: nah son
Stranger 2: I can't go that high
Stranger 1: Oh, the shrek song.
Stranger 1: Some BODY once told me
Stranger 1: that one.
Stranger 2: WHAT
Stranger 2: DUDE
Stranger 2: IT'S ALL STAR
Stranger 1: That one will get anyone into my pants.
Stranger 2: SMASH MOUTH
Stranger 2: Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me, I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed
Stranger 2: YES?
Stranger 1: YE
Stranger 1: S
Stranger 2: YES
Stranger 2: That's All Star by Smashmouth
Stranger 1: Geez, I just forgot the name for a second.
Stranger 2: You disappoint me
Stranger 1: Well, you wouldn't be the first, Esteban
Stranger 2: shit
Stranger 2: uh
Stranger 2: Jenny?
Stranger 1: Oh, noooo
Stranger 1: that's a sad name!
Stranger 2: oh no, why's that?
Stranger 1: I don't know, I just feel like if I were Jenny I'd stay inside forever and eat cake.
Stranger 2: nonono, there are good looking Jennies out there
Stranger 2: They have blonde hair
Stranger 2: shoulder length
Stranger 2: For some reason I have a really clear image of what a Jenny looks like
Stranger 1: Well, I have none of those characteristics, I must not be a Jenny. James.
Stranger 2: WHAT
Stranger 2: are your characteristics, then?
Stranger 1: DANG ROBERTO
Stranger 2: shit son nah
Stranger 2: i ain't gon' do no shit like that
Stranger 2: I can go full on Swedish on you if you'd like.
Stranger 1: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Stranger 1: Oh, Hans, Please do.
Stranger 2: åh
Stranger 2: Vill du se roliga bokstäver, såsom å, ä och kanske till och med lite ö?
Stranger 1: (Google translated it)
Stranger 1: (Obviously)
Stranger 2: oh
Stranger 2: Are you happy with my funny letters?
Stranger 1: YES>
Stranger 2: ok ok ok
Stranger 2: Tell me all about your characteristics, then
Stranger 2: I have earned the right
Stranger 1: (Debatable)
Stranger 2: god damn it
Stranger 2: pls Sarah
Stranger 1: awww,
Stranger 1: Anders, you begged!
Stranger 1: What do you want to know?
Stranger 2: My uncle is actually named Anders
Stranger 2: Shit, son, I want everything
Stranger 2: Your name, your age, your god damned hobbies
Stranger 1: Tell your uncle to hit me up, Edvard.
Stranger 1: Alright, my name is very lame and somewhat embarrassing.
Stranger 2: Is it Jo?!
Stranger 1: Why would you guess that?
Stranger 2: I dunno
Stranger 2: Jo is pretty lame
Stranger 1: (I'd have been well impressed had you guessed right)
Stranger 1: (But no Fredrik)
Stranger 2: shiet
Stranger 2: That sounds very nordic
Stranger 1: Aren't you sweedish?
Stranger 1: aaaah
Stranger 1: sweeeeedish
Stranger 1: whoops
Stranger 2: I'm so Swedish it hurts
Stranger 2: I ride a moose to work
Stranger 2: My moose is named Ken
Stranger 1: That's not true, stop lying Hansen
Stranger 1: Alright so, your turn.
Stranger 1: Name, age, hobbies.
Stranger 2: I'm Emil, the most Swedish name on the planet
Stranger 2: Also 23, and I really have no idea because all I do is work
Stranger 1: Nice to meet you Emil!
Stranger 2: All I do is work, work, work no matter what
Stranger 2: Got money on my mind I could never give it up
Stranger 1: Well, you're a more respectable adult than I am.
Stranger 2: You unemployed, huh?
Stranger 1: Student who happens not to need to work to live?
Stranger 1: (Which, could totally be interpreted as spoiled brat.)
Stranger 2: Sounds like a good deal
Stranger 2: Whatcha studying?
Stranger 1: ....
Stranger 1: ....
Stranger 1: Art.
Stranger 2: oh
Stranger 2: so, uh...
Stranger 2: oh...
Stranger 1: Yeah, better enjoy my time of not working while it lasts.
Stranger 1: Well, I'm double majoring, other major is much better but not as thrilling.
Stranger 2: What's that, then?
Stranger 1: ....
Stranger 1: Medecine D:
Stranger 2: oooooooh
Stranger 2: See, I have a grand plan
Stranger 2: I'm gonna marry a nurse
Stranger 2: I've trained a long time to become this good at hurting myself, but it's also a lot of work to bandage myself up. I need someone for that
Stranger 1: Well, if art doesn't work out, I'm not becoming a nurse.
Stranger 1: Too much respect for nurses.
Stranger 1: (Oh, you still don't know my name, do you?)
Stranger 2: Fredrik!
Stranger 2: Wasn't it...?
Stranger 1: (No, I was still trying to guess your name)
Stranger 2: oh
Stranger 2: shit
Stranger 2: Yeah, I have no clue
Stranger 1: You're not the guessing type, are you?
Stranger 2: Honestly, I'm not sure if you're a guy or a girl and at this point it'd be a bit too embarrassing to ask
Stranger 1: In any case, let's not gloss over your talk of injuries.
Stranger 2: I gotta narrow it down, ya know?
Stranger 1: What's your gut telling you?
Stranger 2: I'm not even sure! You don't have a typical way of acting like either
Stranger 1: (I'll take that as a compliment, bruv)
Stranger 1: I'm a girl.
Stranger 2: oh
Stranger 2: nah I knew it all along
Stranger 2: I promise
Stranger 1: Right, of course. Emil.
Stranger 2: I figured you were a girl until you said Fredrik, then I figured you were a guy instead. As I said, there's nothing typical about you
Stranger 1: Right.
Stranger 2: So gimme a clue about the name
Stranger 2: How many letters?
Stranger 1: 4
Stranger 2: What's the first letter?
Stranger 2: I've already guessed Sarah so I assume Sara is wrong too.
Stranger 1: Alright, it's super easy to guess.
Stranger 1: I'll give you three clues.
Stranger 2: Sure
Stranger 1: Spielberg.
Stranger 1: Slave.
Stranger 1: Princess
Stranger 2: uh
Stranger 2: Leia...?
Stranger 1: WAIT
Stranger 2: I've never seen Star Wars
Stranger 1: Spielberg didn't direct the first trilogy, I'm fairly certain.
Stranger 1: (But yup, laugh all you want Emil)
Stranger 2: Honestly, I haven't seen the movies so I'm not really affected
Stranger 2: But I reckon you get a lot of jokes about it?
Stranger 1: Depending on the crowd, but yeah.
Stranger 2: So, Leia, what are your hobbies then?
Stranger 1: Uhm.
Stranger 1: I do a lot of studying.
Stranger 1: Aside from that, I'm relatively boring.
Stranger 1: Painting, knitting, traveling, pretending I have a sense of purpose?
Stranger 2: Hahahaha
Stranger 2: Knitting sounds very thug like
Stranger 1: Well, I'll have you know I stabbed someone with a needle once.
Stranger 2: WHAT
Stranger 2: On purpose?
Stranger 1: I'll admit to have phrased it in a way that makes me look tougher than I am.
Stranger 1: I just sneezed and accidentally stabbed by shoulder....
Stranger 2: Hahahaha, oh god
Stranger 2: That sounds like something I would do
Stranger 2: If it makes you feel any better I accidentally shoved a knife into my wrist, cutting off one of the arteries
Stranger 1: (Makes going in medicine like a pretty good choice, no?)
Stranger 1: ???????????????
Stranger 1: EMIl
Stranger 1: EMIL
Stranger 1: WHAT
Stranger 1: IS YOUR
Stranger 2: i accidentally all over my wrist
Stranger 1: LIFE.
Stranger 2: there was blood
Stranger 2: :(
Stranger 1: Aww, you poor soul!
Stranger 2: I work as a truck driver. There was an air leak on a hose going between the truck and the trailer. I had put my spaghetti in the heater and I stepped out in the rain to fix it real quick
Stranger 2: For some reason, I'm thinking lack of coffee, I figured that if I held my left hand on the drawbar and cut with my right hand towards the left one, it'd go much faster
Stranger 2: It did! But then it felt like a bolt of lightning in my arm and when I looked down, half a liter of blood was already on the drawbar
Stranger 1: EMIL
Stranger 2: yolo tho
Stranger 1: Noooooo
Stranger 1: Marry that nurse.
Stranger 1: Or go to med school
Stranger 2: Hahahaha
Stranger 1: or just stay inside forever.
Stranger 2: I'm glad you agree on the nurse thing
Stranger 2: It turned out quite all right though
Stranger 2: I didn't have much time to think because of the heavy bleeding, but I managed to cover it with a dirty glove. I ran up to the truck parked in front of me and asked for help
Stranger 2: He couldn't find his first aid kit right away and I started getting dizzy, so I ran to the gas station 100 yards away. They helped me and drove me to the hospital where they stitched me up
Stranger 2: When I came back the truck driver I spoke to first had cleaned up around my truck, taken the key, turned off the lights, taken my food off of the heater and left the key at the gas station
Stranger 2: There's still some good people out there!
Stranger 1: (Oh that's too sweet, did you write him a thank you note?)
Stranger 2: I would have, but I have no idea who he is. I've visited the gas station after that though just to thank them
Stranger 1: Well, that's nice enough friend!
Stranger 1: So, are you just particularly clumsy or?
Stranger 2: Yeah. I've practiced a long time to become this clumsy
Stranger 2: A year or so ago, I was biking with my mates. One of my hobbies is mountain biking and I do it a few times a week. I slipped off the pedal and sliced my leg up on the cogwheel
Stranger 1: ....
Stranger 2: :D
Stranger 1: And I thought I was a mess.
Stranger 2: Nah, you ain't got nothing on me.
Stranger 1: ...
Stranger 1: Well, my gift is not ghoulish injuries, just injuries of embarrassing circumstances.
Stranger 2: Give me some examples
Stranger 1: I went snowboarding for the first time, and as soon as I got up with my feet strapped in (mind you, we were on a basically flat patch) I toppled forward and broke 2 ribs, a finger, and sprained an ankle.
Stranger 2: That's impressive
Stranger 1: Thank you, it was a two week trip, I injured myself on the first day.
Stranger 2: I've never broken any ribs, but I'm sure I'll get to that soon enough
Stranger 1: The rest of the trip was fun.
Stranger 1: Emil, I hope you don't. Even laughing isn't enjoyable!
Stranger 2: Kinda sounds like a vacation when I was like 10. We were on the Canary Islands, and literally the first morning there I yawned and pulled a muscle real bad in my back. Couldn't breathe properly for the entire vacation
Stranger 1: You're always trying to one-up me aren't you?
Stranger 1: I bet you're even taller than I am.
Stranger 2: I'm pretty good at it
Stranger 1: Older too.
Stranger 1: Geez.
Stranger 2: Of course I am
Stranger 2: I'm 6'3
Stranger 1: I could very well be taller than that!
Stranger 2: I doubt it! I have never met a woman taller than me
Stranger 1: ...
Stranger 2: I know women who are around 6 foot, but never met anyone my height or taller
Stranger 1: Alright, converted to centimeters.
Stranger 1: You're too tall.
Stranger 2: waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait
Stranger 1: There's no need for that, Emil.
Stranger 2: Where are you from?
Stranger 1: Still not a guesser?
Stranger 2: UK?
Stranger 1: Nopes.
Stranger 2: I would have guessed the US, but since you're talking about metric I'm not sure anymore
Stranger 1: Oh, lord.
Stranger 1: Am I not aggressively (insert country here)?
Stranger 2: You are so hard to read
Stranger 1: Whilst it was probably not meant that way, I'll take that as a compliment.
Stranger 1: Just think, wine, and bread, and cheese.
Stranger 2: I've been there
Stranger 2: I sometimes picture French people battling eachother at the town square with baguettes.
Stranger 1: (Three things which I don't like, ayy)
Stranger 1: I have seen something like that happen.
Stranger 1: I mean, I totally was one of the fencers, but it was glorious.
Stranger 2: I imagine so! It sounds like something I'd do when alcohol has happened
Stranger 2: I sometimes alcohol, then stupid things happen.
Stranger 1: I rarely ever alcohol, because stupid things would happen.
Stranger 2: Stupid things can be fun though!
Stranger 2: Except for when you start talking
Stranger 2: Talking is never good
Stranger 1: That's my worry.
Stranger 1: Decades of bottled-up feelings.
Stranger 1: Unlike wine, bottled feelings don't age well.
Stranger 2: I feel you. My problem is that I'm not so sure I'm not in love with my best friend
Stranger 2: Which makes drinking and partying with her really difficult
Stranger 1: Oh, can't help you with that friend!
Stranger 1: Good luck with that though?
Stranger 2: Hahaha, I'll be fine! I've learned not to drink with her, it's that simple really.
Stranger 2: So what are you still doing up? You're in the same timezone as me, correct? 10 past midnight?
Stranger 1: Yup.
Stranger 1: What are YOU still doing up?
Stranger 1: On a week-night no less!
Stranger 1: :O
Stranger 2: 6th of June is our national day, so I had today off. I also forgot to set the alarm so I woke up around 1400 and now I can't sleep
Stranger 2: And I gotta get up in 4 hours :(
Stranger 1: Go to bed then!
Stranger 1: (Is your schedule always this upside down?)
Stranger 2: Make me!
Stranger 2: uh..
Stranger 1: (Must be hard)
Stranger 2: It's a little complicated
Stranger 1: EMIL.
Stranger 1: Listen to weird little old stranger.
Stranger 1: Go to bed, you need to be clear-headed tomorrow!
Stranger 2: Leia, listen to my face
Stranger 2: My work isn't very 7-16. That does happen, but very, very rarely
Stranger 2: See, my "normal" work week is around 70 hours in 5 days
Stranger 2: I work Monday 0630-1600, sleep 1630-1900, shower and eat, then work 2000-0500, sleep 0530-0600, work 0630-1600. Sometimes I sleep the second night, sometimes I work.
Stranger 1: ....
Stranger 1: Respect, adult.
Stranger 1: Respect.
Stranger 2: Hahahaha
Stranger 2: Not many people would manage, though, I hear I'm a bit of a superman for working this much
Stranger 2: But I wouldn't recommend it. Between you and me, I don't feel very well right now.
Stranger 1: Then go to bed!
Stranger 1: (Can't you take sick-leave of something?)
Stranger 2: oh god no
Stranger 1: 70 hours is ridiculously long!
Stranger 2: I've taken one day off since I started working for this company 1.5 years ago, that was when I injured my wrist
Stranger 2: 3 days vacation when I moved into my apartment, and that was it.
Stranger 2: I get incredibly restless if I don't work
Stranger 1: That's where the hobbies part comes in!
Stranger 2: I gotta get me more of those
Stranger 1: Take up knitting, it's very therapeutic.
Stranger 2: I've been recommended that actually
Stranger 1: Or painting, throw paint around and you might be the next Jackson Pollock.
Stranger 2: That's not my thing, though. I actually failed the art class in school.
Stranger 1: Emil, it's all about the delivery.
Stranger 1: If you pretend you know what you're talking about, you can get away with anything.
Stranger 1: (Trust me.)
Stranger 2: I've started building little models, I find that pretty relaxing.
Stranger 2: But relaxing in general isn't my problem. I have a very large aquarium in my apartment with lots of colorful fish, I can sit for hours and just watch them
Stranger 1: Oh, that does sound pretty amazing.
Stranger 2: It really is. Except for when they fight
Stranger 2: I have Malawi cichlids and they are known for being really mean. They fight a lot.
Stranger 1: I know basically nothing about fish, does their fighting actually get bad?
Stranger 1: If so, what are you supposed to do? Just poke the tank and hiss at them?
Stranger 2: I suppose I could play god and take some out of the tank, but that's not really my style. Unless there is one major bully, I let them do their thing
Stranger 2: Mine are quite peaceful compared to some others, mine don't kill eachother.
Stranger 2: They just charge at each other, nip at their fins and maybe lip lock and wrestle a little
Stranger 1: Dang son.
Stranger 1: (I started saying that ironically, and now I can't stop saying it, help)
Stranger 2: I feel you! I always say "shit son" on here
Stranger 2: Or nah son
Stranger 1: I just looks so out of place when I say it, it's so displaced!
Stranger 2: With that attitude it is! You gotta have some immersion. Channel your inner black man and say it like you mean it!
Stranger 1: ...I basically look like a catholic school girl, doesn't work.
Stranger 1: And I did try.
Stranger 2: wa
Stranger 1: I did!
Stranger 2: Really?
Stranger 2: Now you got me curious, describe what you look like
Stranger 1: Uhm?
Stranger 1: Like me?
Stranger 1: Like a girl ?
Stranger 1: I don't know, friend!
Stranger 2: That's the worst description ever!
Stranger 2: Leia, pls, I expected so much more of you
Stranger 1: What do you want of me.
Stranger 1: Alright, short, doe eyed?
Stranger 1: I don't knowww
Stranger 2: How short are you?
Stranger 1: 156 on a good day?
Stranger 2: Hahaha, I actually expected an art student to paint me a very vivid picture of what you looked like. I'm honestly a little surprised
Stranger 1: Perhaps I could, perhaps I just wish not to?
Stranger 2: Yeah, fair point.
Stranger 2: You are tiny, though
Stranger 2: I really wish I was somewhere around 175 cm. There's no point in being my height
Stranger 1: Would it be bad of me to guess you're blonde?
Stranger 2: It'd be a bad guess if anything
Stranger 1: Well, I've been told girls find height an attractive quality.
Stranger 2: You've been told?
Stranger 1: Dang, Esteban.
Stranger 1: My feelings regarding tall men are entirely too biased.
Stranger 2: oh?
Stranger 1: (I'm assuming that oh? is prompting me to go further into detail)
Stranger 2: Aye.
Stranger 1: I just feel uncomfortable when surrounded by people much taller than I am.
Stranger 2: You'd have a blast around me, then. I really am 190 cm
Stranger 2: But yeah, that is one of the few upsides of being tall. Chicks dig it, but I can't fit on buses or most furniture. I bang my head on things constantly, especially old cellars like the one in my apartment building. Also adjusting the seat when driving is a nightmare. I can drive some brands, some I can't.
Stranger 1: Bathtubs are also an issue.
Stranger 1: Shoes, clothes.
Stranger 1: Beds.
Stranger 2: Oh, yeah, I haven't been in a bathtub in 15 years
Stranger 2: All those things
Stranger 1: My dad had the same problem.
Stranger 1: Beds.
Stranger 1: His feet stick out.
Stranger 2: Aye, feet always sticking out.
Stranger 2: I've learned to curl up
Stranger 1: Anyways,
Stranger 1: don't mean to brag, but I can fit anywhere.
Stranger 2: I really envy you
Stranger 1: OMG
Stranger 1: EMIL
Stranger 1: YES
Stranger 2: WHAT
Stranger 1: AH
Stranger 2: Hahahahaha
Stranger 2: I'm serious, I would do anything to be shorter
Stranger 2: Another major problem, that really, really sucks, is that it's difficult to build mass at the gym
Stranger 1: (aww, you go to the gym)
Stranger 2: A 160 cm guy walks in there and goes "I ate a hamburger and lifted the barbell, now I acidentally turned into Arnold"
Stranger 2: I don't anymore, because of injuries. Surprise surprise!
Stranger 1: Ayyye!
Stranger 1: Tall muscular people are so intimidating, I'm not even kidding!
Stranger 2: Seriously?
Stranger 1: Like, it's a genuine fear of mine.
Stranger 2: oh
Stranger 2: I'm not muscular, but I'm strong. That's always been my goal
Stranger 1: Geez.
Stranger 1: Again with the up-one.
Stranger 2: Hahahaha
Stranger 2: I have to be strong in my work!
Stranger 1: Point conceded.
Stranger 1: Still scary though
Stranger 2: I'm like a lamb
Stranger 2: I've been told I can look a bit intimidating, partly because of my size and partly because of my stare of death, but I'm a very gentle person
Stranger 2: I'm the kind that'll sit down and listen to you
Stranger 1: D:
Stranger 1: Emil, you sound nice.
Stranger 1: Why you gotta one-up me again.
Stranger 2: What'd I do this time? :(
Stranger 1: 'Aww, look at me i'm so nice'
Stranger 2: Hahahaha
Stranger 1: omg, you're ginger"!
Stranger 2: oh god no
Stranger 1: Dammit.
Stranger 2: nonono, not at all
Stranger 2: I have dark hair (which I usually keep very short), a small beard and blue/green eyes.
Stranger 1: See?
Stranger 1: Oh, hello I'm Emil, I can grow a bead hur hur hur
Stranger 2: You jelly?
Stranger 1: YES
Stranger 2: Hahahaha
Stranger 1: I'd look cute as a boy!
Stranger 2: oh god that's the worst
Stranger 2: That is the damn worst Leia
Stranger 2: I get called cute all the time
Stranger 2: What part of me is cute?!
Stranger 1: I called myself cute....
Stranger 1: But sure, you can be cute too!
Stranger 2: I know, but others call me cute in real life
Stranger 2: I don't get it. I'm not cute, I'm tall and scary damn it
Stranger 1: Sure thing.
Stranger 1: (I'd probably be scared of you, if it makes you feel better)
Stranger 2: I'm glad to hear that
Stranger 2: sort of
Stranger 2: You sound very fragile
Stranger 2: I'm not sure what makes me think that, but you do
Stranger 1: Oi!
Stranger 1: I'll take you on a fight cute-person!
Stranger 1: (But also, you might be onto something)
Stranger 2: oh it's on
Stranger 2: But I've been taught not to hit girls
Stranger 1: I can take you down in 23 seconds.
Stranger 1: I'll wear a fake moustache and lower my voice, you won't have to feel guilty
Stranger 2: Hahaha, okay. I never fight anyone, really.
Stranger 2: Fighting isn't really my style.
Stranger 1: Awww, you wittle thing!
Stranger 1: So, still not going to bed?
Stranger 2: I'm working on it!
Stranger 2: I'm not very good at it
Stranger 2: :(
Stranger 1: (Well, I'm not complaining, you're fun to talk to)
Stranger 2: So why are you still up then? Don't you have class tomorrow?
Stranger 1: Uni ended?
Stranger 2: oh
Stranger 2: Summer break?
Stranger 1: Yup
Stranger 2: What do you do all day?
Stranger 2: I'd get so restless
Stranger 1: Paint?
Stranger 1: Study?
Stranger 1: I do have work, but it pays basically nothing so it's purely for my own amusement
Stranger 2: What work is that?
Stranger 1: I help out at a used bookstore
Stranger 1: (You're laughing, aren't you?)
Stranger 2: Actually, I'm not. I've already got a pretty clear picture of what you're like.
Stranger 2: I picture you as a short, very quiet girl who often keeps in the background. You enjoy it when it's calm and quiet, no rock music allowed near you.
Stranger 2: Curly hair, glasses
Stranger 2: How wrong am I?
Stranger 1: Short, moderately quiet, often pushed in the conversation.
Stranger 1: I enjoy a moderate amount of noise, if I know what causes it.
Stranger 1: I had a 'metal phase'
Stranger 1: I sometimes curl my hair, but it is naturally straight.
Stranger 1: And I do need glasses, but I think I lost them in the metro.
Stranger 2: I at least got the glasses part right!
Stranger 1: Well I'm not wearing them now, still I'll concede that.
Stranger 2: It's hard to imagine you had a metal phase though
Stranger 2: What sort of music do you listen to now?
Stranger 1: I'm going to be the jerk who describes their music taste as eclectic.
Stranger 1: (Totally come off as snobbish)
Stranger 2: I have absolutely no idea what that sounds like.
Stranger 1: Eclectic as in diverse?
Stranger 2: oh
Stranger 2: So no one genre?
Stranger 1: Not one genre.
Stranger 1: So, will you allow me to write up your profile?
Stranger 2: Sure, go ahead.
Stranger 1: Tall.
Stranger 1: (See? I'm good at this)
Stranger 1: Most often found with heads in the clouds.
Stranger 2: Hahaha
Stranger 1: Reads books, but never finished them.
Stranger 1: Nice person whose friend always look up to for help.
Stranger 1: Had braces as a kid.
Stranger 1: Really into rap.
Stranger 1: Wears loose jeans, and only own two pairs of shoes.
Stranger 2: So far you got 2 right
Stranger 2: My friends often call me when they need to talk for a bit, or get something off their hearts. I know so many secrets it's absurd. Also I only own 2 pairs of shoes nowadays because I lost one pair last week
Stranger 1: Hm, closer than you got.
Stranger 2: pffft
Stranger 2: So what sort of music do I listen to?
Stranger 2: It's not rap.
Stranger 1: Showtunes.
Stranger 2: Leia pls
Stranger 1: Broadway showtunes.
Stranger 1: (Don't bash, some of them are amazing.)
Stranger 1: oh, Matchbox 20.
Stranger 1: That's something you'd listen to.
Stranger 2: Actually that does sound like something I'd listen to
Stranger 2: I forget which songs I like but I know I like some of theirs
Stranger 1: See? I'm great at guessing approximate things!
Stranger 2: Hahahaha. Guess where in Sweden I live.
Stranger 1: Wouldn't that be infringing upon your privacy?
Stranger 1: MALMO
Stranger 2: nah
Stranger 2: Honestly, I don't really care. If a 155 cm girl from France would come knocking on my front door tomorrow, I'd invite her in for a cup of coffee.
Stranger 1: I don't drink coffee.
Stranger 2: I also have whiskey and beer.
Stranger 2: okay no beer. Only whiskey.
Stranger 1: I suppose you have no tea?
Stranger 2: No tea. I live alone and I don't understand what tea is about.
Stranger 1: Oh, Emil.
Stranger 1: I'm coming over with some tea.
Stranger 1: Tea is great.
Stranger 2: Tea is just water with taste!
Stranger 1: It's like a warm hug in a cup.
Stranger 2: So is coffee if you make it right
Stranger 1: (Guess: You take your coffee black, because you don't mess around)
Stranger 2: Aye. As black as possible
Stranger 2: I've tried it with milk once, not really my thing.
Stranger 1: I applaud you.
Stranger 1: oh!
Stranger 1: I can totally drink you under the table!
Stranger 2: Oh, can you now?
Stranger 2: Little lady, I can still walk straight after 10 strong beers.
Stranger 1: I have got to stop challenging you to things.
Stranger 2: Hahahahah, yeah, you really do
Stranger 1: In all fairness, you're bigger than I am, so it only makes sense.
Stranger 2: I think it's partly because of my size, but mostly because of my tolerance really
Stranger 2: I drink pretty often, but I don't get drunk too often. I drink one or two beers a day when I have the night off.
Stranger 2: Either a beer, or a glass of whiskey with the coffee after dinner. Fancy as all hell, I assure you.
Stranger 1: Living the life, brother.
Stranger 2: Such is the single life
Stranger 2: Hey, you never told me your age
Stranger 1: Ay-men.
Stranger 1: Wanna guess?
Stranger 2: I have a really, really strong feeling that you're 22
Stranger 2: But probably 20.
Stranger 1: 19.
Stranger 2: damn it
Stranger 1: Oh, thunder here!
Stranger 1: :D
Stranger 2: oh no
Stranger 2: oh noooooooooooooo
Stranger 2: Rain is bad
Stranger 2: Rain means my chrome is gonna lose its shine tomorrow
Stranger 1: I have a few months before becoming an actual adult, seriously considering doing one last act of teenage rebellion.
Stranger 2: Hahahaha, do it!
Stranger 1: It's not raining where you are, you'll be fine!
Stranger 2: Flee to Sweden, drink coffee!
Stranger 1: Sweden is full of tall fashionable people.
Stranger 1: What am I going to do there.
Stranger 2: We're not actually very tall around here
Stranger 2: They say the average is 181 cm, but I have a hard time believing that. Most people are around 170-180.
Stranger 2: People my height are pretty rare
Stranger 1: Oh, you lonely giraffe.
Stranger 2: But at least I have my air all to myself
Stranger 1: I can see up people's noses.
Stranger 1: That's pretty great.
Stranger 2: Hahahaha
Stranger 2: That's one of my fears
Stranger 2: I'm serious. I saw a thread somewhere on the internet that short people apparently look up tall people's noses all the time
Stranger 1: YES.
Stranger 1: Sometimes, when I'm having a conversation with someone I dislike, I try to make them conscious about it,
Stranger 1: by staring at their nose, and scrunching my nose up.
Stranger 2: That is HORRIBLE
Stranger 2: But on the other hand I can make jokes about looking down on people
Stranger 1: Well, I always try to elevate myself,
Stranger 1: wouldn't work.
Stranger 2: I tried bending my knees when I was talking to my really short coworker once, she was not very amused
Stranger 1: (You have to lean on a wall or something)
Stranger 1: (It's less obvious)
Stranger 2: I gotta lean at an extreme angle though.
Stranger 1: Own up to your height then.
Stranger 1: Oh, lift your friend up! I bet she'll like it even less
Stranger 2: Hahaha, oh god she was so mad last time
Stranger 2: Normally when I hug short girls and it turns out to be one of those really long hugs, I just stand up straight and lift them up off the ground. That's apparently not very popular.
Stranger 1: omg no!
Stranger 1: Oh that's scary as heck!
Stranger 2: It's only like 30 centimeters though
Stranger 1: (I mean, standing hugs must be uncomfortable for you, but loord)
Stranger 1: I'm so afraid of being picked up.
Stranger 2: Think of it has a really warm rollercoaster
Stranger 1: Oh noo
Stranger 1: you don't understand.
Stranger 1: If someone can pick me up, they can throw me off a cliff.
Stranger 1: Simple as that.
Stranger 2: oh
Stranger 1: Besides, I automatically feel the need to wrap my legs, and that's probably weird.
Stranger 2: Hahahahaha, yes, a little, but some girls do that and I'm fine with it
Stranger 2: Hey, Leia, do you have Snapchat? I really should get an hour or two of sleep before work.
Stranger 1: Sorry I don't D:
Stranger 1: (really, you need to sleep Emil)