Stranger: Hello Adam
You: what's unique to your culture?
You: or symbols off the top of your head
Stranger: Our dances, foods
You: ok, what foods
You: for me, Wisconsin, it's cheese
Stranger: Ok
Stranger: Idk the name in english
Stranger: "Feijoada"
You: stew
You: special stew
Stranger: Stew?
You: (fei·jo·a·da
A Brazilian or Portuguese stew of black beans with pork or other meat and vegetables, served with rice.)
A Brazilian or Portuguese stew of black beans with pork or other meat and vegetables, served with rice.)
Stranger: Oww... Did you know, or you searched it?
You: searched
Stranger: Uhm...
Stranger: Great
Stranger: So, i am brazilian
You: I guessed
Stranger: And stew is our unique food
Stranger: Lol
You: =)
You: I'm glad
You: these spoiled boys that I babysit for
You: complain about "always"
You: having sandwiches for lunch
You: now I have something new (although they don't 'always' have sandwiches anyway)
Stranger: Are you a nanny?
You: define nanny
Stranger: The person who babysit kids
You: yes
You: I work hourly 7:30-3 at their house, and bring them to chess practice, soccer, etc
Stranger: Oww... Its cool
Stranger: Where do you live?
You: got a job after that too
You: Wisconsin
You: Sheboygan
You: along Lake Michigan
You: it was cold
You: went in on Sunday
Stranger: Oh
Stranger: You told it
Stranger: I forgot
You: I've done that here before =J too
You: Do you live in the city?
Stranger: Tell me more about your culture
You: Americans don't value education
You: I do
Stranger: Yes!
You: hubris
You: American hubris
Stranger: Education is so much important
You: agreed
You: there is even a word for these people:
You: intentional non-learners
Stranger: Here our education isn't so good
You: damn
You: Americans watch a lot of tv
You: I'd say we overindulge in negative/passive leisure
You: we're eating less and less as a family
You: not family meals, but individual
Stranger: Uauu! You have good words
Stranger: A great speach.
Stranger: Lol
You: you're still learning English?
Stranger: Yeah
You: will help
You: you learn American slang
You: it's also hilarious
Stranger: Thanks for the advice
You: I promote that site a lot here
Stranger: Why?
You: it's very useful
You: even when I was growing up
You: and someone said words I don't know
You: especially adult words
You: I'd always find the answer on that site
Stranger: But aren't you an american?
You: yes
You: as a child we don't know adult words
You: jacking off, blow job, etc
Stranger: Ohh... I see
You: horny, blue waffle
You: muffin top...some are cruel
Stranger: Yeah! I really need that site
Stranger: Haha
You: one of my Brazilian Skype friends noted how he just found out
You: about "sleeping with"
You: as he was telling me that he slept in the bed with this girl, but did not 'sleep with' her
Stranger: Lol
You: how old are you btw?
Stranger: 17
You: 20
Stranger: Ok
Stranger: Do you study?
You: formally
You: I'm going for electrical engineering
You: although, this past semester
You: I had to work part time, and go to online college
You: (since I did so poorly the semester before that)
Stranger: An interesting course
You: I have very low willpower
You: I would binge on online movies
You: other online things too
You: that's a significant reason why I did so bad
You: What do you want to do?
You: still in secondary school?
Stranger: International relations
Stranger: Yeah
You: if that's what you call it
You: wow
You: culture all the way!
Stranger: I want to work in a humanity organization
Stranger: Thats why
Stranger: I love other cultures
You: awesome
You: you mean
You: humanitarian--right?
Stranger: Yes!
Stranger: Hahah
You: =)
You: I know more than the average bear
You: about extreme poverty
You: NGOs
You: macro-economics
You: It really comes down to what I believe is my purpose in life
You: to lessen extreme poverty
You: (that was a terrible sentence)
You: grammar wise
Stranger: You have a good purpose in your life
You: thank you
Stranger: Everybody should have the same one
You: Why?
You: That's a bold statement.
Stranger: Because less people will die
You: I suppose...I'm happy that you're churning my thoughts that are usually kept dormant
Stranger: ;
Stranger: :)
You: I've reduced your position (everyone should care about it) to everyone should merely join/support a cause
You: any cause: AIDS, teen literacy rates in Chicago public schools, rights for women in Afghanistan, etc
You: but you said it so simply
You: because less people will die
You: bam
Stranger: Ok... Sorry for my simple answer
Stranger: Hahaa
You: brevity is the soul of wit
You: (quote)
Stranger: You know about many things...
Stranger: Do you read very much?
You: haaa, I've got an even better quote for that
Stranger: Thanks
Stranger: Haha
You: "By attempting many things, I have accomplished nothing”
You: I like to think I read often
You: I try, but to not
You: for example, I have a daily to-do list (
You: and one of my dailies is it be reading 20 min ago
You: until I go to sleep
Stranger: You type so fast
Stranger: Hahaha
You: mistakes too *but do not
Stranger: I like read too, but i seldom do that