Friday, February 20, 2015


You: Know a skill or occasionally do a hobby?
Stranger: I write, if that counts.
You: Yes
Stranger: What about you?
You: A few
Stranger: Such as?
You: lock bypassing
Stranger: That seems useless, unless you want to get into less then legal activities.
You: It's like playing piano
You: relaxing
You: I've talked with people who know how to get out of handcuffs--but I see no practical (legal) use to learn that
Stranger: You get into escapology, and then time travel to a time when that was relevant.
You: ha
You: well, I also know what locks are more secure than others
You: what to buy
You: so it's not all useless
Stranger: If you have something that valuable, buy more than a lock, if you don't, just get insurance and a crappy lock.
You: seems more the trouble
You: I'm a bit of a minimalist
You: so I don't have much to begin with
You: and what I do have, I use
You: "valuable" is more about the objects utility
You: than monetary worth